By William Hamilton III

The alleged recovery of a flying disk near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947 has sparked discussions, opinions, and reports that the U.S. Army and Air Force studied the remnants of the disk, especially the methods and modes of its propulsion with the intent of “reverse engineering” the advanced technology found in the alien craft. Is it even possible to comprehend such advanced technology much less attempt to duplicate its function? We will examine these possibilities in this article and try to sum up what has been learned to date.

Alien astronautics is a subject predicated on the existence of intelligent alien life forms whose evolution occurred on an extraterrestrial world and who developed means to travel from their world to other worlds in spacecraft. Reverse engineering is predicated on the fact that we have acquired alien hardware through flight systems failure of an alien spacecraft or through communication and negotiation. Reverse engineering of mechanical parts requires extraction of information about an instance of a particular part sufficient to replicate the part using appropriate fabrication techniques.

A human-fabricated spacecraft consists of many sub-systems integrated through various operational parameters. Our first search in the case of an alien spacecraft would be for recognizable systems and parts; foremost among these would be some sort of propulsion system.

The most prominent UFO crash-retrieval case, of course, is the Roswell case, but other UFO crash events have been reported, and a few investigated to lend support to the idea that some UFOs have malfunctioned and crash-landed on earth despite advanced technology. Some of our most advanced aircraft, including the F-117A stealth fighter, has malfunctioned and crashed. Sensitive electronic systems, when exposed to sources of electromagnetic radiation, have been known to fail or receive anomalous signals that caused the system to malfunction. It is not inconceivable that alien technology could have vulnerable sensitive systems, especially when operating in foreign environments.

The first objective in the military recovery of foreign vehicles is to examine the vehicle for new and advanced technology with a view toward reproducing that technology through devising methods of fabrication and manufacturing. If this technology comes from another off-world culture, the objective has an even higher priority as such a culture has demonstrated a feat beyond the capability of our own technology. The military thinking on this is to treat such incursions by alien technology as possibly hostile and a threat to our national and global security. We must act to even the odds as soon as possible to develop counter-measures to a possible military threat to our systems of defense. This is why reverse engineering becomes imperative.

Some of the systems that would be studied include:

In addition to these systems, the actual material structure of the spacecraft would be studied. If the aliens were found wearing flight suits, a study would be made of the material and methods of fabrication. If the spacecraft were able to defend itself through high-speed aerobatic maneuvering or using defensive shields or counter-measures, an assessment of these capabilities would be of prime importance. The study would have to eventually extend into other scientific fields to obtain a broader picture of the alien’s origin and mission, which would include autopsies of alien bodies and profiling of the alien psychology and motivation. In fact, every clever way that you could think of would be used to study the alien and the technology. And all of this would have to be conducted in utmost secrecy so as to maintain a decided advantage in the scheme of things in the global political arena.

Reverse Engineering is the process of figuring out how a system was made without having instructions or diagrams. Unless the system is very complex, it is often possible to do this without actually having a sample of the system. Some of the engineering disciplines that exist today that would engage in reverse engineering are culled from a list:

  • Bioengineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Biotechnology
  • Computer Technology
  • Adaptive Systems and Artificial
  • Life
  • Artificial Intelligence 
  • Computer
  • Mediated Communication and Control Systems
  • Computing
  • Alien
  • Computer
  • Interaction
  • Image Processing 
  • Information Retrieval 
  • Categorization
  • Real time Systems
  • Robotics 
  • Design Methodologies
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electronics Engineering
  • Materials Science
  • Materials Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Computational Mechanics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Robotics Aerospace Engineering

Additionally, unknown systems that may enhance alien psionic interfaces or alien teleportation systems may not even be conceived of within our own technological framework.

Some of these systems may be less amenable to reverse engineering until the time we make appropriate scientific discoveries. First, a word about reverse engineering and then we will examine some of the claims that have been made and what we can infer about the evolution of our own technology based on testimony given by a number of sources some of which still prefer to remain anonymous. We must also understand how secret projects are classified and conducted in the Black World.

What distinguishes ‘reverse engineering’ from forwarding engineering? In a sense, most engineering starts as reverse engineering as inventors puzzled out how to imitate nature. 

Some of the first designs for flying machines imitated the flapping wings of birds to obtain lift. Nature is a large inspiration to engineers and inventors. Science may try to wrest the secrets of nature, but it is engineering that attempts to imitate or even surpass the works of nature. We mustn’t forget that termites and moles have constructed underground structures and beavers have built dams. Certain fish propel themselves through water using jet propulsion. As soon as science uncovers more secrets, engineers attempt to put them to use. Forward engineering proceeds from there and attempts to improve on the original inspired work.

In a sense, the arguments against reverse engineering alien technology are similar to the arguments against ancient astronauts engineering ancient buildings. Essentially that argument is that humans are and were smart enough to conceive, design, and build all the technological wonders that we enjoy. While this may be true we must bear in mind my former statement that much of what man has built is inspired by his observations of nature. We are not discrediting man’s accomplishments by saying that certain technological developments may have been inspired by other preceding technological developments, whether human or alien.

The tales of reverse engineering alien technology are based on the reports of UFO crashes and military recovery efforts. Here is a partial list of UFO crashes that have been uncovered from the years 1947 through 1953:

  • 1941   Cape Girardeau,  Missouri
  • 1947 May –   Spitzbergen, Norway
  • 1947 May 31- Socorro, NM
  • 1947 July 4 Roswell, NM
  • 1947 July 5 – Plains of San Augustin, NM
  • 1947 July 31 – Maury Island, Tacoma
  • 1947 August 13 –   New Mexico Desert
  • 1947 October – Paradise Valley, AZ
  • 1948 February 13 – Aztec, NM
  • 1948 April – 12 mi. outside Aztec, NM
  • 1948 March 25 – White Sands, NM
  • 1948 7/8 July – Laredo/30mi inside Mexico
  • 1948 August – Laredo, Texas
  • 1949 – Roswell, NM
  • 1950 January – Mojave Desert, Ca
  • 1950 Dec 6 – El Indio/Guerrero area, Tex/Mex border
  • 1952 June – Spitzbergen, Norway
  • 1953 – Brady, Montana
  • 1953 20/21st May –  Kingman, AZ 

A friend of mine met Charlie in a photocopy shop in the summer of 94. Charlie was contacting OMNI magazine about their article on the UFO cover-up. I met Charlie later after writing a letter to him that he never received. Instead, I received a reply from a veteran’s organization that warned me not to contact Charlie anymore. According to the letter of reply the subject of UFOs was classified permanently.

It also stated that UFOs and aliens should be the responsibility of the military and that civilians had no business delving into military secrets. Nevertheless, Charlie contacted me later through our local MUFON group.

Charlie had been in the Marines and aboard the U.S.S. Oriskany aircraft carrier in 1958 during the early

Vietnam era. His father was a commander in the navy and was stationed with the Pentagon’s Research and Development Board. His father had been with President Eisenhower at Edwards AFB in 1954 when an extraterrestrial spacecraft had landed. The base had already been renamed Edwards at the time of the occurrence and was no longer known as Muroc (Corum spelled backward after one of the early families who settled in the Mojave Desert. Charlie said the aliens at Edwards were human types with flaxen hair and pale blue eyes.

Charlie’s first experience occurred when he was assigned to a special operations team that retrieved a crashed disk in Vietnam and stowed aboard the aircraft carrier. According to Charlie, this disk was 10 meters in diameter and lighter than a Volkswagen. It had a crew of two aliens. The recovery team transported the disc back to the Oriskany where it was stored on the flight deck between mattresses that were used to cushion the craft on deck. A tarpaulin was thrown over the disc and when the Oriskany put into port in San Francisco, the cover story told by the Captain was that a special water tank was being brought in for maintenance and the tarpaulin was used to protect it from storms at sea.

Charlie referred to this disc as the IRC-10. IRC is an abbreviation for Instellar Reconnaissance Craft. Charlie refers to the Sports Model as an IRC-16 because it is 16 meters in diameter. It is not known whether these metrics are exact.

Charlie explains that not all UFOs or discs are from another planet. Some are from a parallel world. These parallel worlds exist in another time dimension. It’s as if our universe runs on the beat on one clock and another on the beat of another clock. Normally, the two are out of phase and there is no interaction between universes, but, occasionally, there are locations where the two universes synchro-phase and a portal opens up between the two allowing passage from one to another. Many discs originate from another dimension and use a train spatial field resonator to bridge the gap between their universe and ours.


The aliens project their thoughts into a thought amplifier plate that carries signals to the avionics controls via optical fibers. Another saucer scientist, Bill Uhouse of  Las Vegas, says that he designed flight simulators for our pilots because our pilots had difficulty controlling the aliens’ avionics.

Bill worked at  Los Alamos in conjunction with an alien scientist on designing a simulator
using our own avionics technology. Bill said that General Electric built the anti gravity engines for U.S. discs and Westinghouse provided the nuclear reactors to power the engines. I asked him if he knew any reason why U.S. discs could not fly in space and he replied that he thought they could. Bill was a Mechanical Design Engineer when he was recruited for this highly secure position.

On September 23, 1990 I was introduced to a man named Ozzie who related a detailed story of his participation in two crash-retrievals while he was in the Army stationed at   Roswell in 1948 and 1949. This is a single-witness story that has not been corroborated by other witnesses. He doesn’t know the exact dates of the crashes, but believes the first one occurred in the desert near  Socorro, New Mexico. His recounting of this incident took place inside of a locked car with rolled-up windows, which seemed a little paranoid to me.

There was no doubt that he came across as sincere, answering all my questions without hesitation and to the best of his knowledge. His attitude was one of not caring whether he was believed or not as he claimed he had already been the butt of much ridicule. He currently held a job at a large aerospace company and did not want to publicly divulge his background. I found this to be the case with other witnesses I have interviewed.

One night in 1948 he was called out of his barracks to climb aboard a bus that looked like an old school bus with darkened windows. After hours of riding through the desert on a generally westward course, the bus came to a stop during the very early hours of the morning and he could see a disk standing on the desert sands illuminated by floodlights. It was like a movie set, but there were no movie cameras or directors barking orders. The disk was silvery and about 30 feet in diameter.

He learned that two aliens were recovered from the disk. One was alive. White-coated doctors walked the live alien around the site. It lived for 12 hours. The disk had one compartment with a shaft running up the center of the compartment. The exterior hull of the craft felt smooth and slippery to the touch. Ozzie said that only 3 men lifted the lightweight craft onto a flat bed truck. Men went ahead and scouted a back roads transport of the truck away from the site. Ozzie accompanied a scientist who caravanned along the back roads until they reached their ultimate destination at a little auxiliary airfield on the edge of Groom Lake in Nevada.

There were only five buildings at this airfield and they arrived at night. The truck drove up to one of the buildings and Ozzie saw two living aliens standing by this building. One of the doors of the building opened, he could see that six other disks had already been retrieved and placed inside the building.

The whole recovery team was taken into a room in another one of the buildings and debriefed. Ozzie saw pictures on the wall of the room that depicted six different types of aliens. He remembers that one of the aliens looked human. Short grays were also in one of the pictures. He did not say whether these were photos or drawings, but he called them pictures so I assume they were photos. At one point during the debriefing, a small alien appeared to pass through one of the walls of the room. He was holding a small black box that Ozzie called an “augmenter.”

Ozzie made some interesting detailed observations, but it is admitted that his story has bizarre elements to it. But, when we compare some of these bizarre elements to stories told by abductees they seem less bizarre by far. We find it hard to believe that the military had such a high degree of involvement with aliens as early as 1948.

Ozzie claims that he was called out on a second retrieval in 1949 at close to the same site as the first retrieval. The second disk was 100 feet in diameter and ten dead crew were found at the site. Their skin had turned a purplish color. These beings were about 5′ 8″ in height. Ozzie had to carry one of the aliens and estimated its weight at only 55 pounds. He was very emotional about this incident. The aliens were dressed in one-piece coveralls that have a Velcro-type fastener at the back. Of course, velcro-type fasteners did not exist in 1949 and Ozzie is only comparing what he saw to what we know today. The big disk had a conveyor on the floor that transported the crew from one control center to another. There was also an instrument that contained colored fluids. A central column ran through the center of the craft,
which had multiple rectangular compartments. When inside the control room of the craft, Ozzie said you could plainly see through the sidewall of the craft and the desert was plainly
visible even at night. The metal of the craft could not be marred with any of our tools. This disk was also transported to the site at Groom Lake.

That ended Ozzie’s involvement in crash-retrievals though he has kept in contact
with others he had met during his involvement. He also claims
that he has a photo of the second retrieval locked in a vault
for safekeeping. He does not know when it might become safe
enough to bring out this photo as evidence. So we are left with
another story and no corroborating evidence, but a pattern begins
to emerge from the details as we talk to other witnesses.

A man named Frenchie was stationed at Edwards AFB in 1951 when he was called
out of his barracks along with others because something had
crashed just south of the air base. When he got to the site,
he was not allowed to get any closer than an outer established
security perimeter, but could see men lifting up large chunks
of metal. Sheets of metal were all over the crash site, but
no engine or fuselage was visible. Frenchie said they had to
cut out a piece of a C-47 to enlarge its door to fit a large
piece of the retrieved material into the plane for transport.
The large piece was lightweight and was lifted by two men. Frenchie
never found out what the object was.

A lot of this crash debris was supposedly transported to the Air Material Command
at Wright Field. However, craft recovered in one piece were
probably shipped elsewhere, perhaps Groom Lake. The engineering division at Wright
Field called T-3 had already concluded that the UFOs were advanced
aircraft or spacecraft, which used nonconventional methods of
propulsion and were constructed from composite layers of lightweight
material. It was the opinion of the General staff that the unidentified
objects were interplanetary spacecraft.

There are more reports that can be added to the
list up to the present year. However, investigators have obtained
little information on most of these, little to no corroboration
by multiple witnesses, and questionable physical evidence. Yet
the stories persist and the list has gotten longer over the
years. The Roswell incident has been the most compelling of the crash-retrieval
stories because of the sheer number of witnesses who have testified
to this event, albeit there are discrepancies when trying to
recreate the actual scenario of events. Without publicly available
records and mostly human testimony, the actual events around
these early crashes may never be known.

The military agenda for recovered alien vehicles
was to learn as much as possible about the technology. To do
this, they had to turn to the experts in corporate America, to companies they had a long-standing relationship with, and which had the facilities to conduct studies and maintain the vow of silence on their findings.

The engineering of secret technology to satisfy
DOD requests is conducted under a classified umbrella of programs
and projects, the most secretive of which are known as Special
Access Programs. There are even unacknowledged SAPs. This is
what has been referred to as The Black World. Lockheed Skunkworks
developed the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes in the Black World.

The money for financing these projects is part
of a black military budget that recently exceeded $14 billion.
This does not include the cost of operations and construction.
Two of our famous stealth aircraft, the B-2 and the F-117 were
born in the Black World, but have become a part of the white
world. The existence of the so-called Aurora spy plane was denied by the Air Force. The expenditure of these funds is in itself a secret and a mystery. We now know that
Area 51, the Nevada flight test base has been the home of classified aircraft projects
since 1955. Engineers, technicians, and security personnel generally
do not talk about their experiences in the Black World. In some
cases, workers have reported that security was oppressive. I
have had engineers tell me that not only were their activities
at work monitored, but their leisure-time activities and their
conversations with friends.

The back engineering of alien space technology
would probably rank as the deepest Black World project in terms
of secrecy and security. It also carries with it a natural cloak
of security—it sounds too incredible to be true. Many would
not believe it without an overwhelming presentation of evidence,
and, yet the intense security surrounding these projects makes
it nearly impossible to obtain that evidence. Researchers have
attempted to obtain what little evidence they can from testimony,
leaked documents, and direct observations of secret sites outside
the security perimeters of these sites.

With the handicap of limited disclosure we can
still try to reconstruct an overview for alien astronautical
systems and, from this, learn something about the aliens who
developed this artful handiwork.

See also  The MIB, Reptilians and You

In 1997 (Ret) Colonel Philip J. Corso’s book
hit the UFO book market with a splash. The Day After Roswell
contained some eye-opening revelations. The Colonel divulges
how he spearheaded the Army’s super secret reverse-engineering
project that “seeded” extraterrestrial technology at American
corporations such as IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs, and Dow
Corning – without their knowledge. He describes the devices
found aboard the Roswell craft, and how they became the precursors
for today’s integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, lasers,
night-vision equipment, super-tenacity fibers (such as Kevlar
plastic armor), and classified discoveries, such as psychotropic
devices that can translate human thoughts into signals that
control machinery, Stealth aircraft technology, and Star Wars
particle-beam devices. He also discusses the role that extraterrestrial
technology played in shaping geopolitical policy and events;
how it helped the United States surpass the Russians in space;
spurred elaborate Army initiatives such as SDI (Star Wars Projects),
Project Horizon (to place a military base on the Moon), and
HARP; and ultimately brought about the end of the Cold War.

Colonel Corso also said that captured UFOs were/are kept at Norton, Edwards and Nellis (Area 51) Air Force Bases.

Many UFO researchers have found discrepancies in Colonel Corso’s accounts and have discarded his testimony as authentication of reverse engineering. If they are right, it doesn’t negate the possibility of reverse engineering, but it does emphasize the minefield that this subject presents to those who are trying to ferret out the truth about our black world efforts.

In 1989, Robert Lazar had come forward with the
claim that he had worked on a reverse engineering project at
S-4, a site 10 miles from the Groom Lake test site. Although Lazar’s credentials
were questioned and no record of his claimed educational degrees
as a physicist could be found, Colonel Corso’s credentials were
a matter of public record.

Others have spoken out as witnesses to captured UFOs or reverse-engineering projects. The case of the Kingman UFO retrieval involved an engineer who took preliminary measurements to assess the momentum of a crashing craft, measurements useful to any reverse engineering efforts. The engineer who brought this story to light was Arthur G. Stancil (previously known by the pseudonym Fritz Werner). Stancil graduated from  Ohio University in 1949 and was first employed by Air Material Command at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio as a mechanical engineer on testing Air Force aircraft engines.

Dr. Eric Wang who was suspected of leading a reverse engineering team on alien craft headed the Installations Division within the Office of Special Studies where Arthur worked.

Stancil was loaned out to the Atomic Energy Commission
and was designated as a project engineer on some atomic bomb
tests referred to as “Operation Upshot Knothole”. The location
of these tests was at Frenchman’s Flats at the southern end
of the Nevada Test Site. The test director was a Dr. Ed Doll.

On May 21, 1953 Stancil was told to report for a special assignment at the Indian Springs Air Force Base where 15 other specialists joined him. They were flown by military plane to Phoenix where they boarded a bus with blacked-out windows and rode for an estimated four hours. When they arrived at their destination somewhere southeast of Kingman in one of the washes of the Hulapai

Mountains, they were met and briefed by an Air Force Colonel who told
them they were to investigate the crash of a super-secret test
vehicle. Stancil’s job was to determine the forward and vertical
velocities of the vehicle when it impacted in the sand.

Stancil was escorted to the site by military
police. Two spotlights illuminated the saucer, which appeared
to be two convex plates inverted over each other, approximately
30 feet in diameter. The saucer was embedded in the sand about
20 inches. From this Stancil had determined that the saucer
crashed at a velocity of 100 knots yet it had not dents, marks,
or scratches on its burnished aluminum surface. The disc was
oval and looked like two deep saucers inverted over each other.

It was constructed of dull silver metal like brushed aluminum.
Another specialist had gotten a look inside the craft, as a
1.5 x 3.5 foot hatch was open revealing an oval interior cabin
with two swivel seats and many instruments. Stancil saw one
body recovered from the crash. It was humanoid, about 4 feet
tall, with brown skin and wearing a silver-metallic flight suit.

Stancil worked for Raytheon in Sudbury, Massachusetts in the
early seventies on avionics systems. It is unknown as to whether
he had further involvement with alien technology, especially
since it is likely that he worked for Dr. Wang at some point.

Dr. Wang was an Austrian-born graduate of the Vienna Technical
Institute, and close associate of Victor Schauberger who had
developed a concept of a flying disc and worked on the German
flying disc program as early as 1941. Wang taught structural
and metallurgical engineering at the University of Cincinnati from 1943 to 1952. Dr.
Wang supposedly examined some of the recovered crashed discs
and compared them to the vehicles tested in the German V-7 program,
but found the retrieved craft to be different in nature.

1949, he became Director of the Department of Special Studies
at Wright-Patterson where he worked long hours in cooperation
with scientists from the “Office of Naval Research” and with
Dr. Vannevar Bush and others from the “Research and Development
Board”. Dr. Wang relocated his research from Wright-Patterson
to Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. Wang passed away on December 4, 1960.

Bill Uhouse served 10 years in the Marine
Corps as a fighter pilot, and four years with the Air Force
at Wright-Patterson AFB as a civilian doing flight-testing of
exotic experimental aircraft. Later, for the next 30 years,
he worked for defense contractors as an engineer of antigravity
propulsion systems: on flight simulators for exotic aircraft
– and on actual flying discs.

He testifies that that the first disc they tested was the re-engineered ET craft that crashed in Kingman, Arizona in 1953. He further testifies that the ET’s presented a craft to the US government; this craft was taken to Area 51, which was just being constructed at the time, and the four ET’s that accompanied the craft were taken to Los Alamos. Mr. Uhouse’s specialty was the flight deck and the instruments on the flight deck – he understood the gravitational field and what it took to get people trained to experience antigravity. He actually met several times with an ET that helped the physicists and engineers with the engineering of the craft.

Strange as it seems it was during the 1950s that various aircraft companies started research projects on the control of gravity and electro-gravitational propulsion. It is possible that these projects constituted some of the first reverse engineering projects on extraterrestrial propulsion systems.

American physicist and inventor, T. Townsend Brown discovered an effect of highly charged disk-shaped capacitors. When the capacitors
were charged in excess of 50 KV, they would have a tendency to accelerate in the direction of the positive pole. Suspending a number of these disk capacitors from a freely rotating carousel would cause, when charged, the entire assembly to rotate. These charged capacitors could also levitate.

According to the Air Force Manual from Wright-Patterson AFB on Electrogravitics we have this description on the Thomas Townsend Brown discovery.

Electrogravitics might be described as a synthesis of electrostatic energy used for propulsion – either vertical propulsion or horizontal or both – and gravitics, or dynamic counterbary, in which energy is also used to set up a local gravitational force independent of the earth’s.

Electrostatic energy for propulsion has been
predicted as a possible means of propulsion in space when the
thrust from a neutron motor or ion motor would be sufficient
in a dragless environment to produce astronomical velocities.
But the ion motor is not strictly a part of the science of electrogravitics,
since barycentric control in an electrogravitics system is envisaged
for a vehicle operating within the earth’s environment and it
is not seen initially for space application.

Probably large
scale space operations would have to await the full development
of electrogravitics to enable large pieces of equipment to be
moved out of the region of the earth’s strongest gravity effects.
So, though electrostatic motors were thought of in 1925, electrogravitics
had its birth after the War, when Townsend Brown sought to improve
on the various proposals that then existed for electrostatic
motors sufficiently to produce some visible manifestation of
sustained motion. Whereas earlier electrostatic tests were essentially
pure research, Brown’s rigs were aimed from the outset at producing
a flying article.

As a private venture he produced evidence
of motion using condensers in a couple of saucers suspended
by arms rotating round a central tower with input running down
the arms. The massive-k situation was summarized subsequently
in a report, Project Winterhaven, in 1952. Using the data some
conclusions were arrived at that might be expected from ten
or more years of intensive development – similar to that, for
instance, applied to the turbine engine. Using a number of assumptions
as to the nature of gravity, the report postulated a saucer
as the basis of a possible interceptor with Mach 3 capability.
Creation of a local gravitational system would confer upon the
fighter the sharp-edged changes of direction typical of motion
in space.

The essence of electrogravitics thrust is the
use of a very strong positive charge on one side of the vehicle
and a negative on the other. The core of the motor is a condenser
and the ability of the condenser to hold its charge (the k-number)
is the yardstick of performance. With air as 1, current dielectrical
materials can yield 6 and use of barium aluminate can raise
this considerably, barium titanium oxide (a baked ceramic) can
offer 6,000 and there is promise of 30,000, which would be sufficient
for supersonic speed.

See also  2009: Grays: The Bio-mechanical messiahs, made by?

The original Brown rig produced 30 fps on a voltage
of around 50,000 and a small amount of current in the milliamp
range. There was no detailed explanation of gravity in Project
Winterhaven, but it was assumed that particle dualism in the
subatomic structure of gravity would coincide in its effect
with the issuing stream of electrons from the electrostatic
energy source to produce counterbary.

The Brown work probably
remains a realistic approach to the practical realization of
electrostatic propulsion and sustentation. Whatever may be discovered
by the Gravity Research Foundation of New Boston a complete
understanding and synthetic reproduction of gravity is not essential
for limited success. The electrogravitics saucer can perform
the function of a classic lifting surface – it produces a pushing
effect on the under surface and a suction effect on the upper,
but, unlike the airfoil, it does not require a flow of air to
produce the effect.

The Department of Defense was not ignoring these ideas,
but was more intent on turning theory into practice. In June, 1957 G. Harry Stine wrote for Mechanix Illustrated magazine that “there is a good chance that the rocket will be obsolete for space travel within 50 years”. This was at a time when the multi-stage rockets were being fired from White Sands Army Proving Grounds in New Mexico. Though Werner von Braun saw the multi-stage rocket as a solution to space travel, able to boost a payload beyond the pull of earth’s gravity, the DOD had other purposes in mind. The rocket was the dream of the future, and yet Stine was predicting its obsolescence. That was because he was aware of T.T. Brown’s work on electro-gravity and the DOD contractors that were working on anti-gravity — the Glenn L. Martin Company, Bell Aircraft, General Electric, and Sperry-Rand just to name a few.

In July, 1957 another article appeared in the same magazine. This one written
by Michael Gladych. He begins by describing the following: “The
spherical craft squatting on a concrete strip emitted a faint
hum. A ghostly glow surrounded its shell. The strange craft
rose and hovered momentarily while its landing gear retracted. Then the hum increased and the craft shot eastward and vanished beyond the horizon before the witnessing scientists could click their stop watches.” Sounds like a typical UFO sighting, but he goes on to say that the Canadian government’s Project Magnet had been working on a gravity-defying vehicle powered by electromagnetic forces. He also states that at least 14 United States universities and other research centers were hard at work cracking the gravity barrier and also mentions the Glen L. Martin Company and Bell Aircraft as well as others. Even the late Lawrence D. Bell said that they were on the threshold of amazing new concepts (beyond the Bell research rocket planes) .

Bell said, “We are already working with nuclear fuels and equipment to cancel out gravity instead of fighting it.” This article concludes by saying, “Make no mistake about it, anti-gravity motors and G-ships are coming.”

And, we are still waiting! Or, have we developed anti-gravity spacecraft in secret?

Donald Keyhoe looked into this possibility and found that our government had
set up 46 different research projects on various aspects of
gravity control. The Air Force ran 33 of those projects. Experiments
and research were conducted at two Air Force laboratories: Flight
Dynamics and General Physics Research. Other labs involved were
RCA, MIT and several engineering centers. A large number of
corporations were involved in gravity research of the fifties:
Bell Aerospace, General Electric, Hughes Aircraft, Boeing, Douglas
and others. There were at least 65 to 70 projects going on.

Dr. Oberth believed that “energy, inertia, and gravitational fields are
only aspects of one and the same thing”. William P. Lear
agreed with him and predicted that future U.S. vehicles will also use artificial gravity.

He said, “people on board would probably not feel any more effect than they do from the tremendous speed of the Earth as it rotates and orbits the sun.” It is certain that Lear’s son, John, is prepared to fly such a craft.

Years ago, Glenn Martin’s vice-president of advanced design, G.S. Trimble, predicted that by 1985 practically all airliners would be using artificial gravity, yet the 1995 debut of Boeing’s most advanced jetliner, the 777, still uses turbojet propulsion.

One of the leading physicists of the German Institute of Field Physics at Goettingen, GermanDr. Burkhard Heim had been searching for the answer to the riddle of gravity. He said that he had discovered a positive lead to antigravity. The discovery involved an intermediate field, neither electromagnetic nor gravitational. The results, applied to space flight, would be direct levitation, conversion of electricity into kinetic energy without any waste, and “immunizing the occupants and the structures of such vehicles against any effects from acceleration of the vehicle, however great or violent.”

The Martin subsidiary that investigated gravity control was RIAS Inc. Now, the Glenn Martin Company through a series of evolutionary mergers has absorbed GE Aerospace and merged with Lockheed to become the Martin-Lockheed Company, a company known to be in the forefront of classified aerospace craft.

In a book entitled Spacepower (1958), fusion, photon, and anti-gravity propulsion techniques were considered to be accomplished facts beyond 1990. If they are secret accomplished facts, why are we still flying that flaming torch called the STS?

Was Project Outgrowth a secret Air Force project that attempted to utilize
the knowledge gained in field propulsion research? Twenty-eight
members of the Air Force Systems Command at Edward’s Air Force
Base published a technical report dated June, 1972 that covered
such categories as: electrostatics effects, Alfven wave propulsion,
electromagnetic spacecraft propulsion, superconducting particle
accelerators, and anti-gravity propulsion. The Air Force Systems
Command also has a presence at Groom Lake in Area 51. I asked a colleague, Randy Koppang, to see if he could get a hold of this document. He contacted the Edwards AFB library. The librarian informed Randy that the report was removed from the library and was not available to the public.

According to Bill Jenkins who hosted the Open Mind talk-radio show a few years ago, there was a secret showing of our own anti gravity aircraft at Norton AFB on November 12, 1988. Norton was also home to the Air Force’s Audio-Visual Division for the investigation of crashed aircraft (or UFOs). A flying saucer was put on display in a guarded hangar. The electro-gravity engine in the craft was built by GE Aerospace and the composite skin structure supposedly made by AMOCO. Was this craft a result of back-engineering of alien spacecraft?

Dr. Woolman received his doctorate in 1976 in theoretical physics following his receiving his BS in aerospace engineering in 1973 and was requested to join the Air Force where he continued his studies along with his special and highly classified assignments.

He worked for the US Air Force Systems Command, Aeronautical Engineering Division (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH) for 7 years and then after resigning, co-started several very successful high-technology businesses, focusing on new product design and automation in the computer industry. After an extremely successful career, he retired in 1989 to raise his 2 adopted children with his wife Roberta where they live a quiet and secluded life near their children’s school.

Dan told me that the Air Force would give him some object and just ask him to study it. Rarely was he given an answer. They wanted to know what he could find out as a physicist.

Dan worked on a reverse-engineered craft that had layered material which acted like supercapacitor. The amount of charge could be varied on selected plates and allow the operator to control the vectoring of the craft. Dan flew one of these craft using a specially-constructed helmet interface that picked up his voice command and translated them into flight commands. The craft was capable of trans-atmospheric flight and interplanetary travel. Dan had a license to fly both single and multi-engine aircraft, but this aerospace craft was unique and developed after years of study.

CEO Ben Rich, the hand-picked successor of Skunk Works founder Kelly  Johnson and the man famous for the F-117 Nighthawk “Stealth” fighter, its  half-pint prototype the HAVE BLUE, and the top secret F-19 Stealth Interceptor. Before Rich died of cancer, Andrews took my questions to him. Rich confirmed:

1. There are two types of UFOs — the ones we build, and ones THEY build. We learned from both crash retrievals and actual “Hand-me-downs.” The Government knew, and until 1969 took an active hand in the administration of that information. After a 1969 Nixon “Purge”, Administration was handled by international board of directors in the private sector.

2. “‘An’ item” — as opposed to “‘The’ item” — was recovered near the  world’s only combat operational atom bomb base (Roswell AAF) in 1947. Hull design, aerodynamic measurements and propulsion info was passed directly to Jack Northrop and Kelly Johnson, beginning in 1950, with a major block of data being passed on from “The Working Group” at Wright Patterson AFB’s Foreign Technologies Division in 1952. “‘ The’ item” refers to the top-secret designation of Kelly’s original variant of the U-2 (TR-1) spy plane in  Congressional and Pentagon budgets in the 1950s.

3. Nearly all “Biomorphic” aerospace designs were inspired by the Roswell spacecraft, from Kelly’s SR-71 Blackbird onward to today’s drones, UCAVs, and aerospace craft On March 23, 1993, at an engineering conference in  Los Angeles, Dr. Ben R. Rich stated to the future Section Director of the Mutual UFO Network of Orange County, California, engineer Jan Harzan, that we already had in our possession the technology to take us to the stars, saying that “we now have the technology to take ET home”. This was in a conference room full of aerospace and computer engineers from many different aerospace and software companies.

The late Ben R. Rich, a UCLA School of Engineering alumnus who is known as the “Father of Stealth”, is recognized as one of the best aircraft engineers in the world and led the development of the heralded F-117 stealth fighter.

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