Name:  Robots

AKA: Drones | Android

Location  – Home System: 

Distance from Earth:


Motives: The robot-like figures appear to be relegated to the more impersonal tasks of information – gathering and stealthy surveillance.

Physical Appearance: 

  • Average Height:
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Hair:
  • Skin:
  • Eyes:
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information:

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 


Life Form Type: robotic, mechanical being


Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports: A few contactees have noted robot-like figures, whose movements strongly suggest that these are robots sent remotely by the extraterrestrials to observe, monitor, and possibly retrieve objects.

Special Features/Characteristics: 

Summary/Description: One theory readily accepted by investigators is that many of the UFO sightings are of “scout” ships who take exploratory journeys to our planet´s surface, while a mother ship hovers somewhere out of sight. Many propose that these scout ships are occupied by these robotic, mechanical beings.

Source: Think AboutIt Summaries

1973: Langford Budville England Abduction

1974: Robots In Quebec, Canada

1977: Abduction by robot-like beings in Brazil (La Rubia case)

Poster - Day the Earth Stood Still, The_25

See also  1998: Men In Black: Menace Or Mirage?

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