Concerning the above, Meier further explained for our benefit that there is an important doctrine for peace and survival within The Creation. No single creature is given primitive dominance, or paramount authority, over any other (though Earth man chooses to elect himself to this position), and they all exist equally within the vast Creation. Whenever anyone arrogates superiority to himself and sets out to carry a stick, or sets himself up as an authority, he must be aware that there is always another with a bigger stick.

Each creature within The Creation goes its own way in evolution and is allowed free reign unless and until it becomes dangerous and a menace to any other. One does not interfere with another without just cause. Thus many different UFO entities may come and go without specific interference as long as they observe the natural law of The Creation.

Meier explained that there are always backsliders and imperfections in every evolution that get stuck at certain levels for a time, and are then passed up by the more progressive, — but they too will, in time, catch up again. However, we do also have some human races evolved beyond us, but behind the Pleiadians, and some of them are Pleiadian laggards here observing and some even attempting to impose their will on Earth humans. These are allowed their freedom to evolve, like all others, so long as they do not become a direct danger to life and being. Such, according to the Pleiadians, are the IHWH-descendants still coming here from their present refuge planets.

On Wednesday 25 June 1975, at 14:37 in mid-afternoon the twenty-seventh contact took place.

Meier was chastised for being late.

Semjase: Today you are not in a hurry,… I bad to call for you several times.

[Meier was getting a little tired of the constant demands on his time, energy and resources, and was beginning to feel like he had seen enough of the extraterrestrial woman and the spacecraft. He was being criticized by his friends for not producing more and for not getting them into the contacts too, or at least where they could see more; and he was being criticized by the extraterrestrials for not meeting their objectives more rapidly, and for failing to turn his friends into a more active support group.

The newness of these exotic contacts had worn off, and he was really in no hurry to rush off to another call –always long distances away over difficult and trying routes, and usually in bad weather or very late at night, and sometimes both, though this one was coming in mid-afternoon. He was baby-sitting the children at the time and when his wife returned he did respond, taking his camera and riding off on his Mo-ped; and he finally arrived at the site of the contact — not really expecting them to be there after so long a time, and not particularly careing whether they were or not.]

Meier– By regret, I couldn’t simply go away, for my wife was not at home, so I had to watch the children.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4k

Semjase – Because of that I had to call you for longer than an hour. Today I have a surprise for you.

Semjase said they were there with three beamships and that she had permission to take him on a first trip with them. This was reported in the Preliminary Investigation Report. She had provided an empty seat in her ship and took Meier aboard. He was able to photograph the other two ships as they started their departure on this unforgettable occasion.

For greater events, Semjase has frequently arrived with additional protective craft which remain screened from sight. For the3 April night demonstration when Meier was injured she had four protective craft which remained invisible to sight. It was because of this that she was able to safely land and treat Meier’s broken rib. Incidentally, she told him at that time that he had two other ribs that had been previously broken, which had not healed straight. Checking back later, he discovered that he may have broken ribs in something else, but having no opportunity to treat them at the time, allowed them to heal by themselves.

This completely unexpected and mind-blowing change of events turned Meier around again and he began to take more serious, and even avid, interest in these Pleiadian cosmonauts and their objectives. He began to rouse his friends to activity and purged the doubters from inner group privileges. He began to take the tightened inner group more closely into his confidence, and as they became active helpers he was allowed to share some inside information with them, thus was formed the inner core of those who began to surround him. Soon of these were even singled out by name and given information, and sometimes even objects, to let them know that they were accepted by the extraterrestrials, and also to keep their personal interest up.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4o

The twenty-eighth contact was by “thought transmission” with no face-to face meeting to be re-communicated for record. The reception process was the same however as for that of the contact notes. In this process, however it is done, there is an interaction between the communicator and the receiver, and the transmission can be interrupted as in a conversation, and questions ’may be asked, with immediate answers provided. The reception is by “automatic” writing or typing at high speed without pauses or interruptions until the end of the thought being communicated at the time.

That communicated, received on Friday, 27 June 1975, at 10:47 in the morning, introduced another Pleiadian, a male who Meier was told he could call Quetzal. This ET man was described as the supervisor of the Pleiadian Earth-based high in the Alps near the Italian and French borders, not far from Mont. Blanc. A number of Pleiadian humans and occasionally intelligent beings from other space-traveling races are especially conditioned to live on the surface of our planet there. They operate an array of monitoring equipment.

Among other things, Quetzal laid down some rules about the contact notes which clearly we have been unable to follow. We are therefore in violation of their rules and are in fact forbidden to publish these contact notes. It is easy to see that we can not abide by their rules on the publication of these notes as we would be legally vulnerable in a number of ways. We have had to purge names and certain data to be safe and thereby are also guilty of publishing these notes out of context, which was also prohibited. We have done so anyway, as we have done, at risk of being deprived of all further information.

Had we not done this you would know little of the Pleiadian contacts in Switzerland. But here is what Quetzal said:

Quetzal – .. A further point must be made in respect to the contact notes: As we have seen, you finally trouble yourselves for the finishing of the contact notes for release. Here a factor comes to our attention which is not our intention, as we have discussed in this respect formerly and very thoroughly. According to the view of some of your members, the reports should be elaborated and spread only partly, leaving all personal concerns, etc., out (of the finished version). With that, we cannot agree from our side. Our decision continues, in consequence, that the reports shall be published according to the fixed words, letter by letter, exactly as it is at hand.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4c

By that are as well included all personal affairs, which in consequence then are not to be left out. The reports are only worthy and complete when they are revealed word by word, and contain all the facts.

This is an objective-based on very thorough deliberations and logic. All personal and other matters, which are not mentioned in the reports, are not admitted and should not be published, as these since the beginning were spared from the reports. All the present contact reports contain exactly the matters to be offered and explained to Earth humankind. We can not accept any deletion of any facts, explanations, information or other parts of the conversations. In this respect, all must be included, even if certain matters are undelightful for some persons. But this not only concerns some of your members but as well ourselves because we still make unrecognized mistakes …….

We expect now, a recognition of the mentioned mistakes and their removal. It is not very delightful for us if we have to constantly trouble ourselves in this respect. Once we give an explanation or an order, then it should be enough. It should never happen that matters have to be repeated several times and discussed. In this respect, we also have ordered Semjase to omit in the future any kinds of repetitions of a once explained factor. For what has once been explained and discussed needs no further explanations.

This is not only time consuming but illogical and superfluous. By no means do we try to exercise dictatorial measures or to force our will or our knowledge on any Earth beings. We only have undertaken a self-imposed mission to transmit lessons of truth and some other things. Those who want to accept and acknowledge this may do so by their own decision, and one who wants to refuse may also do that. The acknowledging ones must be aware that quite defined principles are necessary to preserve order, thus special objectives and orders must be observed, as well as not omitting certain assistance expected of me…

Chapter 4o

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