The group members around Meier had sensibly decided to edit and leave out sensitive comments and all direct references to personalities mentioned in the notes, be-fore any release outside the group. Quetzal’s position is that they, the Pleiadians, have already purged what they think should be left out, before the contact notes were transmitted, and that they do not need purging anymore.

Some of those comments are damaging to certain personalities, and even libelous under our laws, and so we have had to take exception to Quetzal’s demand, and have edited and deleted as we considered appropriate.

The twenty-ninth contact took place on Monday, 7 May 1975, at 10:37 in the morning, and this was another of the face-to-face meetings. The first part of the discussion pertained to the Karl Veit’s visit. (German Ufo- investigator).

In an earlier contact, Meier had asked for and been given the names of several recognized UFO contactees whom the Pleiadians thought were deceivers. During the Veit visit he mentioned these deceivers in good faith to Karl, trusting the allegations (påstander) of the ETs. Some of them happened to be contactees whom Herr Veit was quite convinced were legitimately real (as a matter of fact we do agree with Karl on some of them).

Now Meier has decided to confront the Pleiadians over this matter.

Meier – ….on that I wanted to ask you a question too. The Vs. are convinced that some of the names you mentioned as deceivers are not guilty of such deceit. What do you say to that?

Semjase – We have recorded your hours-long discussions, and am informed about them quite thoroughly. But I also explained before, that you would have a very troublesome position. This has came true as you do know. This troublesome position will continue for you in the future as well……… The more we have looked in different places, the more we find certain things against you in progress, and intrigues are being built up against you. From different quarters you have been for some time watched very thoroughly and very tightly controlled, while already some wicked-minded elements are also plotting intrigues against you… In consequence, be very careful in every respect.

Evil tongues are accusing you of espionage for foreign powers, while others are accusing you of deceit, by which they seek to prevent you from spreading the truth. These elements on the one side belong to religious circles, and on the other to a still-secret organization desiring to suppress what you say. Certain lines in this respect are running to different secret alliances and confederations, as well as to officials and the military, and to certain individuals who feel menaced (truet) by what you say. Certain other elements are working against you, because, if you are proven right they could be accused of deceit…..

Meier – You give me a fantastic outlook, Semjase. But actually I have calculated with things like that.

Semjase – You had to, because you do know these things from earlier times……

[As we got into this UFO investigation, we, the investigators, came under tight investigation by somebody else, and began to notice many strange and unbelievable things happening. Our telephones were tapped. Our mail was intercepted and we were followed. Total strangers made appointments with us, or simply intercepted us, and warned us to back off. We were picked up by special agents and questioned. We were stopped in different countries enroute to and from Switzerland, and were interrogated and sometimes given instructions by one service, and then again differently by another, leading us to believe they were not in contact with each other.

Every time we visited the Meier farm — we noticed that a military strong-point was set up on the hill overlooking the Meier house, with a clear view right down into the family living room. We received threats by mail and by telephone, and were occasionally intimidated in person. Whenever we went to one or another of the contact sites or photo sites where the UFO pictures were taken, we saw low-flying reconnaissance spotter-craft pass over our heads, and we even photographed some of them. It was quite obvious that we were the ones being watched.]

Meier continued to press his advantage.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4k

Meier – You mentioned something in the last meeting. You told me that I could once came with you to the Pleiades.

Semjase – Surely, but this will only be a short part of a larger trip, because the aim, seen from Earth, is many light years distance.

Meier– me dear – that is fantastic. I only wanted to take photographs there. By regret, the last pictures have nearly all been … about the travel to Saturn. Either they were overexposed, or the film was just black.

Semjase – This, unfortunately, had to be expected, because you may need for such cases, special equipment.

Meier – nevertheless, I will try again on the next trip. If just some pictures would be successful for me, even half way, then I am content.

Semjase – Besides this, there is a chance that we will take you up with us again on the next meeting, for a further special flight. More we also want to see whether you are able to make certain pictures, for we have produced in this aim a special apparatus.

Meier – what shall I photograph?

Semjase – You will recognize this soon enough, but now my time is over again, for I still have to carry out different duties.

On Tuesday, 15 July 1975, at 09:46 AM one of the by now becoming familiar “thought transmissions“, the thirtieth contact was received. This contact advised Meier of and instructed him to prepare for a longer absence for this proposed trip.

Semjase – I have received your different thoughts but could not respond (immediately) as my present task occupies me very much. And as I now take up contact with you today it will be, for certain reasons, for only a short time. Prepare yourself to be ready in the early morning hours of the 17th of me which is within two days. At a given time I will call you then, and take you from a suited location. You should equip yourself with sufficient film material, as this will be of some importance. Prepare yourself further to be absent for a longer time, because you will undertake…….a further flight, which is not possible even to many space-traveling creatures.

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4m

Within this Universe are few forms of life able to overcome such great distances, because this is only possible through hyperspace. Where this has been made possible by advanced technical developments, the Universe offers no limits. Also, space and time are no longer barriers, and so as well, the barrier between universes can be negotiated. As you know from former times, so also are known time journeys for certain forms of life

Meier– Do you know these things?

Semjase – Surely, as Asket is well known to me. But, please do not interrupt me, because my time for this contact is very short; we will not be able to accomplish the coming travel in my small ship, as for such trips it is unsuited. .. .me shall go over to a great-space fitted ship. So prepare for altogether at least 30 hours of (your) time (to be absent), because with this ship we will travel far outside the star formations known to….. More also you should have an opportunity to make some pictures…, and possibly to view, from a distance, the ancient home planet of our human races.

Today it presents a peculiar sight, originating in the destruction of a great star. The destruction took place a very long time ago… Because of its unlike shape, this formation is called “IHWH-HATA” – This name means, translated into your language, “Eye-of-God“… According to your astronomical catalogs you find this “Eye-of-God” within the stars of “Lyra“, and you call it “The Ring nebula of Lyra“, or “H-57“. These are the concerns I had to report today. If now you still have a question, then I have a short time to answer.

Meier– I feel myself placed into a kingdom of fantasy, Semjase, but tell me, where in the sky or heaven can I find this “, “Eye-of-God“?

Semjase – to do this you need a bigger telescope.

[Semjase later explained that their ancestors, and ours, descended from the refugees from that great sun-system, some of whom fled to the Pleiades and other places in their escape from destruction.]

Meier– A pity – In respect to the planned journey, I still have one question: when I count the distance in kilometers, what is the number?

Semjase – It exceeds all your mathematical possibilities of calculation manyfold. Telling the number, which I could give you.. but only in my terms, would in consequence be absurd…..

Meier– but then a few hours will not be sufficient.

Semjase – You forget about the negation of time and space by hyperspace.

Meier – dear me, then this will become just a short trip to the end of the Universe, a travel into eternity, so to speak?

See also  UFO Contact from the Pleiades - Chapter 4f

Semjase – Your thoughts are wrong, for we don’t reach an end of the universe, for such an end does not exist…….

[Apparently time and space as we understand them in our material universe are physical properties of our material continuum, which may be bypassed by raising the vibrations of the field, within a protective field, to a frequency above the physical-chemical realm, where the laws and properties of the material world no longer constrain matter and all in the field responds to the new laws simultaneously, such as for spirit.]

The big day, the thirty-first contact, was on Thursday 17 July 1975, when the Pleiadians picked Meier up at a very carefully selected location at 10:14 AM. For this 31st contact with the extraterrestrials in less than six months, Eduard J. Meier had made his plans as required, allowing for an absence of over 30 hours. He got up early and completed his preparations. He loaded his bike and waited for the signal. When it came and the rendezvous point was identified, he bid farewell to his family and started out for the remote and very inaccessible location, so difficult to negotiate even with his Moped that it would certainly discourage followers.

Arriving at the signified location, he unloaded the equipment he would carry and carefully hid his vehicle against accidental discovery. Shortly after this, the spacecraft arrived, and he was greeted by the now quite familiar extraterrestrial woman. He looked at his watch. It was 10:14 and he was immediately taken into the ship along with his equipment brought for the trip. They rose into the ship in a beam of energy and it took right off on the greatest event in Meier’s entire life.

After that trip he was brought back to the same spot, retrieved his Moped, still undisturbed, and rode all the way home in wonder and contemplation. He was totally exhausted and went right to bed and slept. After resting from the strain of all the excitement, Meier got up, washed his face, and went out and settled himself at his desk in the little shed to receive the transmission.

Suddenly he was “tuned in” and the transmission was received as before, rapidly, continuously, with no repeats, and no stopping for corrections, in one long uninterrupted run until the first transmission was complete. He had filled scores of pages. Then he was allowed to rest for a day, and another segment came through the same way. This was repeated a number of times until the full account had been received and documented there on paper.

Some of this contact has already been reported in the Preliminary Investigation Report. More will be reported in a greater presentation of the Pleiadian Messages at a future time.

For our purpose now we shall abstract from the reports a little more of the time aboard the GreatSpacer mother-ship.

Chapter 5

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