by Bobbie “Jilain” Felder

I shall post here a recounting of something that happened. You can take it for what its worth, and consider the implications of it, or not, as your conscience dictates. There are no pictures to back this up, no other witnesses to verify it, other than the man involved at the time, and he would not be considered an impartial witness. There is no physical evidence to analyze. All you have here is a recounting of an event that took place on the weekend of August 1, 1997.

This is exactly what happened. You may draw your own conclusions on it.

On the weekend of August 1, 1997, I went with “XXX” to Elephant Butte State Park, south of Albuquerque. At about 1030 Saturday night, he pointed out a light in the sky. We were sitting on the lake’s edge. It was very dark, with no lights on around to limit vision. And we had no fire or lights going. We were on an isolated part of the lake, far from anyone else. He pointed out a particular light in the eastern sky, over the mountains that make up the eastern border of the lake. He said, “Watch that.”

Then he said, out loud, “Ok. We’re ready here. Go south.” The light moved to the south. He said, “Now give us a flash or two.” The light increased in brightness, from about the brightness of a larger star to the brightness of a welding torch. It did this, gaining in brightness and then receding, a couple of times. Then he says “Now go back north to the original position.” The light moved immediately to the north.

See also  2003: Alien Intro -Another View

I asked him what was going on, what was he doing? He said, “You wanted proof. There it is. You got 20 minutes. Make the most of it.” I told him to make the light go in a figure 8 pattern. He repeated my request, and the light did exactly a figure 8. For 20 minutes, whatever I said for it to do, he repeated and the light did it. North, South, up, down, circles, figure 8, stop and back up, 90 degree turns at high speed, changed colors, following exactly the color sequence I gave him. The only thing he refused to have it do was come in low over the lake. There were a lot of people at the park camping and such. He said he couldn’t bring the ufo in low, that “they” didn’t want another frenzy like the one in Phoenix recently.

After the 20 minutes was up, the light streaked upward, leaving a bright trail behind it, and disappeared in a matter of a second or two. I asked him how he did that. He said he was communicating on a telepathic level with the pilots of the craft, that they were ET in origin, although there were humans on board as well. He said he had an implant that helped to “boost” his natural telepathic ability. I asked him where this implant was, and he said behind his left ear. I made him let me check. There is definitely a foreign body behind his left ear, below the skin. I’m a nurse. I know what a foreign body feels like. What is there is not a cyst, not a clogged sebaceous gland, not a wart or mole?

See also  1988: Men in Black: The UFO Terrorists

Sunday morning, he made the statement that I should not be surprised if someone came looking for him. We were still at the lake. We stayed there all night. About an hour later, 2 f-16s (I think that’s what they were. I’m not that good at knowing one military jet from another) came from the south end of the lake. They circled over us at a low altitude, maybe 100 to 200 feet. I’m not real good at judging distance, either. They were low enough that I could clearly see the missiles strapped under their wings. They were both fully armed.

They circled the lake and came back for another pass directly over us. He waved to them, and the jets did the banking back and forth motion that they do to signal everything is ok.

Then they flew back to the south. I asked him what that was all about, and he just shrugged and said, “I told you that someone might come looking for me.” I asked a man who lives at the park if it was normal for jets to fly armed over the lake like that. He said no, that they very rarely came over the park or the lake. The only place they could have come from is White Sands, which is south and slightly east of Elephant Butte.

I have been over this and over this in my mind. I was completely sober, wide awake, and not tired or sleepy. The only conclusion I’ve drawn that explains what I saw, what I witnessed him doing (relaying commands that were followed by this object in the sky and getting buzzed like that by two f-16s) is that he’s not lying about who and what he says he is, about his connection to the ETs, military, etc. My limited education in these matters won’t let me draw any other logical conclusion. I know what I saw, and I have no other explanation for it.

See also  2004: Snakes at the Water cooler: The Reptilian Presence at the Office

If there is no other explanation for what I saw, then I have no choice but to believe that this man is legit. And that, frankly, scares the hell out of me. I know what I saw, I know what he says about it, but I want to make certain I’ve exhausted all possible avenues of explanation before I completely believe I wasn’t hoaxed somehow. But for the life of me, I have no way to explain how he did it if it was a hoax, or how he managed to arrange that little show by the f-16s.

That’s it….I’m open to any ideas regarding a logical explanation…..

Bobbie “Jilain” Felder

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