Name: Fomalhaut

AKA: Formal Haut

Location  – Home System: The brightest star in the constellation of Piscis Austrinus (the southern fish). Piscis Austrinus is found between the constellations of Aquarius and Grus.

Distance from Earth: About 23 Light years from Earth.



Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height: 5 feet, six inches to just over six feet
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair: blonde, dark hair and brown
  • Skin:
  • Eyes:  very blue, hazel, black or steel-gray eyes
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information:  The first variety of Fomalhaut humans closely resembles the so-called “Nordics” type of ETs, and are usually blonde with very blue, hazel or steel-gray eyes. Men are muscular, and around six feet (1.85 meters) tall. Women are very buxom and range from 5 feet, six inches to just under six feet (1.68 to 1.83 meters) in height. The second type is darker-skinned and looks almost tanned, with dark hair and brown, gray or black eyes. Same relative height and appearance as the first so-called “Nordic” type.

The Confederation’s Dinoid-Reptoid inhabitants are a hybrid originally from the star Bellatrix in Orion. Very scaly and bony. The upper head is surrounded by large bony crest. Large red or dull yellow eyes (resembling those of Earth’s reptiles), are large and set forward just above, and to either side of, very small nose. The mouth has thin lips that run from one side of the head to the other. Ears are non-existent: the only sign of them is an extra-smooth 3-inch (7.62 cm) circle on either side of the head and just behind eyes. Skin is scaly like crocodiles and green, yellow, brown or red in color. Small crest of bony material runs up the middle of back and is connected to larger crest found on the top of head.


Being is bipedal. Thin hand has six long, clawed fingers. Feet have five toes ending in small, very sharp claws. Very small tail, thick like crocodile’s, extends only to feet. Male is shorter than female. Bellatrician-like males on Fomalhaut range from 8 to 10 feet (2.44 to 3 meters) in height: females are 8.5 to 10.25 feet (2.6 to 3.12 meters) tall.

Special Traits and Abilities: Noted for prowess in all scientific endeavors. They now comprise a large part of the personnel of first major Science and Exploration Team sent to Andromeda (some 2 million Light years from our galaxy).

Communication Type:  Human language is lyrical but guttural: Dinoid-Reptoid language is much more guttural.


Life Form Type: Two members. First, a human rebel group from the Pleiades that first colonized Fomalhaut some 250,000 years ago, and who are now found on Fomalhaut’s third and fourth planets. Second, a smaller dinoid-reptoid group from Bellatrix in Orion, that colonized the second planet in this solar system some 200,000 years ago. The two parties created this Confederation after a series of very destructive wars that ended some 20,000 years ago.


Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type: Human scout ships are ovoid, like water drop about to fall from a tap. They range from 60 to 85 feet (18.3 to 26 meters) in diameter. Mother ships look like huge multi-layered cigars and are from 2 miles to 1200 miles (3.2 to 1,920 kilometers) across.

Dinoid-Reptoid scout ships are shaped like huge beetles, approximately 100 feet (30.5 meters) in diameter. Mother ships are shaped like amoeba and are some 8 to 900 miles (13 to 14,400 kilometers) across.


Witnesses Reports:

Special Features/Characteristics: 




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