Cathy O’Brien
Sub Fugura 5

archived 10-07-99
Archive file# e100799i
donated by James Vandale

Subject: IUFO: ::: Reptoid Rape :::

Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series
On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O’Brien was subjected to an occult ritual she called “The Rite to Remain Silent” in alleged preparation for her future interdimensional expeditions. “I work for the Vatican, and now, so do you,” [Michigan State Senator, Guy] VanderJagt told me. “You have just entered into a covenant with the holy Catholic church. You must never break that covenant.”

Still capable of questioning at that time, I asked, “What is a covenant?”

VanderJagt answered, “A covenant is a promise to keep secrets, the secret that the church knew all along. The Pope has all the secrets locked away at the Vatican. Your Uncle Bob and I have been to the Vatican. It is time you entered into the holy covenant and learned the secrets of the church that were written long before Christ even came into being. The Dominican monks kept the covenant that Noah carried into the new world. They kept the secret with them. It was written on parchment and kept in a secret place in the Vatican. They took a Vow of Silence to never reveal its location, or its content. You must enter into the covenant. You must carry the secret to your grave. Keep it secret from your mom, dad, everybody.”

VanderJagt proceeded to fill my suggestible young mind with biblical interpretation that laid the groundwork for future “inter/inner dimensional” programming themes utilized by Project Monarch programmers to control the compartmentalization of memory synonymous with MPD/DID.

“Christ saw them all,” VanderJagt was telling me. “They are dimensions, places you can see on your way to death. That’s why they’re called die-mentions. You must remember that Christ died and came back to tell us everything he saw while he was on his way to heaven. He was gone three days, but it was much longer than that where he was because time isn’t the same in other dimensions. Purgatory is one other dimension. Hell is one. And there are lots of others in between. Oz is another dimension. The sky is not the limit to all the worlds out there waiting to be explored. You can travel in and out of all these dimensions, learning the secrets of the universe. You have been chosen to explore these other worlds for the church. Listen in the stillness and you will hear his voice guiding you on your missions. The rosy cross is like Dorothy’s ruby slippers. Never take your rosy cross off, Cathy, when traveling other dimensions and you will always be able to return home.”

Father Don [apparently from Muskegon’s St. Francis of Assisi Church] joined VanderJagt in a ritual which bathed me in the blood of a slaughtered lamb, and subsequently, through this hideous blood trauma, locked their stated perceptions and a basis for mind-control programming deep in my mind. This basis for programming was anchored in the Vow of Silence which the Jesuit monks take “not only to keep secrets, but so they can still their mind and hear their inner guidance.” Certain that the “Rite to Remain Silent” which they had performed would ensure that I keep their secrets, Father Don and Guy VanderJagt subjected me to their pedophile perversions. The two joked that I had become “a good Cathy-lick”.


Cox was ordered out of Johnston’s office, and he turned his full attention to me. When alone with the Senator [U. S. Senator Robert C. Byrd, D. West Virginia], Johnston [J. Bennett Johnston, Shreveport, LA. , General Dynamics R & D] manipulated my mind, and ultimately my beliefs and perceptions, for future programming. He referred to a picture of himself shaking hands with unknown Navy brass as he dramatically told me, “I was there that fateful day in 1943 when a hole was ripped in the fabric of time through what later became known as the Philadelphia Experiment. All those fine boys vanished along with their ship in a bizarre twist of events that parallels the Atlantis disappearances. A vortex was created in an effort to slip dimensions and become invisible to the enemy. It was a success beyond the highest expectations and launched us all info universal travel. It is no wonder at all that we have had a man on the moon. Traveling to distant planets and galaxies is Mickey Mouse stuff in comparison to the high tech wizardry of trans-dimensional travel. Trans-dimensional travel circumvents all measures of time, including distance and speed. When the fabric of time was torn, we opened ourselves up to intergalactic travel — both in and out of this dimension — and in and out of the future, as well as the past. We can alter the course of history by traveling back in time to alter events, or we can blast off into the future and gain wisdom and knowledge of events yet to come.

We can control the future by controlling the past. At present, this is a relatively easy task according to the theory of relativity and abilities gained through the Philadelphia Experiment. I came back an ET (extraterrestrial) myself. And our ship returned to this Earth as a spaceship. I gained the keys to the universe on that fateful day, and I carry them with me now, sharing only a Key or two at a time with those who are Chosen. You are a Chosen One (Johnston was deliberately interfacing with Rite to Remain Silent conditioning), and therefore must learn the ins and outs of interplanetary travel. Your mission is trans-dimensional.

You can span infinite dimensions by learning from me. Take it from me, you’re going places, kiddo. And I’ll teach you to get there by riding the light. I’ll teach you the groundwork, and you do the light work. The key to the universe lies in the speed of light. The only way to travel is by beam of light. You will learn to go to the light…Your mission is to learn how to Tinker with time. I’m going to take you on that journey myself. Come with me now. It’s time we were leaving this plane and boarding another.”

Johnston took me the short distance from his General Dynamics Corporation provided office to the Barksdale Air Force Base airfield. He was apparently well known at Barksdale, and a small cargo plane was ready to take us to our destination — Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma.


::: About Faces :::

Soon after Kelly (Cathy’s very young daughter) was inducted into George Bush’s “Neighborhood” through horrific sexual abuse, Bush enforced his controls on me. Our mind-control handler, Alex Houston, had taken Kelly and me to Washington, D.C. for separately scheduled meetings with Bush. Kelly had already been escorted by agents to her rendezvous with him that morning, during which time I had been ordered to one of U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd’s offices located in the nearby FBI Hoover Building. There, Byrd reinforced his holds on me by claiming control of the Justice Department and “proving” once again that I had “no where to run and no where to hide”. My horror reaction was compounded when Byrd looked at his pocket watch and notified me in Alice in Wonderland cryptic language, “You’re late, you’re late for a very important date,” referring to my meeting with Bush.

I sprinted from the Hoover Building, encountering Houston who waited just outside. Houston hurried me to the Smithsonian where I waited for my escorts as instructed at the “Face Changing” exhibit. This computerized exhibit illustrates how an individual’s face can take on a radically different appearance by slightly altering any single feature.

The exhibit fascinated me as a programmed MPD since multiples often experience the unnerving phenomena of routinely not recognizing themselves in a mirror due to switching personalities. A multiple’s face often changes slightly with each switch, which “validates” the religious communities’ perceptions of so-called “demonic possession” in occultism. Logic quickly dispels this belief when it is realized that everyone’s expression changes according to emotion, by skin color and tones, blood pressure, and by tightening or relaxing specific micro muscles.

An MPD’s face changes are more exaggerated when these natural conditions are combined with the results of sophisticated programming. “Charm School” teaches subconscious control over these natural phenomena as a ready- made disguise on government slaves such as myself, as well as to enhance sex slaves’ “beauty” to their maximum potential. I was incapable of thinking or logically understanding my fascination with the display, as I stood totally enthralled, waiting for my escorts as ordered.

As the escorts approached, I was relieved to see Kelly with them. Though she was visibly tranced and traumatized, the fact that she was alive was all I was capable of grasping. When she saw the “Face Changing” exhibit, she excitedly exclaimed, “Uncle George [Bush] just read me a book about this!” Before I could hear anymore, I was led away, leaving Kelly with our handler, Houston.

I was then quickly taken to Bush’s Residence Office, which heretofore was unfamiliar to me. Although it had slate blue, plush carpets and fine furnishings like the White House office, lattice work and smaller rooms provided a different air. I sat in a hard-back wooden chair as ordered, while Bush carefully positioned himself in front of me on a little wooden footstool. This allowed me clear visibility of the large book that he held in his lap. All illustrations faced me, while all text except the last page was printed in the holder’s direction. This book was a unique, high tech piece of art specifically designed to enforce Bush’s favorite method of programming, “You Are What You Read”. The juvenile face depicted on the front of this hardcover book gave it the appearance of a children’s storybook. It was entitled _About Faces_.

Bush explained the dynamics of “changing faces” and “becoming what I read”. Although I had been conditioned to this idea all of my life through Disney stories, _The Wizard of Oz_, _Alice In Wonderland_, etc., I was not prepared for Bush’s version of “You Are What You Read” programming explanations. The illustrations themselves were elaborate, consisting of mirrors add hypnotic depictions. He seemingly made the book come alive in my mind as he read page after poetic page of hypnotic, metaphorical language, all the while creating powerful illusions. His impersonations of the characters further enhanced the desired affect of fantasy becoming reality. This extraordinary effort to scramble reality would have worked — perfectly — had it not been for another victim and myself discussing it only a few days later. The purpose of Bush’s book was clearly explained within the first few pages, which included the following passage:


I am the Vice President when circumstance demands, And I am your Commander, you’ll follow my commands. The first command’s important — It is one you will heed, When I send you a book, you are what you read.

Throughout my tenure as a Presidential Model mind-controlled slave, I was provided specific books according to Bush’s program. These books, delivered through pre-established channels such as Ken Riley, Alex Houston, and even Ronald Reagan, came complete with specific commands on how they were to be interpreted and used. Some books were used to instruct me on operations; some were an attempt to scramble my memory with fantasy; others were used to load my mind with pertinent data such as bank account passbook numbers, and so on.

I was provided a paperback book entitled Afghanistan, from which I absorbed history, current political events, and the strength of the Afghany Freedom Fighters. I have since learned that the book I read was never publicly released in the text it was provided me. According to instruction, the book was delivered back to Bush as quickly as I finished memorizing it. I wonder in retrospect if any part of it contained fact beyond how I was supposed to perceive it.

I read stories of espionage, including Robert Ludlum’s _Bourne Identity_, and William Diehl’s _Chameleon_. Mostly I was provided steamy sex novels for further training as well as scrambles. Kelly was conditioned to fairy tales, Steven Speilberg’s _ET_, NASA NSA operative George Lucas’ _Star Wars_, and the nightmarish _Never Ending Story_. Steinbeck’s _Of Mice and Men_ caused Kelly constantly to quote the defendant character of Lenny for years saying, “Tell me what to do, George”. She still does this each and every time I am allowed to visit with her in the mental institution. The attending therapist overseeing the visit has yet to pick up on this programming cue, and I am forbidden by Juvenile Court order not to discuss Kelly’s past or therapy.

Bush’s most effective example of “You Are What You Read” in his book _About Faces_ occurred during his reading of the page depicting lizard-like “aliens” from a ‘”far-off, deep space place”. Claiming to me to be an alien himself, Bush apparently activated a hologram of the lizard-like “alien” which provided the illusion of Bush transforming like a chameleon before my eyes.


::: E.T. Phone Rome :::

Anyone attending the Bohemian Grove on a regular basis was referred to by those in the know as a “Grover”. One such Grover was Ronald Reagan’s then Secretary of Education, Bill Bennett. Bill Bennett, who later became “Drug Czar” during the Bush Administration, wrote the so-called _Book of Virtues_ and was/is? vying for the office of President. Bennett is apparently very close to his brother and fellow Grover, Bob Bennett. Although Bob Bennett holds the position of Legal Counsel to President Clinton, it is apparent that the brothers recognize no party lines.

It was clear to me that there were no partisan differences amongst those ushering in the New World Order, any more than there was loyalty to our Constitution. The close relationship I witnessed between the Bennett brothers, like the marriage between Clinton’s and Bush’s 1992 campaign managers James Carville and Mary Matlin, should raise questions as to their agenda.

When Bill and Bob Bennett together sexually assaulted my [very young] daughter, Kelly, and me at the Bohemian Grove in 1986, I had already known Bill Bennett as a mind-control programmer for some time. Bennett anchored his Jesuit/Vatican based programming of me in my Catholic conditioning initially instilled via the Rite to Remain Silent. Through further manipulation of my “inner-dimensional” perceptions, Bennett believed he had forever compartmentalized his personal secrets of perverse sex with his brother, Bob, and my then six-year-old daughter. Bennett also had manipulated my mind in accordance with Vatican “Orders” via Byrd’s Jesuit College programming center in West Virginia. He used his role as Jesuit programmer for the purposes of carrying out his efforts as Education Secretary to implement Education 2000.

In order to program my mind for my role in bringing Education 2000 into the “Volunteer State” of Tennessee’s school system, Bennett used sophisticated mind manipulation to set the stage — the same kind of mind manipulation propaganda executed on national and international scale. Bennett’s penchant for manipulating minds is apparently rooted in his knowledge of Catholic/Jesuit mind-control techniques.

When I met Bennett at a White House cocktail party in 1984, I was wearing the rosy cross necklace that Guy VanderJagt and Father Don had presented to me during my first communion, to signify the mode of program I was operating under at the time. Byrd had ordered that I wear it for the occasion.

Byrd was already talking with Bennett when a White House butler led me in to see Byrd. Byrd was saying, “I was just talking about you with my friend, Secretary of Education William Bennett.”

“Bill,” Bennett corrected, sweeping his lecherous gaze over me as though I were merchandise. “How do you do?”

“As I am told, thank you,” I said as I extended my hand as trained.

Bennett clumsily fingered the rosy cross necklace, blowing his alcoholic breath in my face as he said, “Your necklace is as beautiful as you are, and no doubt, as significant in purpose. Where did this come from and what does it mean to you?”

“From my first communion,” I responded. “Guy (Byrd interrupted to clarify ‘VanderJagt’) gave it to me to consummate my holy communion.”

Byrd corrected me, “Commemorate your holy communion.” “She doesn’t need a translator, Bobby,” Bennett laughed. “I’m hearing her loud and clear.”

Byrd left me with Bennett, who went into a long winded recitation on an interpretation of the Bible deliberately intended to further distort my Catholic instilled perceptions. “Christ was an alien in this land,” he was saying in accordance with his learned Jesuit mind manipulation techniques. “Once he landed in Earth’s plane, it was plain to see he was a leader in inter-dimensional travel. We (Jesuits/aliens) followed his lead since he was the first to slip into Earth’s dimension. In Christ’s transformation from porpoise to purpose, he lost his will to Earth’s demands. He lost his porpoise, so to speak.” Totally “trance-fixed,” I listened as Bennett rattled on and on.

“When Christ emerged from the deep to inhale of Earth’s atmosphere, time began ticking. It was not recognized or acknowledged until Christ’s passing, however. We began marking time with his death. BC — AD — or is that AC-DC?” Referring to high voltage used to compartmentalize memory, he continued, “No, AC in DC stops time. At any rate, we followed his lead. He referred to you as sheep. He knew you needed to be led. He led us. He led you. He led us to you. We’re here to lead you. The transformation is perfected now, updated with the latest in alien technologies whereby we no longer have to follow Christ’s course to the grave. We can transcend dimensions free of the confines of Earth’s gravitational pull. The time is now, and we are here to lead you. We know your mind. That’s how we make you mind. Make you mine. Make you a mind. Make you mine. Journey with me now….”

Bennett manipulated my perceptions until, at last, he informed me, “You and I will be working closely together on a global education project.” Sweeping his hand around the crowded room, he continued, “This atmosphere is not conducive to the kind of work we need to be doing. Something else just came up that demands immediate attention. Let’s complete tonight’s business with pleasure, beat it out of this dimension, suspend your suspended animation, and get with the program.”

In one of many White House bedrooms available for such purposes, Bennett led me into bed “I told you we were going to beat it out of this dimension, and that’s exactly what I intend to do. A little Byrd told me you like a whip. Since I am not the Senate kind, I’ll just represent the majority by giving you what you need most.”

Bennett apparently found perverse pleasure in whipping me. With my wrists bruised and my body stinging with pain, Bennett lit up a cigarette and cryptically asked, “Was that your first cum-union with an alien?”

He threw me my clothes, and ordered, “Make yourself presentable. Make sure your wrists are covered. I’m not waiting around for you, I’ll see you in the morning.”

Bennett left. After awhile I was escorted back to Byrd, with whom I spent a brutal, short night. On the way to his room, Byrd told me, “You’ve got work to do come morning with Mr. Bennett. Working for him is like working for me. We are working in conjunction with the state Governors in an effort to implement the global 2000 education formula for the future. I am excited at the prospect of meddling in the future through what I accomplish today. Since I hold this country’s purse strings, it is up to me to delegate as much funding as is necessary to implement the educational program. I’ve withheld funding and withheld funding to the point where the individual states must rely on federal funding to get them out of hot water financially. I am ready to do just that so long as they follow my guidelines. Mr. Bennett is working out the details of this plan, and will be sharing much of that with you. I need you to do what you do best by enlisting the full cooperation of state government at the upcoming Governor’s Convention. I have never demanded Conventional sex of you before, but this time is different. Persuade these Governors at their weakest moment — bring them to their knees while you are on yours, and convince them that global education is the gateway to the future if there is to be any future at all.”

See also  1999: Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series 1

Early the next morning, deep underground in the NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center mind-control lab near D.C., Bill Bennett began preparing me for the program. NASA uses various “CIA designer drugs” to chemically alter the brain and create exactly the mindset required at the time. Huntsville, Alabama’s NASA drug of choice, “Train-quility,” created a feeling of absolute, peaceful compliance and a sensation of walking on air. The drug administered this time was sufficiently similar to Tranquility to create total compliance. The beating I had endured the night before had rendered me helpless, anyway, and I could barely crawl up onto the cold, metal lab table as the drug took effect.

In the darkness surrounding me, I could hear Bill Bennett talking, “This is my brother, Bob. He and I work as one unit. We are alien to this dimension — two beings from another plane.”

The high-tech light display swirling around me convinced me I was transforming dimensions with them. A laser of light hit the black wall in front of me, which seemed to explode into a panoramic view of a White House cocktail party — as though I had transformed dimensions and stood amongst them. Not recognizing anyone, I frantically asked, “Who are these people?”

“They’re not people, and this isn’t a spaceship,” Bennett said. As he spoke, the holographic scene changed ever so slightly until the people appeared to be lizard-like aliens. “Welcome to the second level of the underground. This level is a mere/ (mirror) reflection of the first, an alien dimension. We are from a transdimensional plane that spans and encompasses all dimensions.”

“Infinite dimensions,” Bob injected. “Infinite dimensions spanned simultaneously.”

Bill said, “No limitations”.

Bob softly sang, “Let freedom ring”.

“There truly is no where to run and no where to hide from us. We’re who is looking from behind the Eye in the Sky,” Bill continued.

“We’re watching you,” Bob said. He sang a line from the popular rock song “I’ll Be Watching You”.

“I have taken you through my dimension as a means of establishing stronger holds on your mind than the Earth’s plane permits,” Bill Bennett was saying. “Being alien, I simply make my thoughts your thoughts by projecting them into your mind. My thoughts are your thoughts.”

The brief message Bennett programmed me with pertaining to Education 2000 was to be directed to state Governors at the upcoming convention while delivering a packet of information:

“The children. We must consider the children. Think for a moment beyond tomorrow. Our children are the future. Their future lies in education. We can control the future today by regulating education. Our thoughts and plans for the future — put in their text. A text they can understand. Children’s textbooks. The highest levels of government, the most brilliant minds on the face of this Earth would like input into the future by way of the children. You, as Governor, are in a position to provide that link. Global Education 2000 is ready for implementation. Look into it. Look into it and see the future.”

The above material was excerpted from the book:

Trance Formation of America:
The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave
1995 by Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips
P.O.B. 158352, Nashville, TN 37215

Trance-Formation of America is available from these locations

Bridge of Love – United Kingdom

Elaine and the Sisters of Light
Sub Fugura 6

archived 10-07-99
Archive file# e100799j
donated by James Vandale

Subject: IUFO: ::: Reptoid Rape :::

Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series
The first demon that I actually saw, manifested to me in physical form during that first ceremony when I signed the contract. The next demon I actually saw, was the first “conjured-up” demon of my own. As I performed the appropriate incantation he appeared in a cloud of smoke which smelled strongly of sulfur. The whole episode was a very elaborate, very staged type of thing, but he was very real. Again, he was in a physical form.

He was huge, about eight feet tall. He had a body much like a man, yet different. He was all black. We have since come to know this class of demons as Black Warriors. He had fiery red eyes, huge hands, and his armor was really his skin. It was made up of thick, black, hard scales, something like a tortoise’s shell. Each scale was about six inches square. I knew that this was a powerful demon and I had called him up just to see if I could do it. As he stood silently staring at me, I told him that I was the “chosen one.” His response was, “I know who you are, and I know that I am sent here to guard you and that nothing will ever harm you as long as I’m here, and as long as you serve the almighty Satan, our lord and our god.” His name was Ri-Chan. He fought many battles both for me, and, when I was disobedient to Satan, against me.

I saw and conversed with many demons after that. As my skill grew in being able to see the spirit world, I was able to see and talk with demons without them taking on a physical form. Indeed, I rarely asked them to appear physically except on occasions when I wanted to impress or frighten someone lower in the cult than myself.

The next major demon I summoned was Mann-Chan. This was during one of my training sessions with the high priestess in her home. She told me that I was at a point in my training where I must learn and do a very special incantation. She did not tell me the purpose of the incantation and I did not ask. I knew this day was an important one because of the special preparations made.

First, I drew on the floor with chalk a very large pentagram, then drew a circle around it. (The purpose of the circle around the pentagram is to keep the demon summoned inside the circle unless you gave him permission to move out of it. The circle is supposed to protect the witch from the demon who comes. In reality, of course, the demons do pretty much whatever they want so I quickly learned to be very careful not to summon a demon that was stronger than the demons I had protecting me.) Carefully, I placed a black candle in each corner of the pentagram, then a much larger black candle in the center. All six were lit.

A table with a hot plate on it was set up close to the side of the pentagram. The contents of a kettle had been prepared earlier by the high priest. It was filled with desecrated holy water, that is, holy water from a Catholic church which the high priest then urinated into. He had also taken a dog and killed it and drained its blood into a special jar which he had given to me to take to the high priestess’ house. She then gave me some powders and herbs. The water in the kettle was brought to the boil on the hot plate just before I started the incantation.

I asked no questions, but obeyed the high priestess’ instructions to the letter. I sat on the floor, staring into the black candle in the center of the pentagram, murmuring: “O great Satan, the power and builder and creator of the universe, I beg thee, give me a demon to be the guide and light of my life — to give me all wisdom and knowledge. My beloved, Oh master, grant to me my wish!” At that point the high priestess spoke the name Mann-Chan to me.

I then said, “Mann-Chan come, you are welcome into my body, I bid thee arise from your hiding place.” I took the powders and herbs and blood and cast them into the boiling kettle. The steam rose and immediately the room was filled with a very foul odor, I then dipped a desecrated golden goblet into the kettle, filling it. I set the goblet carefully down on the table and waited expectantly. Within about five minutes the liquid in the goblet had completely turned to powder. Then I took the goblet and threw the powder from it into the flame of the large candle in the center of the pentagram.

Immediately there was a whoosh and a huge flame. The candle disappeared in blinding white light. As the light died down over the next few seconds, I could see the figure of what appeared to be an incredibly handsome young man. He had coal black hair and piercing black eyes that radiated intelligence. I hurried to my knees beside the pentagram. With a rag, I wiped away the chalk to form a clear pathway through the pentagram.

The young man, who was actually the demon Mann-Chan in a physical form, stepped through to the outside of the pentagram on the pathway that I had made. He spoke to me in perfect English in a gentle manner and with what seemed to be great love. He told me that I was to be inhabited by him and he promised that no harm would come to me. He told me that he would give me all wisdom and knowledge, he would be my teacher and guide. He called himself my “redeemer.” I agreed, very much awed by his beautiful countenance. He then walked straight into me. But, in the instant before he entered, he changed from the human form to the demon he really was. HIDEOUS!

He was naked, his face had changed from beauty to hideous cruelty. The beautiful coal black locks of hair had become dull brown and were coarse and sparse and stubby like pig bristles. His eyes were incredibly dark and evil, his mouth open to show long sharp dirty yellow fangs. He had very long arms, his hands had stubby fingers tipped with long sharply pointed nails. He uttered a horrible hideous loud laugh of triumph as he stepped directly into my body. I screamed out. First at the sight of him, then at the pain of his entrance. Searing, agonizing pain, such as I had never before experienced. I felt as if my body was on fire. I felt as if I was going to die and at that particular moment I wished with all my heart that I could do so. Ri-Chan stepped forward on hearing my cry, thinking that perhaps I was being attacked from without. But Mann-Chan spoke to him and told him that it was he and not to worry. As the pain died down, Mann-Chan told me that that was a small demonstration of what I would get if ever I disobeyed him and also to let me know that he was there to stay, that nothing, and no one could ever make him leave!


From that point on Mann-Chan was the main demon in my life. He communicated with me by putting thoughts directly into my mind. I communicated with him either by speaking aloud or by speaking with my spirit body. I did not fully realize it then, but Mann-Chan could not actually read my mind. He controlled me and kept all my doorways open to Satan and the other demons so that they could come and go as they chose, and also as I willed. My life became centered around him. I gave all of my time and effort trying to gain control of him, but he had more control of me than I did him. Often he knocked me unconscious and completely controlled my body, using it as he pleased, frequently speaking through my mouth. He controlled when I ate and slept, how well I did my work, how well I got along with people — my very life itself.

I learned through him how to use demons, how to use them in spiritual warfare. How to use them to strengthen my own spirit body, how to use them in ceremonies against other people, other witches, churches and even ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He gave me the ability to speak many languages and to walk and talk with great authority and power.

But Mann-Chan was not the light that he promised or the thing of love and beauty as I had first seen him. He was something evil and rotten and was eating away at my soul and body, causing me much suffering and much pain many many times because I would not uphold or participate in human sacrifices. Life was a continuous nightmare from that point on. I was living a double existence. That is, I was a member of the satanic cult and also simultaneously a member of a very large Christian church where I taught and sang and participated in all sorts of activities. I was torn constantly, never free for a moment, completely trapped.

I then began to have many battles with many witches. Battling is done in several ways. The most common is for the stronger witch to call the demons out of the weaker witch into herself, thus making her even stronger and often resulting in the destruction of the weaker because she no longer has the power to defend herself. Demons have no loyalties. They will always go to the stronger person. Satan’s entire kingdom runs on the principle of competition; just the opposite of God’s kingdom where everyone serves each other.

Battling is rarely if ever done on a physical plane, although witches do often use demons to destroy the physical body of a weaker witch. There was one witch in particular who attacked me. Her name is Sarah. I tried to explain to her that if she did not leave me alone I would have to destroy her. She did not believe me and finally we entered into full battle. What I saw was absolutely horrifying. I saw her grow weaker and weaker as I called demon after demon out of her and into myself. At first her demons fought back and I felt my own body being lifted up, thrown against walls, my throat being strangled without the sight of a physical hand. But what she saw was Mann-Chan and Ri-Chan and many other demons coming against her. They were tearing her body apart. She finally realized that I was truly the chosen one, that I was to be the high priestess and that she had lost the battle.

She withdrew in time to live and I thank God for that. She ended up in the hospital for quite some time as a result of the injuries she sustained in the battle.

My first meeting with Satan came shortly before the ceremony in which I became the high priestess. He came to me in the physical form of a man and we sat down and talked. He told me that I was to be his high priestess, that I was very special to him. He told me also that there had to be a sacrifice; more blood had to be shed for my “purification” so that I could become his high priestess. I hated that, but was relieved to find that at least it was to be an animal sacrifice.

What I saw was a man, exceedingly handsome, very bright and sunny and shining. He seemed to have great love for me and didn’t seem to be in any way a danger to me. Mann-Chan gave no indication of danger and neither did Ri-Chan. I was very much awed by this meeting. I wanted him to come back, I felt a need deep down inside for him. For the first time in my life I felt really loved. How wrong I was. Satan hated my guts. He wanted only to use me for his own benefit and then planned to destroy me.

I attended cult meetings very regularly during my 2 years of training. The meetings were held in barns, churches, houses, lodges, all different places. On the occasions when Satan was personally present, I was drawn more and more to him like a moth is attracted to a flame. He knew very well that he had me trapped.

Just before becoming a high priestess I saw a human sacrifice for the first time. We were in an old barn with at least a thousand people present. A small baby was used. She was selected because her mother gave the child to be sacrificed and thought it to be a great honor. The law never hears of these babies because most of them are illegitimate, they are born at home, the mother never sees anyone for prenatal care and no record of the baby’s birth, or death, is ever made.

The baby was strapped down on a stone alter which was in the shape of an upside-down cross. I will never forget the awful sound of her screams as the high priest drove a sharp knife into her chest and ripped out her living heart. Her blood was then drained off and drank first by the high priest and high priestess, then by other members who wished to do so. Many did, not only to receive new and stronger demons, but also because it is believed that such sacrifices provide increased fertility and that the children conceived under such circumstances would be strong and intelligent and powerful in Satanism.

I could not get away. I was trapped within the crowd. I was filled with horror. I was filled with emptiness and coldness and despair. I wondered why Satan wanted such a sacrifice. Wasn’t Christ’s blood enough? We were constantly being told about Christ’s defeat on the cross and that He had been the ultimate sacrifice to Satan. But I was to learn that Satan’s desire for blood and destruction is insatiable.

My last and final battle with the high priestess was conducted with the direct approval of Satan. It took place at a big meeting in the church where I had first met the Sisters of Light. Satan was there and with a single nod gave me permission to take her on. She and I battled back and forth. She was very old and the battle was short, lasting only about 20 minutes. I did not kill her. I could not do that because I hold life very, very dearly. She quit as soon as she saw that she had become too weak to fight any longer. The following year she committed suicide.

Then came the ceremony of my becoming the high priestess. A blood sacrifice was made, then I was taken to the front of the room, or church. There were many, many people present because it was a very high ceremony and Satan himself was present. I was dressed in a robe of white with gold and red trimming. I had a crown put upon my head made of pure gold. I then signed another contract in my own blood declaring myself a high priestess of Satan. No one in the room made a sound as I signed that paper. Then the high priest, at a nod from Satan, rose to declare that I was now the new high priestess. He proclaimed that I was to be untouched by anyone else in the cult, by any demon, high priest, witch, or high priestess of any other coven, for I was “the chosen one.” The crowd became ecstatic, shouting, chanting and dancing. Satan himself appeared to be overjoyed. Again, he was in a physical form of a very handsome man, a man of great brilliance and great authority. He was dressed all in shining white.

The congregation bowed down before me and praised me as the great queen, as the queen of Satan, “lord god almighty,” that I was and would forever be by his side and be able to convey to them his every wish and command. I felt as if, for the first time in my life, I had been truly accepted. I felt very proud, very much uplifted, and very, very powerful to the point that I thought that no one, including Satan himself, could destroy me.

I was then put upon the altar of stone, my clothes were all taken off and Satan had sex with me to prove that I was his high priestess. (The high priest and many others had sex with me also.) The congregation went wild. Many of them were high on drugs and alcohol and the meeting turned into a sex orgy. Then Satan gave the most hideous laugh of triumph I have ever heard in my entire life. My body became cold and rigid. I remember feeling such guilt, such pain, such hurt. The cold and emptiness that I felt that night I will never forget.

Excerpt from:
“He Came To Set the Captives Free” 1992
by Rebecca Brown, MD
ISBN 0-88368-323-7
Whitaker House
P.O. Box 65

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