Name: Hybrid Grey


Location  – Home System: 

Distance from Earth:

Attitude: They consider themselves human, not Grey, in almost all respects.


HybridBoyPhysical Appearance:

  • Average Height: 5 – 6 Feet
  • Average Weight:  90-120 pounds (est.)
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair: Hair is dark, high above the forehead and worn in a long ponytail.
  • Skin: pale white/grey
  • Eyes: blue, human
  • Sex: Both male and female
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information: Look very similar to human beings. Thin build. High forehead. Head is slightly larger and rounder than a human head. Hybrids are supposedly the result of selective breeding between Grey’s extraterrestrials and humans. The Greys remove ova and sperm from humans and combine Grey DNA with the DNA from these human samples to create the Hybrids. 

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: telepathic and verbal

Origin: the result of cross-breeding of Greys and Humans

Life Form Type:

Sub Species: Hybrid 

Most Common Species:

Level of Species: Their intellectual capacity is well above human standards and is very likely to exceed the capabilities of both races.


clarionhybridsTransportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:

Special Features/Characteristics: They care about the Greys, as any child would a parent, but find them boring. The desire for human contact is great. Their capacity for emotion is as great, if not greater than, humans.

Summary/Description:  The reason why Hybrids are created by the Greys vary among researchers: to create a ‘superior race‘-combing the best aspects of human and Grey traits, to save the Greys from extermination due to excessive use of cloning, or to save us by transplanting the human species to far-away planets because our society is on a path toward self-destruction.

See also  1999: The Greys: UFOs From The Hollow Earth


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