Name: Elohims


Location  – Home System: 

Distance from Earth:

Attitude: This is the oldest group of aliens in the universe that we know of. They are the ones that are at war with the Orions, which are the ones that manipulate the Greys.


LETSPLAYWHOGAME7x1Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height:
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  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair:
  • Skin:
  • Eyes:
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information:

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 

Origin: This is the oldest group of aliens in the universe that we know of. They are the ones that are at war with the Orions, which are the ones that manipulate the Greys.

Life Form Type:

Sub Species:

Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:

Special Features/Characteristics: 

alien-priestSummary/Description: The first thing God created was the Creative Fathers or Founders, or simply “the Creators.” They are the ones in charge of creation. It should be pointed out, however, that certain life forms that came into existence later on, for example, the lizzies, started creating life forms too, and started calling themselves “Creator Gods”.

Some sources, therefore, confuse the Elohim with these Lizzie-Creator Gods. It has been suggested that the Elohim are involved in some kind of “war” with the Lizzies and the Orion Confederation, trying to prevent the Lizzies from following their own agenda with Creation, and trying to make sure God’s Master Plan is being executed. 

There are links to the ELs, who may be physical life forms or materialized manifestations that come straight from the Elohim. These are called “pure ELs.” Sometimes these ELs prefer to go through the ‘normal” birthing process to take a material form. These are called hybrid ELs.

See also  1997: Greys

Note: There actually are several extraterrestrial races that are referred to as the ‘ELs” or ‘Elohim’: there are the real founders / the original Elohim or ELs,   then there is the Orion Mass consciousness (which originated from the founders), there are the hybrid ELs (which also originated from the founders)… Then there are their allies that were given the same name. And last but not least, there are the Frauds: the self-declared founders, of reptilian origin.

The Elohim

Excerpts from a full trance reading of a belief that we descend from the Elohim, other beings in our universe.

Source: Elohim is one of the names given to God. Grammatically speaking the word “Elohim” is plural, and therefore refers to a collective. Usually, it is used to indicate the Creator and the Angelic forces, as described in Revelation chapter 12.


Elohim ( ) is a grammatically singular or plural noun for “god” or “gods” in both modern and ancient Hebrew language. …



Battles of the Elohim

In this riveting book, the author explores the history of the “Elohim,” the titans or giants birthed through the union of fallen angels with human women (as recorded in Genesis), and the “bull spirit” behind them. Using both the Bible and many other ancient writings, the author carefully outlines evidence that these beings existed and explains the agenda behind their cruel reign upon the earth– to corrupt Adam’s race through whom the Savior was promised to come and to offer alternative “heroes” to save humanity. The book explores how this agenda and the gods associated with it affected biblical history– with a look also at present and end-times implications.  

See also  1995: Aliens: Angels or Demons

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