Name: Draconians


Location  – Home System:  Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Rigel, Orion, Bellatrix Orion, Polaris, Nemesis, the Altair stellar system in the constellation Aquila

Distance from Earth:

Attitude: These are highly advanced entities but viewed as being of a negative, hostile or dangerous disposition since they regard humans as a totally inferior race. Supposedly they consider Earth their ancient outpost and want to have complete control over it because their planet is becoming unable to adequately support life. The Greys are supposedly subservient to the Reptilians. According to Lear and others, the government may have established a ‘treaty’ with this race, who consider it as a means to buy time while they methodically establish certain controls upon the human race, with the ultimate goal of absolute domination.

The Draco reptilian beings are considered the royal elitists of the reptilian hierarchy. They are not seen as often as other reptilian Aliens. They are similar in appearance to the Reptoid beings, yet they do have distinct physical differences. Draco has wings, whereas the Reptoids do not. These wings of a Draco are made of long, thin bony spines or ribs that protrude out of their backs. The ribs are adjoined by flaps of leathery, blackish-brown skin. The wings are usually in a retracted position. In some instances, such as in The Mothman Prophecies, by author John Keel, the Draco beings have been seen to actually fly by use of their wings.

In several contacts, people have seen the reptilian beings wearing a cape draped over their shoulders and down their backs. These observations can explain one of two scenarios:

a) These capes may be a piece of clothing specifically designed for covering the Draco wings; or

b) As there have also been reptilian contacts in which, after the wings have been seen to extend and then retract, people have said that the retracted wings took on the look of a cape-like material that flowed down the back of the Draco.

Another striking physical attribute that some of the Draco have are horns. These are not the boney ridges the reptoids have that are misidentified as horns, but they are actual horny protuberances that develop midway between the brow and the top of the skull. The horns are conical in shape and blunt at the tips. (It has been speculated that they use their horns as conical resonators.) Draco’s appears to have a much more athletic build than the other reptilian beings. This physical trait may be due to the physical demands required to fly with the use of their wings. Their upper torsos are extremely lean and their neck muscles splay out from the base of their jaw to their shoulder blades.

In general, Draco are usually seven to twelve feet tall and their hierarchy is dependent on their skin color. The highest order of the Draco caste is the white-skinned Draco beings. Some experiencers have reported seeing white-skinned Draco beings interacting with the greenish-brown skinned Draco, Reptoids and various grey types. In these cases, all other nonhuman entities, including other Draco, greys, and Reptoids, treat the white-skinned (albino?) Draco as if they were their kings or generals.

Largely subterranean, pterodactyloid-like hominoids with bat-like wings. Sometimes describes as possessing ‘horns’ and thus are considered very similar to the traditional depiction of the ‘devil’, according to certain individuals who have encountered them. Very intelligent and extremely malignant. Sometimes referred to as ‘Mothmen’, although that title might be a little misleading.

The leader elite of the Reptilians is the ‘Draco’. They even have special ‘wings’, which are flaps of skin, supported by long ribs. These can be folded back against the body. They are also known as the “Dragon Race” and their symbology usually includes the Winged Serpent.  Also known as the Mothmen.

There are elements of their species that do not have wings — the “soldier class” of the species and ‘scientists’. Draco is the name of an astronomical constellation, of which Thuban is the alpha star. This constellation is the home of the Draconian Empire. Its reptilian inhabitants are often referred to as the ‘Lizzies,” the ‘Reptoids” and ‘Dinoids.” (But, please, note that the Vegan System, too, is the home of a “Lizard“-like humanoid civilization).

See also  1996: The Reptilians: Humanity's Historical Link to the Serpent Race

The Draconians are said to be master geneticists, who have been in the Universe for billions of years, and who have created several races. Because of this, they have come to consider themselves as some kind of gods, and have grown an attitude of absolute superiority towards other races. They are master ‘controllers,” extremely mental in nature, and characterized by their lack of respect for free will. Nowadays, Draconians can be found in nearly all known constellations in this part of the Galaxy. They have conquered major parts of the Orion Constellation, probably trying to gain control over the ‘Orion Gateway.” Their main basis in the Orion Constellation is located in the Bellatrix system.


Physical Appearance: When we speak about the reptilian races in general, there are several variations, including insectoids, reptoids, dinoids (or saurians, as some people prefer to call them), as well as crossbreeds between them.
The most common species are:

  • the snake-men: these reptilian creatures are often seen by abductees. They are about six to eight feet tall, upright, with lizard-like scales, greenish to brownish in color with claw-like, four-fingered webbed hands… Their faces are said to be a cross between a human and a snake, with a central ridge coming down from the top of the head to the snout. Adding to their serpent-like appearance are their eyes which have vertical slits in their pupils and golden irises. Some abductees describe the face as somewhat dinosaurish.
  • the winged Draco or ‘moth-men” (pterosaurians, or winged serpents): winged Draconians that have the ability to fly, (without even using their wings). Their eyes are large and red and supposedly have an inescapable hypnotic stare.
  • the tall Reptoids/Reptilians who control various smaller reptilian “grey” species;
  • grey reptilians” which reproduce via polyembryony, egg hatcheries and/or cloning;
  • a particularly malevolent iguana-like dark-skinned sorcerer-priest class that is often seen wearing hooded robes and stands about 5 ft. tall;
  • and a shorter 4-5 ft. tall race of reptilian-amphibians that have been described as appearing like “frog-faced lizards”.
  • Another species is The Orange: Some suggest that the ‘Orange” are a so-called ‘hybrid” race with PARTIAL reptilian-like features yet possessing human-like reproductive organs and even certain artificial or cybernetic features. (See: “Orange“).

When it comes to the Draconians in particular, Alex Collier claims there are two main castes: a caste of warriors that are in the 7-8 foot range, and who are apparently feared throughout the galaxy for their fighting abilities. There also is a royal caste, called the Ciakars. “They range from 14 to 22 feet tall and can weigh up to 1,800 pounds. They do have winged appendages and they are awesome beings. They’re extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also be extremely sinister.”

Other Physical Information: When it comes to the Draconians in particular, Alex Collier claims there are two main castes: a caste of warriors that are in the 7-8 foot range, and who are apparently feared throughout the galaxy for their fighting abilities. There also is a royal caste, called the Ciakars. “They range from 14 to 22 feet tall and can weigh up to 1,800 pounds. They do have winged appendages and they are awesome beings. They’re extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also be extremely sinister.”

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 

Origin: They play a significant role in the legends of India and Tibet where they are considered by some to be demoniacal residents of a subterranean realm. The reptilians on Earth would live Big Caves Underground. Allegedly descended from a branch of bipedal Sauroids, Stenonychosaurus, which existed thousands of years ago on earth. The cranial capacity of Stenonychosaurus was near twice the size of that of human beings, indicating a large brain and possibly advanced though not necessarily benevolent intellect.

Life Form Type:


Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:

Special Features/Characteristics:  The Draconians are said to be master geneticists, who have been in the Universe for billions of years, and who have created several races. Because of this, they have come to consider themselves as some kind of gods, and have grown an attitude of absolute superiority towards other races.

See also  THINK ABOUTIT'S ALIEN TYPE SUMMARY - Cappellans | Capellans

They are master ‘controllers,’ extremely mental in nature, and characterized by their lack of respect for free will. Nowadays, Draconians can be found in nearly all known constellations in this part of the Galaxy. They have conquered major parts of the Orion Constellation, probably trying to gain control over the ‘Orion Gateway.’ Their main basis in the Orion Constellation is located in the Bellatrix system.

Summary/Description: Although the reptilian being species are divided into several types, there are physical features that are shared by almost all. These physical descriptions are compiled from a large database on reptilian-human contacts. In some cases, the experiencer may recall only one physical characteristic of the nonhuman entity that was encountered. On the other hand, other people have vivid memories of their encounter and are able to provide detailed reports of the reptilian being’s anatomy. The information about these creatures varies from source to source.

They are described as being from five and a half to nine feet in height and up to 200 Kilos in weight. They have scaled crocodilian skin that is usually greenish-brown in color. Some also have coffee colored scales that have dark green colored rims. The scales (or scutes) on their backs, thighs, and upper arms are large. Their hands, abdomen, and face, are covered with smaller scales, allowing more flexibility. Reptilian beings are both tailed and tailless. Some species still reportedly retain a visible ‘tail’ although much atrophied from their supposedly extinct’ saurian ancestors. The tails are differentiated in size and are held off the ground.

Their posterior can be like either that of a human, with a vertical slit shielding an excretory orifice or it can be a rounded muscular area extending from the base of the spine to the upper thigh region.

They have lean, firm bodies with powerful arms and legs. They have long arms with three fairly long fingers and an opposable thumb. Their feet have three toes and one recessed fourth toe that is toward the backside of their ankle. The claws of their hands and feet are short and blunt. They do not have teats on their upper torso and they do not have a navel.

Their heads are slightly conical in shape and have two bony ridges riding from their brow, across their back sloping skull, toward the back of their head. Throughout history, these bony ridges have been misidentified as horns. There appears to be no bridge between their eyes. The nasal openings are at the end of a small, flattened nose and are described as two small slits that slant upwards in a V formation. Some experiencers have reported seeing small openings on the sides of their heads, but have noted that there is no fleshy part extending from this area.

They have wide lipless mouths that contain differentiated types of teeth, including canines (fangs.) They have either large black eyes with vertical slit pupils or eyes that white with flame-colored vertical slit pupils. Reptilian beings have no body or facial hair. Occasionally, experiencers will have observed reptilian beings with thin, fleshy spines under their chins. From a distance, this physical feature is often misidentified as hair. Their genitalia are concealed within a vertical slit located at the base of the torso. In the case of women who claim to have experienced sexual encounters with reptilians, the male reptilian beings are described as having a well-endowed penis that is lacking a soft sacked scrotum. Where the scrotum sack is located on a human, the reptilian male, apparently, has a firm, muscular bulge leading from the base of the penis to the underside of the torso.

Cold-blooded like all reptiles, the Reptile is found to flourish in a warm, tropical clime. With imperfect respiration providing just enough oxygen to supply tissues and maintain the processing of food and combustion, their temperature can be raised only a few degrees above the ambient. The reproductive system is oviparous, with eggs hatching in the oviduct prior to birth. The underdeveloped Reptile cerebellum results in a slowness and simpler city of movement. The reptilian  eye is composed of thousands of microscopic facets, each facet with its own independent protective lid. The eye is almost never closed entirely during waking hours; rather, sections of the organ are shut down in conjunction with the dominant light source.


Huge strength, molecular shape-shifting and/or laser holograms to produce an outward “human” appearance; telepathy; invisibility

Will describe all forms of reptilian beings…so many species that each has it’s own category. These are called Drac’s for short and have a reputation of being cunning, highly intelligent, are very predatory warlike creatures. These are not the good guys, although many people would argue the point. They have been connected to Roswell, New Mexico cover-up and Dulce Caverns in New Mexico, to underground military bases supposedly in connection with our government and MILABS.

They have webbed fingers, nails which resemble talons, with various shades of dark greenish grey scaly skin and have reptile eyes in various colors. They have the ability to shape shift and mask as human. They seem to feed off human energy, fear or other highly charged emotions.

Several sources claim they are the original inhabitants of Earth and were driven from the planet by the visiting Adamic / Evadamic (humanoid species) race who may have been part of the Anunnaki and headed for the Draco Star System, many thousands of years ago and will return to take over earth again.

The most controversial ‘whistleblower’/‘contactee’ reports concern an off-world ‘master Reptilian race‘ described as the Draco-Reptilians who are claimed to originate from the Alpha Draconis star system which is 215 light years distant and was formerly the pole star.

According to Alex Collier, the Draconians or Dracos have two main castes, the first of which is a warrior caste that are in the 7-8 foot range, who are apparently feared throughout the galaxy for their fighting abilities. [44] The second caste are a ‘royal line‘ of Draco Reptilians that he describes as ‘Ciakars’ which, because of their alleged size, psychic ability and alleged wings, might be confused as the proverbial Dragon if Collier is correct: The Draconians are a very large reptilian race, otherwise known as “the Dracs“.

There is royal line of the reptilian race called the Ciakar. They range from 14 to 22 feet tall and can weigh up to 1,800 pounds. They do have winged appendages and they are awesome beings. They’re extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also be extremely sinister

Collier claims that according to the Draconian world view, they were the first intelligent species in the galaxy and seeded many worlds with their biological off-spring. The Draco Reptilians therefore see themselves as the natural rulers of Reptilian ‘controlled’ worlds such as Earth, and view humans as an inferior species. The Draconians are interested in harvesting the Earth’s resources while ensuring that these resources are efficiently exploited.

There appears to be a strict hierarchy involving the Draco-Reptilians and other extraterrestrial races so far described in this group. According to Thomas Castello, Reptilians from Alpha Draconis, the ‘Dracos’, are in command of the Earth based Reptilians.

Earth based Reptilians are in turn in command of the ‘tall Grays‘, who are in command of the short Grays. Interestingly, Castello also describes the Draconian ruling caste as Ciakars who are winged and therefore could be easily confused as dragons. Jefferson Souza, a Brazilian UFO researcher confirms the existence of a hierarchy involving the Grays and a Master Reptilian race.

All of the extraterrestrial races described above appear to have a number of interlocking agreements between them that have a common interface in the agreements between U.S. national security agencies and the Grays. The Draconians form the (hidden) apex of the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) that controls information and technology related to the extraterrestrial presence. The Draconians appear to be very active in controlling human elites, institutions and financial systems; promoting militarism; creating a climate of scarcity, struggle and insecurity; harvesting humans and manipulating Grays and other Reptilian races. Draconian activities contribute to global problems such as concentrated wealth, corrupt elites and institutions, ethnic/religious violence, human rights abuses, a culture of violence and terrorism, and the drug trade and organized crime.







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