(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality) — Page #1d

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

In reference to this, we will quote from a ‘synopsis’ of the experiences of Brazilian ‘contactee’ Jefferson Souza, as it appeared in a catalog put out by the UFO LIBRARY (11684 Ventura Blvd. #708., Studio City, CA 91604). Many of the individuals referred to in this catalog, which offers taped interviews or lectures describing their encounters, are either ‘contactees‘ who have had friendly encounters with the so-called ‘Nordic‘ or human-like beings who pilot many of the ‘alien‘ craft; or who have been ‘abducted‘ by the more manipulating and predatory ‘Gray‘ or ‘saurian’ entities. Quoting from their description of Mr. Souza’s experiences:

“Reaction to the first sighting of a UFO is unpredictable. Jeff Souza had his first contact in 1979 when he was only 13. The memory of it was tucked away in the recesses of his mind.

Twenty alien contacts during the next 10 years never fully restored the image. But those years were filled with excitement that would result in one of the most inspirational stories of alien contact ever recorded.

“The young Brazilian was possessed of intelligence and intuition. He studied and managed to complete one semester of medical school before giving up his formal education.

“In contact with two races of extraterrestrials, Jeff has met them in Brazil, Argentina, and the United States. But where they occurred is unimportant when compared to the depth and scope of what he learned.

“The gentle VEGANS and the business-like UMMITES taught Souza more than he could ever imagine about technology and life on all planets. He was transported aboard a spaceship by LIGHT (anti-gravity rays? – Branton) and taken to other planets and (other) parts of the world. On one such trip, he suffered an unusual reaction – all his hair fell out. His watch broke at every contact.

“Jeff Souza has been questioned by experts in the field of alien contact. He has been clinically regressed through hypnotism to the time of his first contact but the answers came only in Portuguese. At that age, Jeff could not speak English.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page #1f

“The details he has learned are awe-inspiring. Answers to questions about time, space, matter, energy, life and spirituality easily rolled from his tongue. All prompted by the alien contacts of his past and present.


“There is a final precaution from his contacts – we must all learn the lessons given to Jeff Souza because we are destroying our planet and if we don’t change, not even the friendly aliens will be able to save us.”

We see here then a definite connection between the subterranean of the Death Valley region, which is reportedly inhabited by the neo-Grecian (?) Hav-Musuvs and the human societies in ‘Vega‘ and ‘Ummo‘, which as we shall see later on, according to other contactees, are “Federated” with other human colonies or civilizations in Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani, Alpha Centauri, the Pleiades and elsewhere.

Although Jefferson Souza claims to have encountered the Ummo People in landed craft, the Vegans are the ones who allowed him to travel on their craft most often. It was also the Vegans who showed him the MASSIVE basing complex below Death Valley, which contained chambers miles in diameter and numerous compartmentalized sectors which had been adapted to meet the gravitational, atmospheric and environmental needs of the various Federation world representatives who use the base as a way-station for their operations on earth. Apparently the Hav-Musuvs have been VERY BUSY for the last few thousand years if we are to believe Souza’s account.

In addition to the above, Souza learned of two other alien species that are in conflict to some extent with the humanoids with whom he maintained contact. One of these includes an “Insectoid” type race, while the other is reptilian. The latter consists of a tall, very reptilian-saurian appearing “master” race to which the shorter reptilian “Grays” are subservient. There are at least three types of “Grays”, according to Souza: those that reproduce via egg-hatcheries, those that reproduce via cloning, and those that reproduce via polyembryony.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page #1h

One might ask: if some of our ancient ancestors were so intelligent that they could develop aerial craft, then where is all the evidence? The evidence is there but has been largely ignored by orthodox scientists who cannot fit the existence of advanced prehistoric civilizations into their own theoretical framework. For instance:

Ancient sophisticated artifacts discovered imbedded in SOLID ROCK (including ancient ‘spark plugs‘, metal cubes, gold chains, metal vases, nails, screws, and even electric batteries such as those described in Rene Noorbergen’s ‘SECRETS OF THE LOST RACES‘ – Bobbs-Merril Co., N.Y.), as well as artifacts found on the ocean floor, give evidence to the fact that our ancient ancestors were FAR more intelligent in the scientific realm than we give them credit for. Yves Naud, in his book “UFO’S AND EXTRATERRESTRIALS IN HISTORY” (Ferni Publishers, Geneva, Switzerland, 1978) describes one such artifact:

“In 1900, sponge divers near Antikythera (Greece), found rusty fragments of a metallic apparatus on the seafloor. Scientists at first thought that they were remnants of an astrolabe dating from 65 B.C. In 1959, the English scientist, Solla Price, made a discovery which astounded the professional world when he published it in the NATURAL HISTORY review of March 1962:

“‘ It appears that this object is really a computer which can determine and describe the movements of the sun, of the moon, and probably of the planets.’

“This modern expert felt extremely humble and could only pay homage to the high science of our ancestors, although the homage was tinged with fear.

“‘ It is quite frightening,’ he wrote in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN (June 1959), ‘to learn that, shortly before their great civilization crumbled, THE ANCIENT GREEKS had come as close as this to our time, not only in terms of their thinking but also in their scientific technology.‘”

Back to the Mojave Desert mystery — it would seem that, based on the various reports (many of which we will record later on), that the Mojave Desert of Southern California and the deserts of western Nevada may in fact be a secret ‘battleground‘ involving U.S. Government troops working in ALLIANCE with the alien races known as the ‘Nordics‘. Who are ‘they‘ fighting? Their battle, according to SEVERAL sources is against the ‘Grays‘ which have over the last century, possibly earlier, entrenched themselves below ground in underground ‘bases‘ in the Mojave Desert region and elsewhere.

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page #1c

Just as the U.S. government is allegedly working with ‘Nordics’ based at Mt. Shasta near Weed, California and others in nearby star systems such as those mentioned above who have a base below the Panamint Mt.-Death Valley region; their neo-saurian adversaries are allegedly working with others of their kind within a huge subterranean network centered below the Mt. Archuleta region near the town of Dulce in Northwestern New Mexico (which seems to be the U.S. CENTER of activity in regards to MIBs or ‘Men In Black’, abductions, mutilations, disappearances, sightings of reptilian entities and so on).

These ‘Grays‘ are allegedly working with other ‘Draconians‘ who have established themselves in Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta Reticuli, Altair in Aquila, Rigel and Belletrax Orion, as well as possibly other NEARBY star systems. Why is this ‘war‘ being carried on in secret? Partly because the U.S. Government does not believe that the American public can handle the truth. Just recall Orson Wells’ ‘WAR OF THE WORLDS‘ radio program of so many years ago, and the panic it incited.

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