(Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality)

Page # 3j

[7th edition]

Compiled by ‘The Group’ — Edited by ‘Branton’

Re-Edited 02,02,2020 for grammar and spelling – ‘Think’

“…A Soviet scientist who defected to the West said photographs taken by an orbiting satellite clearly show the ruined temples of a long-dead civilization – on the planet Mars!

“And LASER PROBES made by the secret Russian satellite revealed that the ruins littering the planet’s surface ARE INCREDIBLY YOUNG by space-time standards (i.e. a few thousand years or less, or contemporary to the height of the Egyptian Empire as some researchers suggest!? – Branton).

“The 58-year-old scientist was a high-echelon member of an elite team that has worked together since 1961 when Vostok 1 carried Yuri A. Gagarin as the first man in space.

“But Russia’s growing emphasis on the development of a nuclearized ‘Star Wars‘ satellite system in space prompted him to flee Russia. He now lives under an assumed identity somewhere in Switzerland.”

The following is from an ‘add’ introduction for Richard C. Hoagland’s book ‘THE MONUMENTS OF MARS: A CITY ON THE EDGE OF FOREVER’:

“In 1976, NASA sent four Viking spacecraft to Mars, to photograph the planet and to set landers on its surface to test for the presence of life. On July 25, as part of the mapping sequence to select a suitable landing site, one of the orbiters photographed a peculiar-looking mesa resembling a human face a mile long. At the time the facial resemblance was dismissed by NASA as a trick of light and shadow. However, three years later, two computer scientists, Vince DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar, rediscovered the photograph in the National Space Science Data Center.

“Richard C. Hoagland, former Science Advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News, consultant for Cable News Network, and Editor of STAR AND SKY was a member of the NASA press corps on that memorable day in July and is now in the forefront of the Mars investigation. Through careful analysis of a variety of photographs of the Cydonia region (in which the ‘face’ resides) and consultation with scientists and other professionals, he discovered the presence of other monuments and structures, including what is possibly an underground city in the style of Paolo Soleri’s arcologies, plus a series of regular relationships and symmetries among the artifacts.

Mars-And-Its-Moons-Phobos-And-Deimos“In a wide-ranging and profound analysis of the ‘Mars data,‘ Hoagland explains the importance of the ‘face’ and its implication regarding not only the past but future of the human species. As he himself writes: ‘I realized I was looking at something that was either a complete waste of time, or the most important discovery of the twentieth century… There is no middle ground. It either is or is not artificial… If it is, it is imperative that we figure it out because… IT DOES NOT BELONG THERE. Its presence, if it was made by someone, is trying very hard to tell us something extraordinary.’

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 3h

“Does the ‘face‘ summon us to Mars? Why is it OUR face? Why has NASA denied the existence of the artifact? What are the political implications of a Soviet-U.S. manned mission to Cydonia? Who were the ‘Martians?’ How does the existence of the ‘face’ change our entire history?

“The 30 SCIENTISTS, known as the Mars Investigation Group, think two photographs sent back from Mars in 1976 by the Viking space-probe indicate the existence of an ancient civilization, said Richard Hoagland, group member, and science writer.

“The photos show what appear to be four huge PYRAMIDS lined up symmetrically with the face about 6 miles away, suggesting a parallel with Stonehenge, the ancient monument of huge stones in England, Hoagland said Thursday.

“‘Geometrically, the face could be seen in profile [from the pyramids] as the summer solstice sun rose over it.’

“…Dr. C. West Churchman, a professor at the University of California at Berkeley and the group’s principal investigator, said there are too many details pointing to the possibility of an extinct (? – Branton) Martian race.

“‘ It’s hard to believe that all that symmetry could have been done by winds and sand as we know it on Earth,’ he said. ‘If it had just been the face, I would not have been that convinced. But the fact that these [pyramids] are lined up in a certain way with the face makes me inclined to believe that there was an ancient civilization.’

“The two Viking photographs were taken AT DIFFERENT TIMES of day, reducing the chance that the figures were illusions cast by tricky shadows, Hoagland said.

“The face, 1 mile long and 1 mile wide, appears to be looking toward the stars, he said.”

Former Navy Officer William Cooper, mentioned above, claims to have seen top-secret documents concerning UFO’s and related events (having seen a UFO himself – which was of tremendous size and rose out of the sea in full view of his shipmates) during his involvement with Naval Intelligence. Here is his story:

“…There have been many related sequential coincidences all throughout my life, incidents that by themselves would have led nowhere. Statistically, the odds against the same or a related sequence of events happening to one individual are astronomically high. It is a series of incidents that have convinced me that God has had a hand in my life. I do not believe in fate. I do not believe in accidents… “We have been taught lies. Reality is not at all what we perceive it to be. We cannot survive any longer by hanging onto the falsehoods of the past. Reality must be discerned at all costs if we are to be a part of the future. Truth must prevail in all instances, no matter who it hurts or helps if we are to continue to live upon this earth. At this point, what we want may no longer matter. It is what we must do to ensure our survival that counts. The old way is in the certain process of destruction and a New World Order is beating down the door…

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 3g

“I fear for the little ones, the innocents, who are already paying for our mistakes. There exists a great army of occupationally orphaned children. They are attending government-controlled day-care centers. And latch-key kids are running wild in the streets… and the lop-sided, emotionally wounded children of single welfare mothers, born only for the sake of more money on the monthly check. Open your eyes and look at them, for they are the future.

In them, I see the sure and certain destruction of this once-proud nation. In their vacant eyes, I see the death of Freedom. They carry with them a great emptiness–and someone will surely pay a great price for their suffering.

“If we do not act in concert with each other and ensure that the future becomes what we need it to be, then we will surely deserve whatever fate awaits us.

“I believe with all my heart that God put me in places and in positions throughout my life so that I would be able to deliver this warning to His people. I pray that I have been worthy and that I have done my job.

“THIS IS MY CREED – I first believe in God, the same God in which my ancestors believed. I believe in Jesus Christ and that he is my savior. Second, I believe in the Constitution of the Republic of the United States of America, without interpretation, as it was written and meant to work. I have given my sacred oath ‘to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic.’ I intend to fulfill that oath. Third, I believe in the family unit and, in particular, my family unit. I have sworn that I will give my life, if it is required, in defense of God, the Constitution, or my family. Fourth, I believe that any man without principles that he is ready and willing to die for at any given moment is already dead and of no use or consequence whatsoever. – William Cooper., August 3, 1990., Camp Verde, Arizona.”

The following document was released by William Cooper to members of various UFO RESEARCH and PATRIOT RESEARCH organizations. The manuscript, which ties together certain aspects of the ‘Secret Government’ and the ‘UFO Phenomena’, was titled: THE SECRET GOVERNMENT (The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12. May 23, 1989. Updated November 21, 1990):

Related:  THE SECRETS OF THE MOJAVE -- Page # 3f

“…I originally wrote this piece as a research paper. It was first delivered at the MUFON Symposium on July 2, 1989, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Most of this knowledge comes directly from or as a result of my own research into the TOP SECRET/MAJIC material WHICH I SAW AND READ between the years 1970 and 1973 as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. Since some of this information was derived from sources that I cannot divulge for obvious reasons, and from published sources which I cannot vouch for…(this) must be termed a hypothesis.

I firmly believe that if the aliens are real, THIS IS THE TRUE NATURE OF THE BEAST. It is the only scenario THAT ANSWERS ALL THE QUESTIONS and places the various fundamental mysteries in an arena that makes sense. It is the only explanation that shows the chronology of events and demonstrates that the chronologies, when assembled, match perfectly. The bulk of this I believe to be true if the material that I viewed in the Navy is authentic. As for the rest, I do not know, and that is why this paper must be termed a hypothesis. Most historic and currently available evidence supports this hypothesis.

“During the years following World War II, the government of the United States was confronted with a series of events which were to change beyond prediction its future and with it the future of humanity. These events were so incredible that they defied belief. A stunned President Truman and his top military commanders found themselves virtually impotent after having just won the most devastating and costly war in history.


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