Name: Ulterran |  Ulteran 

AKA: Ultraterrestrial

Location  – Home System: alternate timeline

Distance from Earth:



Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height:
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Hair:
  • Skin:
  • Eyes:
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information:

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 


Life Form Type: people


Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:

Special Features/Characteristics: 

Summary/Description: These are allegedly people who have been encountered at times entering or leaving an ‘alternate’ or ‘parallel’ existence, yet still operating within the one ‘reality’. It is very unlikely that more than one ‘physical reality’ like ours exists, but there is a theoretical possibility the one other CO-EXISTENT ‘world’ might exist on the opposite end or polarity of the electromagnetic barrier (or EM spectrum – which in itself is inhabited by various types of warring spiritual or angelic entities according to many theologies).


(or Ultraterrestrial)

English: Alternate History Image can be used a...

These are allegedly people who have been encountered at times entering or leaving an ‘alternate‘ or ‘parallel‘ existence, yet still operating within the one ‘reality‘. It is very unlikely that more than one ‘physical reality‘ like ours exists, but there is a theoretical possibility the one other CO-EXISTENT ‘world‘ might exist on the opposite end or polarity of the electromagnetic barrier (or EM spectrum – which in itself is inhabited by various types of warring spiritual or angelic entities according to many theologies).

Many human and/or neosauroid inhabitants of this ‘alternate‘ world if it exists originally came from our own ‘world‘ (possibly entering the ‘opposite’ reality by changing the molecular polarity of their bodies ‘electrical’ field, phenomena which may have taken place during a ‘Philadelphia Experiment’, or by entering a ‘vortex’ or ‘window’ area!?). This would not be a so-called ‘alternate timeline‘ as some science fiction stories interestingly [though unfeasibly] describe it, although the time-flow in such a ‘world‘ may be different from our own. It would be more of an invisible (to us) EXTENSION of our own reality.


This would explain various phenomena such as animals, objects, people and entire vessels that have seemingly fallen into or out of our ‘world‘. It may also be possible that certain objects in our ‘world‘ would be invisible in the ‘other‘ realm or dimension (or rather the opposite polarity of our reality!?) and visa versa. For instance, one airplane pilot who had become temporarily caught up in an EM-vortex in the ‘Bermuda Triangle‘ SAW an island which was deserted, while the very same island was inhabited in the world he was familiar with.

This would also explain the many accounts of people who claim to have seen or stopped at houses, cafes, etc., along remote stretches of road, only to return the same way and find no such place ‘exists‘. Since both dimensions may ‘flow-in‘ to each other, being part of the same electromagnetic reality (matter as opposed to antimatter?), such temporary displacement of objects and/or people from either of the two ‘worlds’ might occur.

This would not be a case where one supposedly has an alternate ‘self‘ inhabiting an alternate reality, but more a case of another ‘opposite‘ dimension which was inhabited intentionally or unintentionally over a long period of time by humans and animals which were somehow transported there. This would also explain the case of Joseph Vorin, who suddenly appeared as ‘out-of-nowhere‘ near Frankfurt-am-Oder, Germany in 1850, spoke a broken and ancient para-Germanic dialect which the authorities could just barely understand, and claimed to be from the nation of Laxaria in Sakria (no known country by those names exists – in ‘our’ world). When he suddenly appeared he seemed disoriented and dumbfounded, as if he had suddenly fallen out of ‘another‘ world.

See also  1999: Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series 2

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