Meier – ’today I have a lot of questions when you allow.

Semjase – if there are not too many

Meier – I don’t know; my first concerns the matter/rough-material stuff. what actually is it?

Semjase – matter is a sizable idea. It is a solid form of energy, being sizable.

Meier – That is evident, but how does it originate?

Semjase – The principle is very easy, but I am not allowed to tell it, but it is such, that all energy can be changed into solid matter. It is also necessary, to bundle the concerned energy securely and to concentrate it highly, thus it may be converted into solid matter. By this, the elementary building blocks of the solid components of matter are generated; neutron, proton, and electron.

From those then form the atoms and the variety of chemical compounds, which then in their different aggregation states form the solid outer manifestation, which is known to your scientists. Solid energy, as well as the original energy, are of the same value in each direction.

This means, origin energy absolutely matters, as origin matter is absolutely energy as well. This means that, without exception, everything in the Universe consists of matter or energy. Both terms, energy, and matter, represent basically one and the same, but precisely in their separate forms: fine material and coarse-material. Coarse-material is matter; fine material is energy.

Meier – well, all right, but this doesn’t explain my question. I namely want to know how matter rises originally.

Semjase – From out of basic energy, of course.

Meier – You render too less precise. I think, that before the basic energy, there must be something else. Because, from what I know, always two individual units, belonging together, result in a unit again…..

Semjase – You are tireless, and you give me a predicament.

Meier – I don’t’ intend to.

Semjase – okay now, I shall explain all for you, as far as I shall be allowed, though you seem to know more in this respect, then we know about you: matter is the embodiment of idea. As energy, the matter is fine material; and as matter, just highly concentrated and condensed. One can generate both kinds by apparatus, which you already do in different ways. Normally they are generated quite naturally, that is by spiritual forces, which is preceded by idea. The basic source for this is The Creation, a vast spiritual reservoir, a factor, which again embodies the original energy. From it rises idea. The force of Spirit than (which and who again embodies energy) condenses and concentrates the idea to fine material energy, which then by still higher concentration becomes coarse material or matter…….

Meier – Then in fact, the whole Universe is, inside and out, only of fine material and coarse material energy (which is) compressed and concentrated idea?

Semjase – Certainly.

Meier – But then, what is this vast spiritual formation, the factor of The Creation?

Semjase – It consists of idea, condensed in itself towards itself to originate spiritual energy. We as well do not know much more about this.

[RAMTHA, another being who claims his origin in the Pleiades offers a similar description on page 203 of VOYAGE TO THE NEW WORLD, where he says:

“We have a kinship with the Sun for the first embodiments of our bodies is light. In bringing forth that which is termed a Round of Creation or creating that which is called the modular mass, it was very necessary, in order, to have a source that the mass could come from. In the natural order of things, light is born of thought.

Thought is the eminent all Isness of all that is. Light is its second principle. In order to give birth to mass we must first have light, and we must have enough of it that the light can bring forth and concentrate and lower its Self that it can produce the mass…

To break thought into mass you must lower it. And the lowering of its energy shall turn (thought into) light, and the light of its energy shall turn to a thicker hue of blue and from blue into gross matter and from gross matter into the object. That is the way all things work. Now, your Mother-Sun (is a) great source of Isness but the core, entity, is pure thought.”]

Considering the many hundreds of pages of Ramtha dialogue which has already demonstrated the accuracy of his statements, it is difficult to pick this one out as any possible misstatement of fact or inadequacy of knowledge.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4k

The conversation then turned to molecular biology and the action of the genes with respect to hereditary factors, and Meier had asked if knowledge, or simply intelligence could be inherited, and received the amazing reply that it could be inoculated!

Here is Semjase’s answer to that question:

This is by nothing connected with the gene because intelligence is a result of spiritual evolution. Spiritual thinking and its resultant spiritual knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence, are pure factors of spirit, but which also precipitate organic results – in the brain, which consists of acid substances.

These acids become the carriers of spiritual wisdom and intelligence in solid form, while the spirit still hides in itself that same essential knowledge, as fine material factors. Also, as the coarse-material form of life, everything is two-dimensionally oriented, in consequence of which the pure spiritual or fine-material forms of life are as well existing in the coarse-material form.

In this case then, this means, wisdom and intelligence exist in spiritual-energetical as well as coarse-material form, as organic acid. This enables wisdom and intelligence to become transplanted in coarse-material form. This means, too, that these acids can be taken from a brain and be planted into another brain.

By such, whole races of creatures can then be brought to a selected level of wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence, without each separate being having to pass through the different evolution periods. By this, even a new spirit form (which Earth humans may in error call insane or idiotic) may be given a more highly developed form of knowledge and life.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4n

But in this direction, your scientists have been working for some time and have achieved some success – even though this is not known to the broad public. Thus, intelligence and wisdom is by no means genetically produced, because they are alone transmitted and carried forward by the ensouling body spirit. Because of this, an intellectual or very wise human being may bear descendants which Earthmen would call in-some or idiotic; also the reverse of spiritually and intellectually deficient humans bearing descendants of great spiritual and intellectual development.

This is really only connected with how far the body inhabiting spirit itself is developed. If wisdom and intelligence were gene-conditioned, then a new spirit would never find a habitation (body), while the already existing form of life would degenerate and die out, because they were spiritualized too rapidly.

This is because higher developed life is always being created, and thus for new spirits, no life and development opportunities would exist.

In response to another request to bring others into these contacts with him, Semjase sharply replied:

Semjase – Have I expressed myself too little clearly? I told you already several times that this will not be possible under any circumstances. me have elected you alone, where we also remain. nothing can be changed. It is known to me some of your friends only want to contact me because they doubt your information and want proof. They don’t even accept your photos, because they are captured by distrust… They consider themselves to be realistic, which is not true. Their recognition of reality is not based on knowledge… They believe that only what they can see with their own eyes can be real, wherein they do not consider that they could be deceived by their own seeing.

Evidence then is only valid if founded on knowledge and recognition, which means only hard spiritual work enables real reasoning, but never only seeing. me gave you the chance to collect photographic material so you could confirm your details in respect to the existence of our beamships ships with pictures. And although you have many good photos, some do not believe you. me the contrary, they demand still further proofs in the way that we should break our own good principles and take up contacts as well with those other Earth humans.

This we will not do and will deviate in no manner from our objectives. me still don’t want, and are not allowed, to coerce to convince Earth humans of the truth. We are only allowed to do what lies in reach of our objectives, and for this we have selected you, and you should spread the knowledge according to your best estimation. How you do this is up to you, for you are a free form of life. Explain to your friends that we are not willing to grant them their demands for a contact with them. It is absolutely impossible to concede this; in every respect.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4i

For the coming while you also should not take further pictures of my beamship, because the ones you have are fully sufficient. I gave you enough chance to get good photos, which become only doubted. Thus it shall suffice for the time, for it is neither our nor your mission, to remove from doubters and criticizers their spirit-obstructing activities. The mission lies in quite other fields, as you well know.

Meier – This doesn’t sound very kind, Semjase , and it also disappoints me that I should not take further pictures. During your absence, I have bought me a film camera, because I wanted to get a movie of your ship.

Semjase – Your disappointment pities me, but the status should remain. Still, I will admit your using the film camera, that you may be allowed to film my ship. But you are prohibited from doing this up close, and also you may not get me on your film. But I will give you a short demonstration of my ship.

Meier – Thank you. I could not film from near anyway, else the camera be destroyed. You had said earlier I could photograph your new ship up close. As you know I tried this last contact, which failed because my camera, so to speak “exploded” in my hands and fell, and the light measuring instrument and searcher were broken. I had to send it for expensive repair.

Semjase – Did this really happen? I am sorry, and I will make it up. That was not meant….

In the ninth contact which took place on Friday, the 21st of March 1975 in late afternoon, the discussion turned to the purpose of these contacts at this time and the ETs view of present Earth humanity.

Semjase says: We are neither guardians of Earth beings nor God-sent angels or similar. Many persons suggest we are watching over Earth and her beings and would control their fates. This is not true, because we only perform a self-selected mission which has nothing to do with supervising or regulating Earth fates. Thus it is wrong to expose us as superterrestrial messengers and guardians. If we were such, we would regulate openly.

So this is not true, because the Earth human goes his own evolutionary way. Surely, he is barbarous, and also impetuous in his research, and often unscrupulous. But barbarism is peculiar to many creatures, for it is natural conditioning and suited, thus life is assured. In this I speak of natural barbarism which is not degenerative. Such is also the character of more developed beings than Earthman and first ends at higher levels of spiritual development… It is not suited for the Earth being to be degraded for this…

Chapter 4d

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