Name: Tengri Tengri
Location – Home System: Live on planet Tengri galactic sector 56 star system F- 1342. They live underground . Planet Tengri is home to 10 million of their species. Visited planet Earth for the first time , about 10.000 years ago. They do not need an atmosphere or water to survive. Throughout time they have had several contacts with governments of Earth.
Distance from Earth:
Physical Appearance:
- Average Height:
- Average Weight:
- Body Temperature:
- Pulse/Respiration:
- Blood Pressure:
- Hair:
- Skin:
- Eyes:
- Life Expectancy:
Other Physical Information: They require neither air nor water to subsist
Special Traits and Abilities:
Communication Type:
Life Form Type:
Most Common Species:
Level of Species:
Transportation Type: They have one space ship that can accommodate 5 million of them.
Witnesses Reports:
Special Features/Characteristics:
Summary/Description: Underground dwellers, this race came to Earth about 10,000 years ago. They require neither air nor water to subsist and the astounding claim has been forwarded that 5 million of them can fit into one of their spaceships. The Tengri Tengri also has purportedly had contact with more than one government body here on Earth.