Name: Aldebaran’s


Location  – Home System: Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri) is the alpha star of the constellation of Taurus. The contact case of Martin Wiesengrün mentions the names of two planets in the Aldebaran system. They are Arian and Uru.

Distance from Earth: approximately 65.1 LY away from us.


Motives: These are commonly called negative Pleiadians. They are the ones who contacted Hitler and sent him off to protect and foster the Aryan race. They thought they were protecting their brothers and have been known to take their concerns to extremes. Although the Aldebaran’s are Pleiadians, they align more with the Orion group. They do not religiously follow the noninterference code of the other Pleiadians and might come to this planet to rescue a Pleiadian from one of the other two groups.

Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height:
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair: blond
  • Skin:
  • Eyes: blue-eyed
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information :

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 

aldebaranbullOrigin: Lyran Caucasian

Life Form Type: The Aldebaran’s are a humanoid species, of the Lyran Caucasian group, and thus genetically related to the Lyrans, Pleiadians, and some of the Sirian races. They are said to frequently interact with these species.


Most Common Species:

Level of Species:

Habits: According to B. Hand Clow, the Aldebaran energy is very musical, mathematical, harmonic, and is right-brain oriented.

Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:

Special Features/Characteristics: 

Summary/Description: The Aldebaran’s are a humanoid species, of the Lyran Caucasian group, and thus genetically related to the Lyran  Pleiadians and some of the Sirian races. They are said to frequently interact with these species.


Sources contradict each other with regard to membership to the Federation of Planets or the Draconian / Orion Empire:

  • One source, B. Frissell, claims that they are part of the UFP,
  • while others -like Branton, Matthew, and cyber knight- claim they are part of the alternative 3 groups. (Then again, Branton, Matthew, and Cyberknight may very well be quoting each other).
  • In the Omega-files, Branton claims that a group of “renegade Pleiadians/Aldebarans” has joined the Draconian Empire.

According to B. Hand Clow, the Aldebaran energy is very musical, mathematical, harmonic, and is right-brain oriented.


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