• “The only reason the Grays have such a degree of dominance over you is because your elected officials stupidly made clandestine agreements with them, binding you to them in an exclusive alliance that is respected by other space races, allowing them to install themselves in underground bases impregnable to your weaponry, a situation you must now find a way to extricate ourselves from.

(Note: In that the Grays have repeatedly violated these treaties, they should legally be considered null and void. In fact since the Executive branch of U.S. government was taken over by a fascist CIA coup d’etat in 1963 at the time of the John F. Kennedy assassination — AS WERE the governments of several other countries throughout the world where CIA backed military coups resulted in the establishment of fascist puppet dictatorships — should we not consider the Executive branch of government which made the ‘treaties‘ with the Greys, to be null and void as well? It certainly was not Congress who authorized such ‘treaties‘. – Branton),

  • “In antiquity, this planet was divided into sectors between four different groups: Blonds, Grays, large lizard-like beings [now connected with] the Capella system, and beings [now connected with] the Arcturus system. These groups still consider themselves to be the owners of this planet. They do not recognize the human claim to ownership. However, some of us do recognize human rights, as well as the rights of other life-forms…
  • “The Grays are having problems not only within their own ranks but also on other planets they have colonized. As a species, they are afflicted with severe, perhaps terminal, health problems (a weakness that can and should be exploited. – Branton). They have substantial captive populations of Blond, human and other prisoners of war, eager to join a revolt at the slightest opportunity…
  • “One must be rational in attempting to fight back, and understand the proper way to proceed. Your own consciousness is the most potent weapon that is available to you at the present time. The most effective way to fight the Grays is to change the level of your consciousness from linear thinking to multi-dimensional awareness.
  • Your secret weapon, your ace in the hole, is that you are not hive-minded collective thinkers, though many of you do fall into that category by conforming to conventional group-patterns, and are therefore easily controlled by the Grays. It is your INDIVIDUALITY which is your best weapon because it is the one weapon you have that the Grays do not have.
  • The major weakness of the Grays, their area of vulnerability, their Achilles heel, is their inability to think as individuals. They are an extremely telepathic high-tech society, but as individuals, they are not creative thinkers. They take orders well, but they do not conceptualize well. They have the technology to throw your planet out of orbit, but there is one key ability that you have and they do not have: the ability to hold in mind imagery that inspires an individual to realize his or her direct personal connection to the source of ALL THAT IS, which is the ineffable Godhead, no matter what name you may call it. That is your key to victory…”


It would be a grave error to give myself full credit for this volume, as I can state for absolute fact that most of the work on this volume was carried out by ‘others‘ who — operating through my unconscious mind — inspired me intuitively with the information, and led me to the sources and documentation, which were necessary for the completion of this book, which I consider a major challenge especially in spite of my own personal shortcomings.

This “backup team“, you might say, consists of a number of so-called ‘hybrids’ or ‘hu-brids‘ who have broken free from the draconian collective and established their own resistance movement based mainly within the underground systems of this planet — at least in the case of those ‘family members‘ or ‘relatives‘ of mine ‘beyond‘ this world who have inspired me with this work. Although they dwell within the cavernous recesses of this planet, they nevertheless interact with other worlds within the ‘Federation‘ who oppose the activities of the Draconian-Orion-Reticulan ‘collectivists‘. They are constantly working to establish freedom and truth here on [and under] planet earth.

Since the hybrids/hubrids ‘communicate‘ with me on the intuitive level rather than through audible or visual communication, I will attempt to ‘translate‘ their often strong impressions into ‘words‘ and convey what I believe they would have the readers to know and understand about themselves and their feelings towards us.

So here then is what I strongly feel, and believe, that these wonderful ‘people‘ would ‘say‘ to us:

Greetings friends;

Or should we say, brothers and sisters? For indeed we are your brothers, your sisters, and your children! Many of those who have had encounters with the ‘Greys‘ will understand exactly what we mean.

We are the children of your ‘seed‘, and although our DNA has been altered we nevertheless possess souls, and this makes us just as ‘human‘ as you.


Unlike our erstwhile masters who are lacking what you call ‘soul‘, many of us ‘hybrids‘ — realizing our foundational humanity — began to develop emotional individuality.

There are apparently several reasons why the Greys began the ‘hybrid‘ projects. Some projects were to breed stronger beings to serve their collective empire, others to breed ‘Greys‘ with human characteristics and specialized psionic abilities who could be used to understand humans on their own level and who could, in turn, teach the Greys how to more easily manipulate humans on various levels.

The Grey collective apparently did not take into account that there would be — by the Grace of God — so much resistance among our kind to their plans. You see, they could not fully understand the concept of individuality, compassion, and loyalty to one’s one kind.

We speak of the ‘collective‘ here and not of the individual ‘Greys‘, for when it comes down to it, there are no individuals among the reptilian collective… all serve as individual ‘cells‘ within a vast organism — the collective intellect or ‘Hive’ you might say.

But those of us who have developed free-agency and have broken free from the ‘Hive‘ HAVE developed human individuality. It is a long and difficult process to ‘wean‘ ourselves entirely from the collectivist mindset that many of us were born into. We maintain a limited degree of collectivity, however, we have established what you might refer to as a ‘firewall‘ between our society and that of the draconian ‘hive‘ itself. This is largely for the sake of other Hybrids who are joining us from time to time and is necessary for the process of ‘deprogramming‘ them from a mentality of collectivism and the continual development of their individuality.

The Dulce Papers – Chapter 34e

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