Aboard the Mother-Ship

The first part of the spectacular interplanetary space trip was summarized in 12 pages of chapter 7 of the Preliminary Investigation Report, and will not be repeated here. It may be well, however, to briefly summarize that coverage, and make a few corrections to the information available to us at that time.

We had recorded several descriptions covering various parts of the trip but did not actually have all the contact notes in our possession and translated at that time.

Those notes, obtained and translated later, showed that upon receiving confirmation of the trip for that morning, and the location of the rendezvous site, Meier set out, driving his already loaded Moped, being telepathically guided over less crowded route sections, and he arrived on scene at about 09:30. me the time he had unloaded his bike and had safely hidden it from accidental discovery, it was after 10:00. He readied his equipment for quick pick-up as he waited, and the spacecraft showed up a few minutes after that and he was taken aboard. He turned and took pictures of his departure before the iris-like opening in the bottom of the ship was closed. They had brought a special camera screen.

The first part of that trip was to Venus to check on something, where Meier took more photos. Here we find that what Meier always took for “windows” were now described as multi-purpose sensors. They were sometimes transparent but they changed colors and clarity of their transparency under different conditions, sometimes even becoming even opaque. For that reason, the ….. themselves relied primarily on their 3-D viewing screens for sight. It was a special adaptation of this technology within a portable unit that had the illumination adjustment and viewing controls on it, including zoom and viewing frequency control. This unit was similar to the ship’s normal viewing screens which picked up a much wider range of frequencies than our visual range, but this device had been modified to step them down to our visual range, so that Meier’s camera could record them in our sight frequencies in the colors we can sense. This also must have given the extraterrestrials control over all that Meier saw and photographed off the imaging screen of this device.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 5d

They penetrated the Venus cloud layer and broke out underneath at what Semjase said was about 40 kilometers. There was clear visibility underneath and Meier could see the surface of the planet very clearly and described a cratered surface with a medium high range of mountains to the right and a wide plain to the left. He said he saw no mountains in the polar area. Surprisingly, the Astronomy magazine for August 1976 described almost the same thing from soundings later made by space probes. (these magazine-pictures arrived more than one year after Meier’s trip.)

The spacecraft approached Mercury and Meier took a picture of it through the viewing instrument. After that, they checked on something on one of the satellites of Saturn and returned to Earth in time to observe the Apollo-Soyuz space docking that day at about 16:30 by Meier’s watch.

Again, Meier shot pictures of the space docking, using the same special viewing screen provided. In the ship’s screens Meier could see other spacecraft in the vicinity there which did not show up on his special screen. When he asked about this, the ET (Semjase ) said that those other crafts were surrounded by energy fields and could only be picked up on special scanners, which his device did not have access to.

After that they proceeded to the “Gross-Rama” (Great Spacer) mother-ship in distant space. It was a huge pyramidal craft with a great central sphere 10.6 miles (ca.17km) in diameter, with three auxiliary spheres nearly 4 miles in diameter each arranged in a triangle, on extended legs to one side of the central sphere. One was an agricultural module, one was a basic materials generator, and the third was a technological manufacturing facility which produced all the finished consumer goods required by the community and equipment. The central sphere was the living center for 144,000 people.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 5f

I must confess that when the 144,000 figure was given to me initially, I was told that it was a rounded figure. It sounded too mystical to me at the time, so I rounded it to “143,000 inhabitants” in my Preliminary Investigation Report. That was a mistake on my part and I take full responsibility for my error. Actually, as the population is not static, it could as easily have been up to 145,000 also, and still been as accurate as the given 144,000 figure. What if the base figure is correct, and what if that is the real source of the mystical figure quoted in the Christian Bible?

The hangar deck alone, in the lower levels of the big mother-ship, covered square miles of area, and Meier saw hundreds, perhaps even thousands, an uncountable number of ships of many sizes and types in there. When he asked what they did with so many ships, he was told that they may have as many as 500 out on missions at a given time, in our solar system and elsewhere. Clearly, this was a stupendous operation.

They were taken in a transport vehicle inside of that Great-Spacer to a control center where Meier was introduced to Semjase’s father, Ptaah, who did not speak the German language and used a translating device to communicate with Meier. Ptaah said the Great-Spacer was already moving toward their “transmit position“, and showed Herr Meier some of the control instruments.

That is where we left off in the preliminary report.

And now Meier is seated in his little lean-to den, and has made himself ready for reception:

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 5b

Chapter 5b

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