Aboard the DAL Spacecraft

It was Meier’s 5 eighteenth close-up observation of extraterrestrial spacecraft when at 02:00 in the early morning hours of 3 February 1965, he was summoned to a place which had only shortly before that been made known to him telepathically. It was severely cold when he left his residence and started that walk in the dark to a favorite place of his where he had often gone alone for many hours.

Just sixteen days before that he had been told that this would be the place for the contact on the day, a time then still to be fixed, and it was now confirmed as the contact point. Though clattering cold, he began to sweat as he climbed briskly up a little hill to the agreed-upon site.

He had barely arrived when he saw, shooting down from the sky, a brilliantly luminous flying object which immediately landed near him on the hard frozen ground. The bright light went out and he could see a matt-silvery disc-shaped object which stood majestically on its three landing spheres and seemed to wait for him.

Following a brief telepathic instruction and a gentle urging, he went toward the ship and was immediately lifted into it through an opening, by some force, as there was no elevator nor any other means of entrance, something like he had experienced with the old man in the pear-shaped ship when he was a small boy. But the inside equipment was basically different from the ship of Sfath. There was only one seat in it, and there was nobody else. He was alone.

He thought this ship must be remotely controlled, so he sat down into the single but very comfortable seat. As he was getting settled, a powerful change took place. The bright light coming from everywhere

inside the ship suddenly went out, and then he felt like he was sitting in free space. He could see nothing of the ship and its equipment, and when he raised his hand before his eyes he couldn’t see it either.

Then it started to move upwards in the night sky. It slowly floated at low level toward the nearby village, where it hovered barely two meters above the house his parents were living in, and just remained hanging in the air, as Asket 5 voice sounded in his head again and gave him some information about his further life and that of his family sleeping there below him, and that of his own family in years to come. He had just married a Greek girl that same year.

Then the still invisible ship began to move eastwards, and increasing its speed, shot up into the night sky without Meier feeling any discomfort. Meier later said, “There was no doubt that I was in space, very high above the Earth, which I saw only as a blue-white-greenish sphere, but not actually a sphere – only.

But, part of a sphere, because now it looked like the Moon when it is half full. I saw the dim contours on the surface as they faded into the darkened part.’

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 3d

This was in 1965 before our own first Earth deep space mission. Then his vision was blurred, momentarily, and just as suddenly became visible again, and he could again see everything in the bright light of the inside of the ship.

Then the entrance door opened and he looked out and was surprised to see that completely unnoticed by him the small ship had landed. He got up to step put and found that he softly “floated” down to the ground and landed on hard, dry soil.

It was much warmer, and in the weak night light, he thought the ground landscape looked to be of a reddish color, and the soil was more sandy, while in the surroundings nearby masses of sandy rocks rose in elevation. The landscape looked familiar as he leaned on one of the big rocks. It was warm.

When he touched the rock material, he suddenly knew he was in Jordan. As he puzzled about that, a light fell from the sky like a stone. Bright and large as the Moon he saw it falling, growing bigger. Then suddenly it stopped and simply hovered quietly about a hundred meters above the ground, without even slowing before the dead stop. The luminous object hung in the air for a moment, then slowly settled to the ground and gently landed. The shiny metallic silent object illuminated the surroundings like the day.

He watched and waited for something to happen.

Time passed and nothing changed. So he sat down on a rock and waited, for nearly a half-hour, until at last something moved. Then a figure appeared from behind the ship and came up to within a few yards of him, as slowly the luminous radiance ‘of the ship dimmed down and then went out. But in a very short moment, it lighted up again, and its light began to spread like the dawn.

In the weak illumination of that dawn light he could make out the figure of a person, a female – Asket – he knew.

She walked confidently up to him and greeted him in a way that was familiar and known to him but he could not figure out why. She seemed strangely familiar. When he asked about this, she only smiled and suggested he consider other lifetimes before this. Her dress seemed familiar also, though it was much different from that of Sfath. She wore a foot-length pleated gown of a peculiar silver-white color, girdled at the waist. Her long blond hair fell to her shoulders.

She invited Meier to join her in her ship, which he did, and that ship sped up into the sky and like the remote-controlled shuttle craft also seemed to become invisible. The shuttlecraft was left in the labyrinth of rocks below, invisible to human eyes. Meier saw the early light of dawn on an ocean, and he thought it must be the Mediterranean, which proved to be correct. The ship sank down to the ground where he could see the big pointed structures he knew to be the pyramids of Egypt. The dive velocity suddenly stopped without Meier feeling anything, and then the sinking became a gentle floating down to the desert sand.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 3b

They touched down a few meters to one side of the Sphinx near a small Beduin camp where Arab-dressed people were beginning to break camp. They didn’t seem to notice the landing of the ship, which puzzled Meier, as he did not see how they could be missed. As the ship stopped, Asket fastened a small device to Meier’s belt so they would remain invisible after they left the field of the ship. They could see each other and the ship, and they could see the other people perfectly, but they and the ship remained invisible to others.

After showing Meier something of interest there, they returned and reentered the ship and it shot rapidly up into the sky as before. The ship rushed back and landed at the same waste mountains of Jordan, where they had left the small remote-controlled shuttle, where Asket took time and explained many things, about his life and his education, and his finally taking over his mission.

In Meier’s more recent incarnation history he has been an Arab, though up to then he had not discovered this. When he does, these scenes will be recalled and then he will know the reason for his strange familiarity with the country.

Among the many things discussed there aboard Asket’s ship parked in the Jordanian mountains was a resume” of some of the information imparted to Meier up to now and a concise putting together of this and more background information to reveal all: of this in better perspective to help Meier to understand the mission that was about to begin. In her own words this is what she told Meier at that time, reminding him of transmission in 1956:

Asket: – Creation is the basic foundation of life and all existence. In the force of The Creation, we fulfill our mission, which is not only of cosmic, but all-universal importance, because The Creation IS the life, and The Creation IS the existence. To fulfill our missions we must neutralize the structure of our space/time, and of yours in the respective universes, to achieve harmonic transfer without damage to ships and universes.

Our homeworld is in the DAL Universe, in the system of – in a for you Earthlings – strange system of just as strange a universe, of which there are several around your own familiar universe. but of these (other) universes lie in other planes of time and within completely unfamiliar to you space/dimensions…

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 3c

Our Universe is parallel to yours, and it lies, reckoned from your time, in an equal plane. The difference between us and your time is only very little. The cause of our coming into your Cosmos originated in earlier times… in the urge to an exploration of our race.

Enabled by technical developments, one Universe’s barrier was penetrated, from ours to yours, which admitted entrance for us into your time. Since then we explore the widths of your Universe, and some centuries ago we this sun system, and by that, your world….

In-our explorations, besides finding this world, we also found the ancient homeworld of those then responsible for human life in this world, because the human being of this Earth did not originate here. I am a descendent of those who originally came from that location which you call the “Ring Nebula” (in the constellation Lyra).

There is the real ancient home of the earth human race. The descendants of those Earthly ancestors are no longer populating the regions of space and systems around the “Ring Nebula” today, but live on world-bodies of those which you call “The Seven Sisters” or the “Pleiades“. They are the far descendants of your actual ancestral forefathers.

But about all these matters shall you, counting from today, within some twenty Earth years, become initiated by the descendants of your ancestors themselves, when you are mature enough to stand the new ex-planations and recognition’s. Until then you are obliged to learn much, and develop your wisdom to fulfill your heavy mission. You are provided as already many others in earlier times before you. In this respect, you were already before your birth placed under the control of a certain one who had to protect and guide and teach you… Such a life is difficult because the concerned one has very much to learn…

It is an obligation to all higher developed creatures, to assist less developed forms in a helpful manner of responsible measure, to influence the evolution in a given measure. This duty is an obligation of all creatures of all universes, because it is a Creational Law. As we are here, from a strange to your universe, to us also is here obliged the duty, in suited time, to make official contact with any developing forms of life.

We have recognized in this, your universe, many things which are in need of change. Especially on this world, things are moving on a very dangerous course. The mankind of Earth has come into an age of knowledge and development disturbed by many factors which enslave and exploit him. The thirst for power…. has always, and always will lead to wars and bloodshed, by which innumerable lives are lost.


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