An Anonymous Account of One Visitor’s Experience Inside Mt. Shasta’s “Sacred City of Telos”.

7 01 2011 Story by “M” (Anonymous account)

The Mt. Shasta story begins 6 months prior to my being taken inside the Mountain. We (my husband, his son by a prior marriage and our two small children ages 2 and 4 and my Siamese cat, Pixie) had packed everything we owned into a U Haul trailer and moved from the desert to the mountain. A friend of ours and his family had preceded us by about a week and when we arrived at Mt. Shasta we dropped the U Haul at his place and headed up the mountain to camp overnight. We stopped at one campground and got out to set up camp. The energy of the campground just didn’t feel right so we got back into our truck and headed further up the mountain. We turned into Panther Meadows and decided to camp there. As we unloaded the truck I discovered my Siamese was gone. I was devastated.

We went back to the first campground but couldn’t find him. I called and called but to no avail. We went back to Panther Meadows and spent the night. It was really cold as it was the spring of the year and we had a really nice fire going to stay warm. I put the boys in the back of the pickup (we had a homemade camper shell on it which kept out the chilling wind), packed them in lots of blankets so they were toasty warm. My husband joined them and I sat by the fire most of the night, keeping it going and hoping Pixie would show up. Our little campsite was ringed with the bright, inquiring eyes of the nocturnal animals who showed up to inspect us. It was an inspiring, goose-bump making sight.

Next morning we headed back down the mountain to our friend’s house. He took us to a local hotel and introduced us to “Mother Mary” (as she was lovingly called by the many who sought her wisdom) who owned the hotel-restaurant. When she discovered we had not found a place to live yet, she took us upstairs and set us up in the two-room suite for which I was greatly appreciative. It gave us a chance to shower, etc., and a place for the boys to be warm and comfortable. As the days passed, we found a house and got settled in. Each weekend (and many weeknights) we spent time at Panther Meadows and I never gave up looking for Pixie.

My husband and the boys did a lot of exploring which left me at the campsite alone a good share of the time. Occasionally hikers and other campers would stop by the campsite and we would talk and they would share the pot of coffee I always had going or the water we had with us. Several weekends we trudged up to the lodge and slept there overnight. The lodge burned down several years after we left. It was reported to have been arson. It was a shame because the lodge offered shelter to the weary hiker and mountain climber and it had so much character. There was even water available there.

Six months after we arrived in Shasta, we were once again at Panther Meadows camping out for the weekend. We arrived late Friday night, set up camp, got the fire going, had our dinner and just sat back and enjoyed the sky. The boys really loved the spot and could hardly wait to enter the forest for more adventurous exploring in the morning. As usual, our resident audience ringed our campsite with those bright inquisitive shining eyes. It was warm enough then that we slept outside the camper in sleeping bags but I seldom slept when we were up there. I almost felt it would be rude to go to sleep with so many friends around us and I liked to keep the fire going so we could have hot coffee and breakfast early in the morning. Never seemed to get sleepy up there.

This particular weekend was the weekend I was taken inside Mt. Shasta. My husband and the three boys had gone exploring again and I was in the process of cleaning up the breakfast mess and getting the sleeping bags put away when I noticed a young man (I assumed he was another young hippie, doing his thing on the mountain as so many were) walking across the meadow toward our campsite. He was a slender young man, dressed in the fashion of the day, jeans and shirt. He had no backpack or canteen with him. I thought he must have a campsite nearby and had left his things there while he did a little exploring close by. As he got closer to the camp I saw that he was blond and had a neatly trimmed little beard. I chuckled to myself because he didn’t appear to be old enough to be able to grow a beard. He stopped a short distance away and asked if it was O.K. if he might have a cup of the coffee he had been smelling all morning. I laughed and invited into the campsite and got him a cup of coffee.

We sat by the fire for a while and talked about the mountain and the weather and several inconsequential topics, which I can’t even, remember now. I was drawn to the young man, felt perfectly safe with him ‘ even was comfortable with him as if I had known him for years. It seemed we shared so many interests and beliefs. We talked about Paramahansa Yogananda, eastern philosophy, magnetic and color healing, dreams of flying, Atlantis and even got around to talking about UFOs. I told him about George (JW George Van Tassel, that is.) and the Integratron and discovered he knew all about George. I told him that George had told me about the Brotherhood that had been in Shasta and that they had left to go to Peru because of the need for a more stable environment, etc. He smiled and said he had also heard those stories.

He asked if I would like to go inside the mountain to see for myself who was still there. Thinking he was kidding me, I said sure, would love to do that. It sounded really exciting. We got up and started off in the direction he had come from. He said the entrance was nearby and it would only take a few minutes to get there. He was right ‘ it did only take a few minutes. We passed across the Meadows into the trees and within minutes were at a tall, odd-shaped rock. I would guess it was probably 10 feet high and 5 feet across. The front of the rock was flat and the limbs of the nearby trees partially hid it.

The top of the rock slanted down to the ground in the back so that it looked like a lopsided triangle. A side view was something like this front of rock I remember that the ground around it was very hard compared to the softer ground we had walked on to get there. There was not the layer of fallen needles, etc., to cushion our step. He walked up to the door and touched it. It swung open, inwardly, at his touch. He motioned me to follow him, which I did. I marvel now that I was not in the least bit afraid to go with him nor did it even occur to me not to go with him.


Photo: Said to be a secret rear entrance to Telos

As I went through the open door I saw a set of 7 steps that went down to a small landing and then continued down to the right of the landing. There was a slightly damp, musty smell, not unpleasant, but indicating that we had entered an area that was not often graced with the presence of fresh air. It was obvious we were inside a mountain for the walls were stone.

We reached the landing and I paused to look around. I saw that we were in a small barren room which gave me the feeling we had entered an entryway or foyer. The room was bathed in a soft light from a source I could not identify. There was no evidence of lamps or bulbs or indirect lighting. We descended to the floor of the room and the young man walked to the far wall, touched it and a door opened. The door had not been visible from the landing. It blended into the wall in such a manner that if you didn’t know exactly where it was, you would have no idea that a door even existed. I followed him through the door and found myself in a very large, high ceiling stone room. This room was also well lit with light from an undetermined source.

As we walked across the room to what appeared to be a large hallway, I saw there were a number of entryways around the room each of which appeared to have a large hallway leading from it. We walked to the far side of the room and continued down the hallway. (Perhaps passageway would be a more accurate description.) The passageway led us to another large room. This room had furniture and large glass-enclosed cases. He took me to the cases and pointed to some pieces of flat stone. As I got closer to the cases I saw that there was some form of printing on each stone. I could not recognize the language. I turned to ask him what the stones represented and before I could ask he smiled and said: “You have no memory now, but these are the sacred tablets that you and your coworkers spirited out of Atlantis as the floodwaters rose to destroy the land.”

He went on to explain that we (was not sure who he meant as €˜we’ at the time) had taken the tablets to a cave and had hidden them. As he told the story, I could see in my mind a number of small, 2 person crafts, that were moving very fast through deep water. They gradually slowed as they approached a cave and as they entered the cave I could see them rise to the surface of the water. The cave was very large. As the occupants of the small crafts opened the vehicles to emerge they were greeted by others who hurriedly took possession of the stone tablets and disappeared through entryways in the cave.

As the tablets were removed from the crafts the occupants re-entered the little ships and left the cave as they had entered. At that point, my visualization stopped but I had a sense of having been there. It took a few minutes to come back out of the feeling of anxiety and at the same time, excitement that I had experienced as I watched the little ships in the water. There had been a feeling of great relief and accomplishment as the tablets were handed over and I could hear the prayers of thanks being offered.

There was little activity in this room. There were a number of backless benches, which sat in front of each case. I had the same feeling in this room as I have had to visit a museum. At this point, I realized I didn’t know what to call him. He had not given me his name. I asked him what his name was and he said I could call him Mikel. Mikel motioned me to follow him again and we entered another room. (By the way, the “museum” room and this room are what I would say were fairly normal rooms. The ceilings were probably only 15 feet high and the ceiling and walls were covered with some material that almost appeared to be metal except I didn’t feel the coldness that I do when I am around the metal, [If that makes any sense to you]. The floors were very smooth-have no idea what the covering was and it was shiny.) This second room contained seven large, upright cylinders. I would guess they were each probably 10 feet high and 4 feet across.

Again, I don’t know the material they were constructed from; although it appeared to be glass, I don’t think it was. The cylinders were filled with a liquid substance (looked like a gelatinous consistency) and each had a beam of light shining down from the top. The liquid substance was a different color in each cylinder. The colors appeared to match pretty much the colors we have designated for the seven major chakras. In this room, there were a number of people (to me they appeared to be as human as I am) working around the cylinders. They were each placing small pieces of paper (at least it looked like paper) on the various colored cylinders. I saw that each attachment had writing on it. Mikel explained that they were working healing on various individuals and on Mother Earth, herself. They would inscribe the attachment (or attachments if a combination of colors was required) with the name or location that required healing. The attachments would assume the color of the cylinder as the healing energies were dispersed. When the attachment attained the exact color of the cylinder or the exact hue required by the inscription, it would dissolve.

See also  1998: Exploring The Myth of The Men In Black

We watched them work for a while and Mikel suggested I might like to enter into a study of color healing. I agreed that perhaps I would. As we left the healing room, Mikel looked at me and said “Your family is returning to the campsite. We had the best return also.” We left the same way we had entered. When we were once again in the forest, Mikel said “We will meet again for there is much more for you to see and remember. Be careful about returning down the mountain. Drive slowly and you will discover something dear to your heart.” Mikel did not return to the campsite with me. He waved and returned to the mountain entrance.

I made my way back to our campsite and got there just a wee bit before my family. The fire had died down although the coffee was still hot. My husband and I had a cup of coffee and decided to head back down the mountain before it got dark. I had not mentioned my previous little jaunt into the mountain nor did mention this one. As we wound our way down the mountain I told him to drive slowly because I wanted to breathe in the coming of the evening in the forest. He was agreeable and we went slowly around the many curves.

As we rounded one rather large curve, there was a big buck standing in the middle of the road. My husband slammed on the brakes and we came to a complete halt because the buck was not moving. I saw a small movement out of the corner of my eye and as I turned my head to see what it was, I saw my Pixie. He was cowering in the ditch. I jumped out of the truck and the squeaky door and sudden movement scared him. He took off up the embankment. I followed, stumbling over the loose rocks and getting a handful of stickers in my hands as I clamored up the embankment. I followed him through the trees, calling his name as I ran. We were in a marshy area and I found myself sloshing in water up to my ankles. The thought of the possibility of getting a snake bit or falling into quicksand flashed through my mind but I quickly dismissed it.

After following him for some distance, I stopped and began calling his name, over and over. It was getting dark in the trees and I was having trouble seeing my way. Finally I heard a plaintive cry and knew he was beginning to associate with the sound of my voice and his name. I kept calling his name and slowly inched my way towards the sound of his cries. I found him crouched down in a small opening. I stood very still and then crouched down to the ground and held my arms out to him. I kept talking to him and he finally came to his feet and very slowly an cautiously approached me.

When he got close enough I reached to pick him up and he let me. I was crying and he was crying. I turned to make my way back to the truck hoping I was going in the right direction. After walking for several minutes I was able to let out a sigh of relief for there in front of us was the road, the truck and darned if the buck wasn’t still standing in the middle of the road. As I came down the embankment and got back into the truck, the buck sauntered off the road into the trees. Pixie was all over me. Marking me and kissing me and crying. He yowled so much in his happiness that by the time we got back down the mountain he had lost his voice. He appeared to be none the worse for wear. Perhaps a little thinner than last I saw him, but he looked beautiful to me.

How that little guy survived six months on the mountain is beyond my comprehension. I can only think he had help. Whatever enabled him to survive, I am eternally grateful that he was brought back to us. Needless to say, Pixie never went camping with us again; but we continued our weekly trips to Panther Meadows. The following weekend we were back at Panther Meadows. As usual, the hubby and kids went exploring and I found myself watching the path for Mikel. He appeared a little after 10 a.m. that morning and we set off into the trees once again. After entering the mountain, passing the “museum” and healing room, Mikel selected another passageway.

This passageway was narrower than the previous ones I had seen, and it was definitely stone. Again, there was light. We walked a short distance down the passageway and I saw we were approaching an area that contained several pieces of machinery. The machinery turned out to be vehicles. Mikel walked to the first one and motioned me to get in. It was a small vehicle with two seats. They resembled bucket seats. I could see no dashboard or any sort of instrumentation. There was one small area that had three buttons on it. He pushed one and the vehicle rose from the ground. It hovered there until he pushed the second button and the vehicle began to move forward. There was no steering wheel or visible means of controlling the vehicle. (Never did find out what the third button was for.)

As we wove our way through various tunnels I observed pieces of lava (at least that was what I thought them to be) on the floor of the tunnel and imbedded in the walls. Parts of the tunnels were quite narrow and other parts opened into larger areas. It was a maze of tunnels and offshoots. I had no idea how far we had gone, if we had traveled upward or downward or on the same level. There was a definite fluctuation in temperature as we traveled the various tunnels. Nothing really unpleasant but there were spots that were warmer than others. We reached what I will identify as a landing dock where there were a number of similar vehicles sitting empty. We emerged from the small craft and made our way through another passageway into a large room which was in complete contrast to the tunnels we have just traveled. The room had a very high ceiling and was full of luscious green plants, trees and flowers, many of which I couldn’t identify. The room was warm, not hot, and I could feel the moisture in the air.

There appeared to be direct sunlight in the room but I saw no openings that would admit sunlight. I asked Mikel about the light and he told me that it was indeed sunlight and it reached the room through a series of mirror-like apparatus that were used to funnel it in from the mountain top. He went on to explain that there were many rooms such as this that were used to grow the food necessary to sustain the remaining guard inside the mountain and to maintain a proper environmental balance for the occupants within the mountain. He pointed out what appeared to be a ventilation system near the ceiling. He explained that there were many of them distributed throughout the mountain.

We walked among the plants and trees, talking about the Brotherhood, the future of Mother Earth, the lost civilizations of our past, the work to be done to preserve our present society, the predicted upcoming tilting of the Earth on her axis, and last but truly not least-the beauty of a moonless night. We found that we each preferred the moonless nights because only then can the true beauty of our Universe and stars be appreciated. As we were leaving I asked him if we were still in Mt. Shasta and he said we were. He motioned me back to the landing dock and the small craft took us back to our starting point. We walked back out into the trees and to the clearing of the meadow. Mikel told me that the next time we met we were going “traveling”. I asked him what he meant by that and he just smiled and said “You’ll see.”

The weather had reached the stage where I felt it was too cold to take the boys for overnight camping. We had been pushing it for a couple weekends as it was and the heavy quilts had been brought back out of the closet and stored in the camper. Our homemade camper was probably not the prettiest of campers but it was solid. I could put the boys in the back with quilts and blankets under them, around them and over them and they stayed nice and warm. They had gotten their first introduction to winter underwear which, at first, didn’t make them very happy but as it got colder they were quite content to wear it.

Come Saturday morning and not being sure that the mountain wouldn’t begin to sport a mantle of snow very soon, I had decided not to take the boys up with me. The road could be very dangerous to travel with snow and ice on it. Didn’t want to take the risk of having them up there with the possibility of a snowfall. When we had first arrived at Shasta there were still patches of snow in areas that didn’t get much sunlight but the chance of more snow had been slight. We had purchased chains for the truck and always carried extra gasoline and water with us in the back of the camper. I wouldn’t have been able to put the darn chains on by myself, but at least I had them in case some helpful soul would take pity and help get them on.

I took the truck and headed for the mountain by myself. I have never had a problem being by myself and have always enjoyed basking in the energy of my surroundings and letting my thoughts wander in whatever direction they choose. I stopped at the hotel and chit chatted with Mother Mary. She was taking her group up the mountain in the afternoon for the last session of the year and asked if I would like to join them. She was such a great lady. Her heart was surely as big as Mt. Shasta itself and her love was boundless. The young people (commonly referred to as hippies in those days) who were drawn to Shasta always ended up at her hotel seeking not only her wisdom and advice but also shelter and food. She held teaching and meditation sessions on the mountain as often as she could. It was an inspiring sight to come upon them as they grouped around her, taking in her every word and gesture. During the winter months she would hold meditations in the lobby of the hotel. In those days, she had very few paying customers.

I feel that my association with Mother Mary and our friend (who had been a disciple of Yogananda) are the two relationships that set me on a spiritual quest that I realize has continued to this day. Just sitting here at my computer, attempting to bring back, in some semblance of order, the events of those some 30 plus years ago, feelings are resurfacing that I have not experienced in many a moon. I am remembering the peace and contentment I experienced on the mountain and the surges of energy that made the hair on my arms stand at attention. I am experiencing an undesired urge to dust off my old student handbooks and once again become a facilitator of information. I wonder. But, I digress. Back to my trip up the mountain that Saturday morning. I left Mother Mary with the promise that I would join the group if at all possible. I jumped in the truck (I have a vague recollection of the days when I could jump into a truck) and headed up the mountain.

See also  2016: Are you able to decipher this “alien” code?

Once I got to Panther Meadows I was glad I had not brought the boys because it was really cold and windy there. I had parked the truck so that I could stay inside and watch the area where Mikel usually appeared and, appear he did. I got out to meet him and we once again entered the mountain. The anticipation of his last promise that we would go traveling was almost more than I could bear. It was all I could do not to push him through doors and down passageways so he would move faster. To my surprise, we did not enter the passageway where we had secured the little vehicle that had transported up through the tunnels on my last visit. Instead, we continued down the main passageway until we reached a larger than average doorway. Mikel held the door open for me and I was totally spellbound by what I saw as I entered the room. Now John, please bear with me because my descriptive abilities usually leave something to be desired; but, I will try to explain what I saw in such a way that you will be able to see it also. There were a number of freestanding consoles along the left side of the room.

Each console was approximately the size and shape of a small desk. There was a panel attached to the back of each console that rose about four feet above the desktop and appeared to be about a foot in depth. There was a small bank of button-like objects on the panels and across the bottom of the panel were a series of flickering colored buttons. I noticed that as the colors became brighter or darker the speed of the flickering increased or decreased. Mikel explained briefly that the consoles had features which allowed for the monitoring of the activities and any fluctuation of temperature within the various parts of the mountain. I suspected that was a rather limited explanation and that the purpose had greater implications than were given to me at the time but I didn’t question his further.

On the entire wall to the right of the door where we entered was a map of sorts. I recognized our solar system and the various planets on one half of the map. The other half of the map contained planets and stars (I guess they were stars) which I was not familiar with. There were little pulsating lights on various parts of the two maps and at times some of them appeared to change position. I wasn’t given much time to take a real close look and I really wanted to, but Mikel seemed to have some other destination in mind. In the area directly across from the entry door, was a large, cylindrical-shaped object that had a shiny surface such as metal might reflect. As we approached the object I could see it was not metal ‘ almost had the appearance of a fabric of sorts.

Mikel walked up to the object, touched an area about midway on the object and an opening silently appeared. We went inside. I saw there were five seats all connected to a solid beam that was across the floor of the object on the opposite wall of the entryway. Mikel took one of the seats and I followed suit. Had no idea what to expect, but had confidence in Mikel not to put me in any danger. The opening that we had come through closed, and I saw that the area we were in was actually separate from the outer shell. The object was actually two objects, one nestled inside the other. I was beginning to get butterflies in my stomach and found myself taking slow deep breaths in an effort to calm them down.

I asked Mikel for some explanation of why we were in the object and what was going to happen. He explained that the interior tube, the one in which we were located, was actually, in simplified terms, a form of traveling time machine. We were taking our journey that day with the traveling time machine. He explained that it had been created and brought here literally thousands of centuries before and had been used by several civilizations up to the time that the personal form of “astral” travel or directed projection of consciousness had been perfected. He said I would this day see a past history that few in this time are privy to see. For his purposes that day and because I had no idea what directed projection of consciousness referred to, our journey was going to take place within the tube.

I found myself looking at scenery I could not identify. It was almost like watching a movie screen except that I had the sensation of movement. Mikel acted as a guide as different scenes appeared before me. I didn’t recall seeing any windows in the object we had entered but I sure was able to see what Mikel was showing me. At first I thought I was flying and then I thought I was just observing and then I realized I was sitting in a ship whose interior was very similar to the ship that George Van Tassel had taken me aboard several years prior. As scenery sped by I thought I recognized Saturn with its rings (although it sported several moons that had never been seen or at least I was not aware of) and then I knew where I was when I saw Planet Earth coming into view. We were traveling very close to the surface of the planet and there appeared to be very little human habitation. Each time we circled the planet, the surface changed. The energy of the planet changed and the colors emanating from it changed.

I saw sailing vessels turn into very sophisticated water-going vessels which could travel above or below the surface of the water. I saw flying vessels circling the planet, almost in formation, and watched as they would speed off into space only to become invisible to the human eye and others coming down to take their place. I saw empty land become developed, food being grown, buildings coming into being, and with each new development, the colors again changed. I saw entire civilizations being born and dying. I saw land masses rise and fall and I felt the trauma as a polar shift took place. I saw pieces of continents break off and drift away.

I saw huge beautiful animal forms coming to the planet and eventually disappearing. I saw light around human life forms and witnessed as it went from a beautiful light to a murky, dense darkness. I witnessed the rebirth or second coming of the light beings and once again, the colors of the planet changed. And most memorable, I felt and became one with the heartbeat of all that existed on the planet. I experienced the exhilaration of discovery and the heartache of destruction. I ran the entire gamut of emotions with the planet. I found myself weeping with her and celebrating the awakenings that took place. There is much more€¦probably would take a volume to explain in detail all that flashed past, but I think you understand where I was that day. Always there appeared to be the presence of the observers. At times the shape and size of their vehicles changed, but there was not a time during our little jaunt when they were not present. I will relate the rest of the trip in the next installment.


Our movement around Planet Earth’s surface seemed to be slowing down. I was able to discern more detail and movement. We finally came to a complete stop and the images faded from my sight. I found my energy low from the vast range of emotions I had just been through but sensed this was not the first time I had been in those particular emotional arenas. Much of what I had just seen and experienced held a familiar ring to it. It was almost one of those “been there, done that” sensations, but with no apparent sense of loss regret. It was at this point that I found my voice and wanted to ask Mikel questions. I felt like the cub reporter out on my first big assignment and began racking my brain to find the right (intelligent?) questions to ask. I needn’t have been concerned for before I could get my throat sufficiently cleared and my mouth open to speak, Mikel proceeded to explain a few of the reasons for this trip in the traveling time machine.

The gist of the explanation was that in order for the Light Workers of the future to have a clearer understanding when certain events transpired in the future, it is helpful for the imprint of past experiences to be reinforced and reawakened in the psyche. He went on to say that those who were and would be working in the Light, would find the reinforcement and reawakening beneficial in the process of gaining understanding of and solutions to upcoming events. Mikel further explained that the process of revisitation that I had experienced would not necessarily be the same process used to bring memory back, (relating to events that were to prepare us for the mission), for all who were involved or would become involved. He further explained that some of those destined to Light Work in the upcoming changes had not yet arrived on Planet Earth.

He spoke of books that would and have been written, experiences that would be shared and theories put forth (theories that would later be proven to be factual) not only in an attempt to jog memory but to ease the citizens of Planet Earth into thought patterns that would enable them to more readily accept what was ahead. He said that many movies would be produced in an effort to suggest or implant in the mass consciousness not only the possibility but the probability of future encounters with those who may appear to be “different”.

As he was speaking, I flashed back on having seen what I thought was Saturn at the beginning of the trip. I wondered why the journey began way out there and what the implications were. It took me back to ages of 5 and 6 when I was living with an aunt and uncle on a farm in Iowa. Our bedrooms were all upstairs and during the summer months my aunt would push my bed up against a window so I could catch whatever little breeze there might be. I remember laying there, night after night, staring at the sky and wondering what I was doing way down here and when “they” were coming to take me home. I would even, at times, hear a soft voice telling me it would be soon.

Mikel had been become quiet as I walked down memory lane and when I had finished he took my hand and told me it was not yet time for me to return home ‘ but it was time for me to begin remembering the work that was to come. At that moment I realized there was more to my connection to Mikel and Mt. Shasta than I had ever imagined. Had no inkling what the connection could be but knew it was there. I kept flashing on past incarnations that correlated to the events that were shown to me as we had circled the planet and I saw myself emerging from the darkness of space into the radiance emitted from Planet Earth, time after time. Was I a visitor ‘ or perhaps an immigrant that had been given a Light Worker clearance to reside and work on this planet, in this dimension. Perhaps that explained my never feeling I belonged. I wanted to talk more about my feelings and a hundred questions were bouncing around in my head at such speed they were colliding with each other, but Mikel took my arm and steered me toward the entryway.


We proceeded out of the tube and back into what I will call the Tube Room. I checked my watch and found that we had been in the tube a little less than an hour. My knees felt a little weak and I experienced some slight dizziness as we left the tube. Mikel explained that it would pass and instructed me to take some slow deep breaths. He placed his right hand on my midsection (which I later discovered was the location of the Solar Plexus Chakra) and his left hand on the back of my neck. He then had me bend over at the waist and inhale as I slowly came back up. He had me repeat that exercise several times. When he removed his hands, I was no longer experiencing dizziness. He said he knew the dizziness had been uncomfortable for me on my visits but assured me I would no longer experience it. He did point out that I might now experience some slight physical reactions as I returned to the outer world ‘ he was right ‘ I did.

We left the Tube Room and there was one of the little vehicles we had used before waiting for us. Mikel motioned me in and we were on our way. He took us through a myriad of tunnels that almost made me dizzy. We turned from one passageway to another, and at times I wondered if we were going in circles. I’m sure we weren’t, we just made many turns and one tunnel looked like another except for width and height and some were damp and chilly while others sported really warm air. He finally brought the little vehicle to rest and I was glad he did because my stomach was getting a little queasy. We alit and headed to a small opening which I assumed led to another passageway. Mikel stepped aside to allow me to enter before him. I entered a small area that appeared to be a small, dead end passageway.

Mikel came around me and touched an area on the far wall and another entryway appeared. Midway through the second entryway I gasped and stopped dead in my tracks. For a moment I thought we had emerged from the mountain and stepped into a beautiful green valley on the opposite side of the mountain from where we had entered. But as I stood there, staring (I am sure my mouth was hanging open) I realized there were buildings and people stirring about and I perceived areas that appeared to be planted. There was no sign of the ever-present pine trees of the mountain, but in their stead were huge shade trees and what seemed to me to be fruit trees and I could see them all gently swaying to the rhythm of a slight breeze that was moving through the valley.

There was bright sunlight everywhere and I could hear songbirds. My family, friends and I had done a lot of exploring on the mountain over the months but had never come across any such form of settlement on any side of the mountain. I turned to Mikel and realized he was grinning at me. I had seen Mikel’s face exhibit what I took to be a smile, from time to time, but never had I seen him openly grin. He opened his arms to me and said “I have waited a long time, my sister, to welcome you back”. I had no earthly idea what he was talking about, but his hug felt wonderful. We sat at the top of the valley for what seemed to be hours talking about “things”. He told me that this was not yet the time for me to rejoin them.

There was much I had not yet been exposed to in the outer world and many things to learn about the functions of the outer world and the areas in which I could be of assistance when the prophesied changes for Planet Earth became reality. He pointed out that I would, in time, be able to discern who walked this path with me. That before the turn of the century, those who were in Light Work from around the world would blend their energies prior to and during the “Changes” to assist the citizens of Planet Earth during their periods of readjustment. He indicated that help would e forthcoming from the citizens of the inner world. I looked at the valley and wondered just how many were there that could come to help if the call went out. Mikel, sensing my question, said “Ah, little sister, but what you see here is only one of our grouping sites.

There are many such sites in the inner world, much knowledge, and above all, great love and concern for those who live in the outer world. On the surface, you find love is a commodity hard come by but in here it is our guiding light. It is the very life force of our being.”From what I could gather, as Mikel continued to talk on, this planet, perhaps even our solar system, has gone through the involution and evolutionary process countless times. Planet Earth has been visited and revisited, colonized and re-colonized. Left alone and nurtured. Cursed and loved. Cross breeding has taken place. The “helpers” from afar have walked side by side with us in total wonderment that we have managed to survive at all. The citizens of Planet Earth have, on several occasions, presented such rare challenges that personal attention of great magnitude was required to preserve the very integrity of the planet, herself.


John, most of the things that Mikel told me that afternoon were directed toward my personal growth. Unfortunately, my memory is not good enough to quote him word for word, but I am going to offer some of his thoughts to you, in my own words. I am sure we all realize that we are working simultaneously on several levels of existence toward the progress of the soul-self, the physical-self and the preservation of the school ground for those to follow. We are working toward our mass and individual spiritual growth, toward preserving our species, toward protecting and preserving our physical home (Planet Earth), toward getting beyond the duality we created on this Plane and toward reuniting with the Beingness and the Creative Source.

We know there is only one power in the Universe-that which emanates from the Creative Source (by whatever name you chose to identify with). There are varying degrees of energy within that power which are identified as negative (black or evil) to positive (white or good). But it is the same line of power-only the intent differs. We choose from lifetime to lifetime which part of the energy line we feel will best further our spiritual soul-self growth and that of those we have chosen to work with. Once we pass through the rite of reincarnation we leave the protective womb and enter into an arena which is challenging, to say the least. We seldom bring memory forward with us on a conscious level so we are on our own where our development is concerned.

Many distractions that take us away from our spiritual growth are presented by our teachers and those distractions become more enticing as technology progresses. We are given movies and videos through which we can live vicariously to experience the excitement we fail to find in our personal lives. We seek instant gratification much as we seek instant media reporting. We seek escape through legal and illegal drugs rather than through the pursuit of spiritual knowledge. The bent toward self has become a selfish one in that most of our desires center around physical and material possessions and pursuits. Smoke screens of all sorts are thrown up to occupy our minds. The list goes on and on but I am sure you understand what I am saying.

Mikel told me to visualize the Universe as a jigsaw puzzle with only the border in place. There is a large box sitting beside the puzzle with all the pieces in it. Each piece represents a soul-self. It is up to me (each of us) to find out which piece represents me (us) and where it fits into the overall scheme of the puzzle. Only when all the pieces have been correctly placed into the puzzle will peace come to the Universe. If I attempt to place or force my soul-self into the wrong position, an imbalance naturally occurs. That imbalance causes a reaction such as the ripples on water-it not only affects me but it travels in a non-ending fashion and directly or indirectly affects everyone and everything in the entire puzzle (Universe).

The search for our identity or place in the overall scheme of things, must start at our soul-self beginning if we are to find our proper niche in the puzzle. It is beneficial in each individual incarnation to delve into who we are, why we are here and what lessons we have chosen. But, unless we can see or visualize the whole picture, unless we can trace our progress (or lack thereof) from the beginning, we not only have difficulty in finding our niche in the puzzle, but we will have altered the shape of our piece and it will not fit into the puzzle in a proper manner which will enable it to enhance and support the surrounding pieces. Rather, it will cause discord and imbalance to flourish.

On another level, we are approaching the introduction to soul-self forms other than those that we unite with on Planet Earth. (You must remember this was given to me some 30+ years ago. I had my introduction to some of those other soul-self forms by George Van Tassel at Giant Rock Airport in the form of “space brothers”.) Again, those who are not evolved or open to growth will throw up barriers against a uniting with the new soul-self forms. These “other soul-self forms” or “space brothers” have always been around-much as our Guardian Angels and our Ascended Masters have. It is merely that another layer of the veil is being lifted and with the lifting of that veil, those who do not want change in any form to occur on Planet Earth will introduce fear of the new soul-self forms. It is up to each individual to search that fear to ascertain if it is valid.

These are a few of the thoughts that Mikel gave to me. I don’t know if you have any interest in other things he said to me. If you do, let me know and I will give you more of what he said. I knew it was getting late and I needed to get back down to the valley. Mikel, sensing my desire to get back to my family, took my hand to lead me back to the tunnel. As we turned, I took one more look at the beckoning valley. There was a part of me that longed to stay in that valley and to once again flourish in an environment of love. But, my children called to me and I knew it was not my time to be with those below.

As I emerged once again from the Mountain I saw that evening was descending upon us. I bade Mikel goodbye and set off in the truck to find Mother Mary and her group. John, I know this is a short one, but remembering all these things has stirred me greatly and I am going to close this section for now. I do hope I have explained things well enough to be understood. While the information is very clear in my mind, it is sometimes difficult for me to get it from my mind onto paper.


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