A 2D illustration of Leonhard Euler's purporte...
A 2D illustration of Leonhard Euler’s purported Hollow Earth thought experiment. Hollow planet with openings at the poles and an internal star. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“Briefly our theory is that the original nebula did not break up into a solar system but condensed into one planet. From observations of nebulae which are at this moment in various stages of their evolution we are forced to the conclusion that the rotating mass of gas, breaking off from its center nucleus forms an envelope of a roughly spherical shape which afterwards solidifies, leaving the central nucleus still in the center to form an inner sun.” Marshall B. Gardner

A Journey To the Earth’s Interior 1920As I have already reported (THEI, Volume III # 6, New News) scientists have found that the inner core spins faster than the outer shell. Yet they still refuse to admit what the inner core actually is. It’s a small inner sun. By admitted that they would be admitting that at least part of the “taboo” Hollow Earth Theory is now fact. Instead the new definition for the inner core is “a planet within a planet”. I have taken the following report from the San Antonio (Texas) Express-News for December 23, 1996 and removed any reference to things that are still not known. Thing’s that are only speculation – such as an outer core of molten iron.

Earth’s Spinning Core is planet within planet

Supercomputers try to decipher an independent spin

By William J. Broad
New York News Service

Remote and poorly known, the inner core is beginning to give up some of it’s secrets to scientists listening to faint rumbles in the ground with seismic instruments and probing the planet’s inner fury with the visualizations of supercomputers. A recent breakthrough is that the inner core appears to be virtually a planet within a planet…

Let’s stop right here for a moment…. What is the definition of a planet? According to my 1992 Edition of the New Illustrated Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language:

Planet.1 Astron. One of the non-self-luminous bodies of the solar system revolving around the sun as their center of motion.

The key words here are “non-self-luminous”…. Let’s continue to study the issue. The San Antonio Express-News report continues:

  • …. Now, scientists are extending that discovery to suggest even faster rates of inner rotation and to zero in on what drives the independent spin… “What’s amazing to us and other people is that it’s rotating so fast,” Robert Glatzmaier, a geophysicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico…”It’s a whole new way of thinking about the interior of the Earth that’s got so many people excited”…. The Earth’s inner core is a solid mass of blisteringly hot iron 1,600 miles wide, or slightly smaller than the moon
Related:  THE HOLLOW EARTH - In The Inner Earth

Just for fun lets go back to the ol’ Webster’s for a minute and look up another definition.

  • Sun 2. Any star, especially one that is the center of a system revolving around it. 3. The light and heat radiated from the sun; sunshine. 4. Anything brilliant and magnificent, so that it is a source of splendor.

Let’s apply our two definitions to the inner core.
Scientists are calling it “a planet within a planet”. According to the definition that would make it a non-self-luminous object.
Now we apply what we know to the definition of a sun. If Earth’s inner core is a “solid mass of blisteringly hot iron” then it must be giving off tremendous heat. Where there is intense heat there is always light. That light and heat radiating from the inner core would cause “sunshine”.By its very name, the inner core is indisputably the center of Earth’s system revolving around it. And, not even the best of the closed-minded skeptics can dispute the fact that the earth’s center core is damn right brilliant, magnificent and a source of splendor. So, no matter what the argument put forth, According to the New Illustrated Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language the inner core is not a planet within a planet as ”it shines from within.” Even a fool can see that the new findings proves that at the center of our planet is an inner sun just as Marshall B.Gardner’s theory said there was. Be the Earth hollow or not.If you couple these findings with the scientifically documented continents, valleys, and mountains that “cling to the underside mantle like stalagmites in a cave.” (Earth Magazine, August 1995, “Inner Earth Exposed) Mr. Gardner must be smiling in his grave about now.And Another Thing…On the same page of the December 23, 1996 issue of the San Antonio Express-News as the story of a “Planet within a Planet” is the following baffling report:

Local Scientists plan to Study gaseous fountains Above Earth’s Poles Don Sheron

(excerpts) Fountains of electrified gas above Earth’s poles – and not just the solar wind – may be partly to blame for the space storms that can knock out satellites and utilities on the ground.
A powerful space storm of March 13, 1989 knocked out transformers and caused problems throughout North America.
It had been thought that such electrical storms were caused by disturbances in the solar wind, spurred by sunspot activity but the announcement about these gas fountains last week offers a changing view about our planet…. These fountains were thought to exist, but the confirmation came from two instruments aboard NASA’s POLAR satellite, which was launched 10 months ago….” [according to Mario Acuna of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD.] “We have established reliably that these flows do exist.”After IMAGE ( Magnetopause-to Aurora Global Exploration) is launched in late 1999, it will examine these fountains as spew out plasma at 100,000 mph, ejecting material at the rate of 50 tons a day.

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Some of the electrified gas escapes into space, but the solar wind blows some of it back to Earth. There is enough of this material to create the northern lights, or aurora borealis, said Thomas Moore, chief of the space plasma physics branch at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama….. (Underlining added…dgc).Wait a minute! 50 tons of material ejected from the polar region a day! That’s a lot of plasma. Where does it come from? And now we find that this material creates the northern lights… but didn’t science always tell us that the northern lights came from material dropping from space? Wasn’t it Marshall B. Gardner who said there were holes at the North and South Poles and the Northern Lights came from an earthly source…. Hummmm.

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