Aboard the DAL Spacecraft

The RAMAYANA, an epic poem of ancient India, variously dated from 500 B.C. to as far back as 3,000 B.C., is a collection of historical legend narrated by the Indian sage, Narada, to the court historian Valmiki.

These are the “Pearls of Wisdom” which inspire certain Indian sects today. It describes, among other things, Rama, son of Dasaratha, King of Ayodha, in Northern India, as dueling with Ravana in celestial cars, fighting in the sky, and of destroying Ravana in Lanka (a former continent in the Indian Ocean, the remains of which are now known as Ceylon) with (atomic) missiles. Rama’s father, King Dasaratha, was said to have “sprung from an ancient star race“, descendants of the “Kings of the Stars“, space beings, who ruled India then.

These celestial cars where”circular in shape, golden in color and radiant to look up-on,” and where”drawn by steeds like the solar ray“. After the death of his wife, Sita, Rama lived alone and held secret conferences with a heavenly Messenger“, like the biblical prophets meeting the Lord. Years later, Rama left Ayodha in a celestial car and entered Heaven. (Here we have another direct assumption into heaven in the manner of our own biblical Elija.)

Ramachandra Dikshitar, in his WAR IN ANCIENT INDIA, McMillan, London 1945, translates the Samaranganasutradhara by King Bhojadena, eleventh century, as saying that there where flying machines which could attack visible and invisible objects, ascending, cruising thousands of miles in all directions in the atmosphere, and even mounting to the stellar regions (deep space).

The Bhishma Parva, on page 44, describes the conflict between Arjuna and Bhisma, where it states that the enemy invoked a celestial weapon “resembling fire in effulgence and energy“.

The Mahabharata, one of the oldest books in the world, describing the Bharat war in Northern India, paints a picture of a great and noble civilization destroyed in an 18 day war. In one battle, reported in the Samsaptakabadha Parva (page 58), the craft are described as being circular in form and capable of “forward, backward and diverse other motions…

James Churchward, in THE CHILDREN OF MU, referring to millenniums-old records, claims this war was fought about 20,000 B.C.) Chandra Roy, in his translations from the Bhishma Parva, described the Brahma-Danda (Brahma’s Rod), as infinitely more powerful than even Indra’s Bolt. The latter can strike only once but the former can even strike whole countries and entire races from generation to generation! This sounds very much like a radiation weapon to us.

The Mahabharata also describes the flying vehicles used by the invincible Celestials, as the Vimana, a double-decked, circular craft with a dome having portholes. It flew with the “speed of the wind” and gave forth a “melodious sound“. It could “stop and remain motionless in the sky” and it “soared above the clouds“. From altitude the “ocean looked like a small pot of water.” The vimanas were employed for sport as well as for travel and warfare, where they used the “Samhara“, a missile that crippled, and the “Moha“, a weapon that produced a state of paralysis.

The Bodha Parva, on page 97, mentions the Vaishnava weapon which conferred invisibility, and was able to destroy in all worlds.

Page 383 refers to a

race-annihilating missile, “…Bhisma .. hurled a missile .. .that crushed, 0 King, thy soldiers in battle. And it seemed to fill… the whole Earth with a loud noise. And blazing forth in splendor, that fierce missile inspired thy sons with fear. Beholding that missile… with lightning flashes coursing towards them, thy warriors fled uttering frightful cries, and at the unbelievable.. .many men fell where they stood, and many car-warriors also fell from their cars. They fought and died for their Gods.

The Drona Parva, on page 677, describes the Agneya weapon… “Blazing with smokeless fire on all sides, showers of flaming debris, darkened sky all around, inauspicious winds began to blow, clouds roared, scorching heat by the energy of the weapon, water boiled, and warriors fell like trees in a forest fire, huge elephants fell all around. Thousands of cars fell down on all sides (air vehicles crashing) destroying everything.” And both sides fought in the name of their own respective “Gods“.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 3b

Yes, there is indeed a considerable confirmation of Asket’s story of earlier atomic wars fought here on Earth when she took Meier to one of those sites in an earlier time to show him what we have planned for ourselves, and she carefully pointed out that these terrible weapons have never been produced and not used.

Eduard Meier’s Mission is connected to this in the sense that these war energies have always been inspired or connected in some way to the advanced extraterrestrials who came here and set themselves up as Gods, Kings of Wisdom, IHWHs, Sons of God, or other similar positions, and exploited the greed and avarice of indigenous Earth men seeking to serve them for the valuable rewards available. From these incentives spring emotional cults and political control systems out of which have evolved religions again, the emotional impetus to action.

There would be less incentive to fight for somebody else and give one’s life so freely if each side was not blessing their troops and promising then instant salvation if they lose their lives in these noble efforts. Whether both sides can be equally as noble at the same time raises some questions, especially since they are all referring to the same God.

This also brings into question the Spiritual nature of Earthman, and why does he not progress himself out of these dangerous patterns of repetition…

Which is exactly what Meier sees his Mission to be – to break the stranglehold on Spirit and return to natural Creational Law as a way of life on Earth too.

If you feel threatened by all this and don’t like the implications of what is here indicated, join the crowd. You still have an advantage no longer available to us. You may lay this report aside and forget it forever. We no longer enjoy that luxury, for we have seen too much and experienced too much in this affair over the last 8 years to deny our own senses. We know that something is going on beyond the control of the mortal man, Eduard Meier, but we do not know enough to conclusively establish anything, or to control it, or even to fully comprehend it at this time.

We do not advocate the beliefs indicated, nor can we deny them. We simply do not know whether the activity is benevolent or malevolent. That, we suppose, depends upon the point of view of each individual.

That something unusual is going on is no longer in doubt, but we can not delimit it nor even adequately describe it, and we can offer no solutions to the dilemma. Many mysteries here remain unexplained, and unexplainable to our understanding.

One thing we can be fairly sure of, and that is, that given enough time, the truth will come out and be recognized for what it is. We hope we live to see that day.


We have come to a point we had long sought to avoid. Our simple farmer, with only a 6th-grade formal education, must now be revealed as a carefully selected and uniquely trained student of religious philosophy, and trained through actual experience by those who say they are responsible for the origin of the various world belief systems; extraterrestrials, who say that their ancestors introduced and fostered these belief systems to establish and maintain control over primitive and uninformed Earth humanity.

This man was, according to the extraterrestrials themselves, selected before birth, and was guided in his early development and educated by them in their own way, and was led on a personal guided tour for 12 years, through all the great religions and many others, learning them from the inside out by becoming an active participant in each in turn.

His extensive special training possibly qualifies him as well as anyone to criticize, at least more so than any student of only one, two or four of these major religions. Not biased by any theological methodology or by training or profession, he was uniquely able to study them without beclouding commitment and was shown their failings, and where the different beliefs came from and why in order to evaluate to his own satisfaction.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 3a

He was then reduced to a state of non-dependency on any belief system for his own survival and forced to live by his own wits, and strength alone to show him where his help really came from. Then he has reduced a state of having nothing, and nothing to lose;

and was thus given the tool with which to start his mission in the form of the UFO contacts and some evidence difficult, if not impossible to refute, but not overwhelmingly persuasive to the point of removing freedom of choice for each individual person.

There are facts and there are “plants” in this case, forcing each to discriminate for himself every step of the way, thereby achieving the desired objective of his mission itself; that of freeing man from the bondage of dogma and urging him to know what he believes and why.

He seeks to persuade Earthman to take a new look at his belief system and know why he chooses to believe a certain way, and to seek alternatives if he does not like what he sees. This is the thrust of evolution itself, which is the sum of all the individual paths through growth, knowledge, and acceptance of and by each individual in his personal and separate “Universe“.

This mission has been frequently mentioned, and is often referred to in the dialogues. Meier knows what it is and has been very thoroughly briefed on it, but is not allowed to divulge it completely to any other Earth humans. We see it’s highly polarizing effects, because it arouses emotional responses both ways.

Some see it as a final revelation of the long beclouded truths of secular beliefs, which really are binding to its adherents, threatening to transgressors, and punitive to disbelievers. They see the ideas advocated here as the first step in releasing them from fundamentalist dogmas that require belief on faith alone and discourage legitimate questioning on the whys and wherefores of the belief.

Others see it as the very work of the threatened Anti-Christ to tempt believers away from the security of their religions, no matter how demanding they are. Those are often held in fear, fear of the consequences of their not toeing the mark. Those are rabid in their efforts to destroy any free-thinking in this respect, and they are a danger to themselves and to others as we have personally seen in examining this case.

From what we have discovered in the extensive investigations we have carried out, we deduce at least the following important elements of the MISSION:

  1. I. To break the bondage over Earth humans by the self-proclaimed “Gods” and “Sons of God” (The Pleiadian IHWH’s) in all mythologies and religions of the last some 70,000 years of our ancient past. (Our contactee is told that he was one of them then.)
  2. 2. To expose Politics as an outgrowth of early religions, and to show that it should be recognized for the tool of enslavement that it really is. He is to expose this wherever possible. This of course now, in addition to anti-Religionist, makes him too antiCapitalist, anti-Communist, anti-Socialist, anti-Fascist and anti-political… No lack of enemies indeed.
  3. 3. To show religions as the father of politics, and fundamentalism as the greater tool of enslavement by the ancient visitors to this planet. To show religions as the institution for pre-serving this enslavement, primarily through fear, ignorance and intimidation, all strong motive forces indeed. Those are to be exposed for what they are.
  4. 4. To proclaim The Creation, impersonal and infinite, as the true source of all life and being, with which we all are in most intimate contact every moment of existence, and which is the sun of all its infinite parts. It is in All, and All is It.
See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 3c

With the benefit of hindsight, it is now possible to see more clearly what Meier’s mission was supposed to be. It, like several other contacts by various human ETs from the Pleiades star group, was characterized by references to our common heritage with them, references to our and their ancient history, and references to the evolution of Earth’s religions and politics, outgrowths of the same intent.

It appears that these several contacts, in different places around the world, began their most recent phase in the mid-70s, with rapidly developing contact events and trips aboard the extraterrestrial spacecraft by the Earth contactees. Those contacts went on for years and each involved scores of witnesses and hundreds of pages of notes and dialogue in each, and each mutually unknown to each other. This is strong testimony for origin outside of either of the known groups involved.

The basic message was that it is time for Earthman to change — to break his bondage to his religious and political institutions and dogma, and the ever-proliferating creation of more and more laws, all of which serve to further hold him in even greater slavery than he has ever known. He has imprisoned himself in his institutionalized fears of confinement, death, everlasting hell, and of his own fellow man, and in this fear he has the wealth and beauty of his world, deliberately planning his own suicide and the destruction of his entire world!

The message is, “We don’t have to do this. It is our own choice. We can change it at any time WE want… And nobody is ever coming from anywhere to relieve us of this responsibility.” A most enlightening message indeed!

Then in the beginning of the 80s, another self- professed entity from the Pleiades came to attention in Washington State, dictating the most profound and moving messages to crowds of hundreds of people. This one also described our ancient and Biblical histories, and proclaimed Earthman’ s relationship to All.

The message here is for Earthman to wake up and see what he is doing to himself; to be aware that he, and only he, can change his destiny, and that he can do overnight.

On page 90 of VOYAGE TO THE NEW WORLD this communicator is quoted as saying, “You have brothers, Entity, in your Pleiades, a most divine constellation. You are a divine creature. Your knowingness was absolute when you were a babe. It has been limited to the point of struggling to survive in this life without the virtue of knowingness.”

He simply advocates knowing what we have forgotten.

This is not a welcome message to world fundamentalist and bureaucratic systems, which exist to bind and control the masses of people for the benefit of those few controllers. The danger is that the masses realize the truth of the message and refuse to accept the bondage any longer — and find that they are really free after all…

We have now served our purpose in this plan, for which we also, in a way, were selected. The other side of the coin is the wave of religious fundamentalism sweeping the lands. It is paradoxical that the religious fundamentalists, each preaching peace and brotherhood, and each blessing their great armies marching off to kill in the name of “their God“, are the ones destined, now as always, to bring great bloodshed upon this world, and even its ultimate destruction!

Salvation is not in unison, but in the unity of each individual doing what he knows is right from within.

[One should not attempt to understand this MISSION without at least reviewing some of the religious philosophy with another bias, such as:

  • The Edonite Society
  • THE BOOKS OF ENOCH, The Oxford Press
  • OHASPE, John B. Newbrough, Amherst Press
  • PRE-ADAMITE MAN, P.B. Randolph
  • THE BIBLE REVISITED, Roland Smythe
  • ISIS UNVEILED, H.P. Blavatsky
  • VOYAGE TO THE NEW WORLD, Ramtha, Masterworks
  • RAMTHA, Sovereignty
  • RAMTHA SELECT TEACHINgS, Vol. I, Sovereignty
  • And there are a great many other references of a similar nature, all available in most public libraries.]


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