plastic einstein
plastic einstein (Photo credit: postbear)

NEW YORK-A prominent international think tank has released the first official report exposing the long suspected existence of the fifth dimension. The report, sponsored by NASA and released this month states that

“The theories from turn of the twentieth century scientists were correct; the world of the fifth dimension is a reality”.

The report goes on to reveal that by the early summer of 1922 German physicists, under the leadership of Albert Einstein and Max Planck had shown that the then twenty-year-old Werner Heisenberg, had discovered the mathematical model for the relative relationship between our four-dimensional world and the invisible world of the fifth dimension. This led Heisenberg to the publication in 1927 of his renowned concept of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in simple terms states, the more precisely one property is measured, the less precisely the other can be controlled, determined, or known. It is from this principle that the search for the fifth dimension took root.

Mathematics professor Harrison Leary explained, “With the uncertainty principle there’s no mystery as to why we cannot see the fifth dimension“. Leary went on to define our four dimension universe. “A dimension is a measurement in a single direction. A good analogy is a box, the three dimensions of a box are up and down, side to side and forward and backward. We see time as a fourth dimension, the measurement of events moving from the past to the future. In a sense, we are stuck in our four-dimensional box and we are blind to anything that exists beyond our box”.

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Professor Leary continued, “We now understand that the fifth dimension is like a circle, it is a ring not a box. A circle or a ring has no beginning or end, we humans have no perception of anything that has no beginning or ending“.

Clive Williams, a leading interdimensional researcher, rationalizes that a circle or ring has no intersecting surfaces, like the corners of our four dimension box. “This is why the beings in the fifth dimension can travel outside of their world and step into our world with ease and that is why we cannot escape from our boxed-in world“.

London-based Interdimensional Crisis Group said that current attempts to create a dialogue between our world and that of the schematically dissimilar world of the fifth dimension is unlikely to achieve any sustainable communication.

Cynthia Teibel, senior analyst with the ICG and one of the reports author’s said that it is clear that previous encounters with so-called UFOs and Alien races were not extraterrestrial but were actually of extradimensional origins. Teibel said, “We now know that the truth is indeed stranger than fiction“. Teibel stated, “Most if not all of the reports of ghosts, demon spirits, shadow people and other paranormal encounters are conclusively proven to be entities from the fifth dimension“.

However, the report suggests that abductions, medical experiments and other atrocities forced upon humanity have been from the hands of the fifth dimension entities and not the fictional grey aliens from another galaxy in our four-dimensional universe. Meanwhile, the United Nations has called for the formation of an international consortium of scientists and engineers to develop a new form of Interdimensional Transportation System. A system could be developed using the newly found Metaphasic Radiation Technology.

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The report concludes that an ITS using MRT will be our only hope for a diplomatic ending with the ongoing invasions from the fifth dimension.

I wrote this fictional post, “Invasion From The Fifth Dimension” as an example of how many UFO and Alien enthusiasts, Ghost hunters and other paranormal claimers and their misleading fake documentation is constantly being presented as fact. It is this falsified information and lies that will continue to keep the truth hidden from our society. By perpetuating hoaxes, presenting erroneous documentation and fictional stories the genuine facts are discounted. It is my hope that the architects of these dishonest fabrications will be exposed.

There is value in honest skepticism; it is the way to truth.

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