There are many who claim that extraterrestrial life exists throughout the universe, and therefore they claim that the Bible must be discredited as a result, due to its implications that physical life was created for the first time on planet earth.

From a Judeo-Christian perspective however, the stars and galaxies would be inhabited by angels, both standing and fallen angels, however physical beings such as humans and animals would NOT have been CREATED on other worlds. For according to the Torah or the Bible , it was God’s plan to CREATE man first on EARTH and no where else. That is, planet earth being the “cradle” of all physical life. Yet, as some have said, does one necessarily remain in the “cradle” forever?

So then, if there ARE human or animal beings living on other planets, then according to Judeo-Christian thought they would HAVE to have ultimately been descended from Adam and Eve, or from one of the many animal species that Jehovah originally created and placed in the Garden of Eden.

But does this mean that human beings do NOT exist on other worlds? No, it simply means that IF THEY DO exist, then they would ultimately have descended from Adam-Eve, or more realistically from the descendants of Noah, for before the flood there may not have been a visible cosmos to aim towards, but rather a thick canopy of watery vapor. In other words, no visible stars and thus no visible goal for potential “ancient astronauts” to set their “sights” on.

The antediluvians were, therefore, probably more interested in exploring INNER SPACE than OUTER SPACE. Another scriptural reference stating that the ARK contained ALL of the PHYSICAL life in the universe [at least until that physical life spread once again throughout the world and — some believe — throughout the stars] can be found in Genesis chapter 6, vs. 17: “..even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy ALL FLESH, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven.”

Take note of the words “ALL FLESH”.

Now of course this will not set well with those who are adamant in believing that the universe is one big accident, those who resist the thought that an Infinite “God” is fully in charge of the universe, its creation, development, and destiny. Many people, whether due of self-deifying thoughts and/or out of fear of being accountable to a perfect, infinite being, will reject the belief in an Infinite and perfect being who is — in spite of the fact that humans are bestowed with free agency — nevertheless in full control even though “God” has given the creation the power to CHOOSE between the perfect plan of the Almighty, or our own imperfect plans.

The belief in an infinite God who is distinct from this time-space-matter universe will also not sit well with those who pay lip service to “God” but in reality teach that there is no God [i.e pantheism] and that the collective consciousness of all the beings in the entire universe make up “God” and thus we all “created” this universe to dwell in ourselves. This is the teaching of a group of “higher dimensional” beings that some refer to at the “11”.

I wonder, some remote-viewers have discovered at the very center of the “alien collective” 10 subspace beings who are in turn led by another being, the fallen archangel Lucifer to be exact… and that this collective controls thousands if not millions of multi-dimensional worlds that are tied-in with this collective.

However could these 10+1 [11] beings be playing both sides of a vast universal machievellian conspiracy… for instance playing the role of ‘Lord Sananda’ of the Ashtar collective on one side, and ‘Lord Lucifer’ of the Draco collective on the other? Some alien groups refer to Lucifer as “Samanah”, which sounds suspiciously close to “Sananda” to me. If the “fish” jumps out of the frying pan [the Draco collective] and “converts” from a path of animalistic indulgence to a path of “spirituality” [the Ashtar collective], yet IF that path of so-called “spirituality” MUST DEPEND ON electronic technological assimilation of its followers then is it really a purely spiritual path? I guess it COULD be, that is if technological “might makes right”, which as far as I know it does not. Would these “converts” merely be jumping from the frying pan into the fire?

It would still be a path that, in spite of all its flowery yet mindless spiritual platitudes, is based on technological ‘salvation’ rather than spiritual ‘salvation’. TRUE spirituality would demand absolute spiritual rule over the material on an INDIVIDUAL BASIS. To throw someone into a technology-based collective intelligence-matrix and have that collective do all of their thinking for them and be responsible for their spiritual growth is NOT spiritual! The battle between our spiritual and animal natures can only be fought and won through dependence on a purely spiritual power [God], not through dependence on a system which requires material technology just to exist, such as the Ashtar collective , which the so-called “Ascended Masters” must depend on in order to communicate with their followers, betraying the fact that they are NOT omnipotent and are in the end very much dependent on material technology to advance their so-called “spiritual” agenda.

So, for those who reject a Monotheistic Creationist version of the universe, please bear with me. The following is based on the belief that Creationism AND physical Alien visitation are both a reality.

Could early man, following the flood, have figured out a way to break free from the earthly “cradle”? In studying the accounts of several UFO “contactees” I have found some interesting references to human like “aliens” from other star systems who have informed their “contactees” of ancient ties between their kind and planet earth.

There are many indications that the National Socialists developed a space program [in league with existent alien forces] far beyond anything that most might comprehend. However we will deal from here onward with even more ancient Terran-based space projects and scenarios.

Several years ago an English family reported a series of contacts that they claim to have experienced with a group of beings who told them that they had originally lived on earth, yet had left our planet thousands of years before in order to colonize a distant world called Janos. Author Frank Johnson was told how the Janosians had suffered a massive asteroid shower, devastating their world and releasing deadly radiation from a shattered nuclear power plant grid. Some of the Janosians realized that the only way to survive would be to try to make their way back to planet earth by following the ancient star charts. In fact there are so many “alien” races now “returning” to earth with ancient claims of origin here that, according to contactee Alex Collier , the Andromedans, Pleiadeans, Procyons and other non-interventionists are keeping busy enforcing potential violations of the non-intervention directives.

In the mid-1950’s, certain scientists and scholars claimed to have had meetings with blond, blue eyed beings who allegedly came from the star Iummo, or Wolf 424, from a planet they called “Ummo”. The Ummo people, like the Janosians, also claimed to have been descended from ancient astronauts who LEFT planet earth a few thousand years before, to colonize the stars, and were now returning to see what was up at the old stomping ground.

Contactee Billy Meier, who claims to have had encounters with people from the Pleiades open cluster, was told by the star travelers that they had traced their lineage — and in fact the birth of their entire “Federation” — back to an ancient alliance BETWEEN the Vega and Sol systems.

Some “channelers” have stated that Earth was originally colonized by Vegans, and that human life in this galaxy evolved from the oceans of Vega. However could this be a deception perpetrated by fallen angels to discredit the Biblical view of creation, and thus try to discredit the revelation of God? Certainly, if there ARE humans now living physically on other worlds, who had their genesis on earth, the last thing the rebel angels would desire would be for these people to accept the Biblical history [contained within the Biblical text AND the Torah Codes] that ALL human beings are ultimately descended from Adam and Eve. Their goal would rather be to divide-and-conquer, NOT unify mankind under a common origin and theology. Could the Vegans have rather had their origins ON/IN planet earth?


MUFON director Forest Crawford tells of a meeting he had with an individual, “Oscar”, who alleged that he was involved in a secret government retrieval of an alien disk that was shot down by the U.S. Military, and within which were three crew members, only one of whom survived the impact. Other contactee sources have stated that on board also was a woman who was considered by her people [Tau Cetians] to be a saint, on the level with Mother Teresa, who was here observing the plight of the children of planet earth.

Her death and dissection almost resulted in an interplanetary conflict, since the Tau Cetians wanted to invade our underground bases and take back the two dead and one living crew member. Such a conflict might have broken out, had not the Andromedans intervened and prevented it.

“Oscar” learned that the crew members were from the stars Tau Ceti AND Epsilon Eridani. “Oscar” found it interesting that the survivor — who died a few months later — had physical features very similar to those of a Mediterranean or Meso-American background.

Before he died, the survivor “told” him that his people were at war with a race of alien parasites, apparently a genetically engineered race of “Greys” [although they were more “whitish-grey”, he was told] which preyed on human blood and human life-force in a vampirial manner, and that a race of humans in the Pleiades were helping them in their struggle. Oscar learned that the Pleiadeans were themselves forced to flee from their former system[s] near Vega Lyra when these parasites [the DOWS] and their Draconian or reptilian allies attacked [destroying three of the Lyran worlds, according to other sources].

These reptilians were themselves a genetically engineered race [a genetically engineered cross between human and reptilian DNA? Perhaps a genetically enhanced version of the early humanoid bi-pedal saurians like the velociraptors or stenonychosaurus-eguallus?].

One contactee[?], whose name escapes me, made the statement that the DNA of both the Pleiadeans and the Tau Cetians was originally “cooked” here on planet earth.

Contactee Thomas E. Castello — who was alleged to have worked within a joint NSA-Alien underground base near Dulce, New Mexico called the “ULTRA” facility, which interestingly enough is also the name of a super-secret NSA agency AND a secret German-Nazi research agency that was in charge of German activities in Antarctica — claimed that a race of reptilian humanoids currently residing in Alpha Draconis [and thus known as th ‘Dracos’] were insistent that planet earth was and is their ORIGINAL home world, and that they were now returning to challenge the current human residents, who they consider to be ‘squatters’, and to join-up with others of their kind within a series of deep cavernous systems beneath the earth which contain the humid and stable atmospheres that their race needs to survive.

Castello also speaks of aliens from Epsilon Bootes who work with the Draco. Epsilon Bootes has been associated by some with the “white-greys”, which are apparently a repto-arachnid-cybernetic and genetically engineered conglomerate race often referred to as the “Dows”.

Contactee Maurice Doreal may add something new to this scenario, with his claim that he was invited into an ancient neo-Mayan city under Mt. Shasta, California called Telos [interesting enough, “Telos” is also a Greek word meaning “uttermost” or “purpose”]. During later contacts Doreal was shown some ancient ‘holographic’ libraries beneath the Himalayas, and holographic records of a technically-advanced race of tall, blond and blue-eyed humans who ruled a vast empire where the Gobi desert now lies.

These ‘Nordics’ were at war with a race of reptilian or neo-saurian humanoids — velociraptor type humanoids, possibly the result of ancient genetic engineering gone out of control? — based on what at the time was the semi-tropical continent of Antarctica. The ‘Nordics’ literally drove the reptilian humanoids off the face of the earth, the reptiloids taking refuge in vast underground cavern systems [possibly akin to the legendary underworld of “Snakeworld”, “Patalas” or “Nagaloka” with it’s reptilian capital “Bhoga-vita” — which is according to Hindu tradition part of a seven-leveled subterranean realm stretching from Benares India to Lake Manosarowar Tibet that is inhabited by deadly reptilian humanoids called the ‘Nagas’]. There they developed a hive-like society in order to advanced their occult-technology.

The Nordics also colonized the underground realms below the Gobi region and elsewhere [the Agharti network] and, not to be outdone by the reptilians, they also set out to explore and colonize the moon, the Solarian planets, and nearby star-systems, with their “silver fleet”, which works closely with their allies below North America, who have their central focus of activity under Mt. Shasta, California.

In fact Richard Hoagland claims that there are signs on the moon AND Mars of ancient battles and writer George H. Leonard has also stated that secret NASA photos show the remains of two types of aliens on the moon… one humanoid and one akin to the reptilian-grey type aliens, who apparently have very little regard for humanity. As the humans and reptilians battled their way out of the system, they apparently colonized other star systems, if we are to believe some contactees. The humans focusing on the Lyra sector and the reptilians on the Draco sector. After the ancient ‘Nordics’ of the Gobi left the surface, others of their kind, according to Doreal, migrated west and founded the Scandinavias, the Vikings and so on. Could other remaining Gobian ‘Nordics’ have attributed to the ancient ‘Aryan invasion’ of the subcontinent of India?

Writer Jose Argueles wrote in his book THE MAYAN FACTOR of his meetings with an old Mayan sage by the name of ‘Humbatz Men’, who informed him that the ancient Mayas did not disappear but rather left the surface of the planet [to other dimensions or to colonize underground systems?]. This is similar to what Doreal claimed, who added that his organization BROTHERHOOD OF THE WHITE TEMPLE held several Guatemalan members, some of whom had told him of Mayan’s who lived underground [like the legendary underground Mayans who have been associated with the Loltun caves of Yucatan?] and some of whom are friendly, whereas others of whom were not so friendly or downright dangerous. Some of these “dangerous” types have been seen guarding the entrances to ancient caves and tunnels in Guatemala and Yucatan, and have been described as appearing to be some kind of cross between humans and lizards.

Also the underground city of Telos below Mt. Shasta, inhabited by neo-Maya’s known as the Naga-Mayas and Quetzals, may be in part what Hubatz was referring to. The Mayan sage continued by stating that these Mayas had developed space technology and had succeeded in navigating at least 7 star systems. Some who have visited Mt. Shasta claim that there seems to be somewhat of a conflict taking place there between pro Draco-Grey factions and anti Draco-Grey factions [similar to the current “intelligence/infiltration wars” within the U.S. government itself, between the NSA’s pro-grey MAJI, AQUARIUS and ULTRA agencies vs. the NAVY’s anti-grey DOD, CABAL and COM12 agencies].


Swiss writer Yves Naud quotes, in one of his works, the translation of an ancient Vedic text from India, which states as plain as day that the leaders of ancient India had collaborated with a secretive scientific fraternity from GREECE in constructing airships capable of circumnavigating the planet.

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How many secret scientific fraternities down through history could have formed, robbing the masses of the most advanced intellects and initiating them into their secret ‘underground’ technocracies? I think it is more than we might imagine. What did ancient China, Greece, India, Egypt, MesoAmerica, Peru and similar ancient cultures have in common with us? They were all remarkably advanced in communication, mathematics, astronomy, architecture, medicine and other sciences which did not make their resurgence in a dramatic way until renaissance times many centuries later.

Incidentally, other ancient texts from India speak of complex machines, missiles, and even nuclear weapons! There are some researchers who believe that many of the original Egyptians and Mayas were descended from sea-navigators from India, known as the, the very ‘tribe’ that is said to reside within Mt. Shasta. Could this ancient India-Greek alliance explain why the legendary Mt. Shasta colony “Telos” is named after a Greek word with the root meaning “uttermost/purpose” yet is inhabited by neo-Mayan residents?

Yves Naud also relates an ancient account from China referring to a scientist who developed a ship that could travel to the moon. Following this an great ‘space race’ ensued which led to the colonization of other worlds. However as the result of the negative influence of a race of cavern-dwellers, the whole civilization collapsed and became corrupted, and not willing that this technology fall into their hands, one of the leaders of that ancient society ordered that there should be no more contact between the earth and those who had colonized the other worlds. The exact wording of the manuscript is that from that time onward “there was no more going up nor coming down”. So one might see this as somewhat of a “Battlestar Galactica” scenario. Could the “lost tribes” of humankind be returning home?

The Paihute Indians of California, according to a Navaho researcher by the name of Oga-Make , have a legend of a race of ancient sea-faring people called the ‘Havmusuvs’ who entered the area in prehistoric times and had built a vast underground city within huge natural caverns that they discovered within the Panamint Mts on the west flank of Death Valley. In the course of time the inland sea that once filled the valley dried up, effectively cutting of their sea-route to the Pacific.

That was when, according to the Paihutes, the Havmusuvs began to experiment with aerial craft. The first ships were small, noisy, winged craft but as the centuries passed they became ever larger, more silent and even wingless. Could they have commenced to explore the solar system and later other star systems with these advanced craft literally thousands of years before the modern ‘space race’ began? The Havmusuvs by the way were described as being very ‘Grecian’, down to the pale sandals they wore on their feet, the headbands that held back their long dark hair, the white robes which were draped over one shoulder, and even the marble-columned cities that filled some of the ancient caverns, illuminated by crystal spheres which gave off a seemingly imperishable luminosity.

Brazilian contactee Jefferson Souza claims to have actually visited a huge “Federation facility” below Death Valley and the Panamint Mts, one that went on for mile after mile and in which he observed caverns with different gravitational, environmental, atmospheric and possibly dimensional conditions in order to accommodate various Federation visitors and dignitaries.

Souza claims that he has met both the UMMO people who he describes as being Scandinavian-like, and also the VEGANS of Lyra, who he described as looking very similar to the dark-skinned orientals of… believe it or not… INDIA! It was the Vegans, who took Souza to this base, and informed him of the alien Greys… actually three types of Greys… the original egg-layers, those that reproduce via cloning, and those that reproduce via polyembryony. Interestingly Billy Meier, who claimed that he was ‘trained’ in INDIA before his major contacts with the ‘Pleiadeans’ began, has stated that the Vegans and some Terran cultures had ancient connections with each other.

During the 1950’s contactee Daniel Fry claimed that he was given a ride in a remotely-controlled disk, while speaking over an intercom to a being named “Aylan”. Aylan claimed that his people were descended from Terran explorers who had left planet earth from the Tibetan plateau in ancient times, part of a fleet of four large space vessels, three of which made it safely to their new home, the planet Mars. Could this explain the similarities between the “monuments” of Egypt and Mars, that Richard Hoagland and others speak about?

So then, the possibility of physical beings existing on other worlds does not necessarily dispute the Torah or the Bible. There are those who might ask: “Why would God create life only on planet earth?” My answer is that it would be logical to do so, using planet earth as a common reference point or foundation to UNITE all of His creatures, who would eventually leave the “cradle” of civilization [planet earth]. for other realms beyond.

In the book FOUNDATION AND EMPIRE , by Issac Asimov, we read of a galaxy with 25 million colonized worlds, and that in the space of a relatively few thousand years the entire galaxy is colonized, once instantaneous hyperspace travel is discovered.

The hero of the series searches for the mythical lost home-world, the wellspring of the human race, which he believes is lost somewhere amidst the billions of stars like a needle in a haystack. He is convinced of it’s existence even though most of the galaxy, save for scattered secretive religious groups, had long forgotten even the “legends” of the ancient world of genesis called Earth, if not ridiculed and scoffed at such legends all-together.

Could the galaxy NOW be populated by physical beings, most of whom have forgotten their common origins on “mother” earth? Could this explain why humanoid and reptilian or neo-saurian types of aliens seem to be consistent among many UFO encounters? Are all of the other strange life-forms encountered merely genetic alterations of a common super-genetic-pool on planet earth?

Many contactees have stated that in all the universe, planet earth has by far the MOST GENETIC DIVERSITY of any world, whereas humans, animals, and vegetation is concerned. Could planet earth be the original “gene pool” of the galaxy?

So then, human beings and genetic hybrid beings [like the insectoids and reptilians] could NOW exist on numerous worlds throughout the galaxy, even IF planet earth was at one time the ONLY inhabited world in the physical universe, as the Koldasians claim it was.

Many of these races may have traveled back in time , but they could not have interfered and altered the root timeline of earth nor created third dimensional paradoxes, since traveling in time would be equivalent to traveling through dimension also, in other words nature would deal with the possibility of paradoxes by slightly phase- shifting the time-travelers into a dimensional level just outside of third dimensional solidity, so that they could not PHYSICALLY change the time- line.

There would of course be cracks and breeches in the earths magnetic field where they could enter into the third dimension from time to time, into those areas where the integrity of the timeline is not threatened and where they can interact without creating paradoxes. However if they insisted on trying to change an established time-line they would simply be pushed back out of the way like a car trying to block an oncoming train. In a battle between the train [the timeline] and the car [the time traveler/machine], the timeline will ALWAYS prevail, because the energy of the timeline is considerably stronger then that of the time traveler or travelers.

Or rather, its easier for the TIME-LINE to push the time traveler out of the third dimension and into a parallel quasi-reality than it is for the TIME- TRAVELER to push the entire time-line out of the third dimension and into a parallel quasi-reality.

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Linear time and material solidity can only exist in the third dimension, so any paradoxes will essentially be phased out of the third dimension and into a time-dimension where objects and events are less ‘solid’ and more fluid and ‘time’ is more multi-linear, a dimension where paradoxes can exist and the third dimensional laws of physics as we know them may not apply. So there may be space-time-dimension travelers who left earth and traveled into the past, yet their descendents could have “caught up” with us over thousands or even millions of “years”, but they would essentially be living in other dimensions.

If a third-dimensional spacecraft from earth were to land on another world, they might find it seemingly barren, however in another dimension it might be teeming with 4th and 5th dimensional life.

According to Billy Meier, after the Dracos invaded the Lyra systems, refugees from the attack fled to Vega, the Hyades, and the Pleiades. The Andromedans themselves, according to Alex Collier, claim to have originally descended from LYRANS who had escaped the devastation of the Dracos, which had also apparently chased most of the free-thinking humans out of the Orion systems as well. Three of the Lyran worlds , Bila, Teka and Merok were devastated, and in the initial slaughter alone over 50 millian Lyrans perished. Apparently the Dracos felt that the humans posed a direct threat to their intended conquest and domination of the galaxy and universe.

Many of the Lyrans were scattered, refugees, hiding from their would-be destroyers. The refugees were under militant rule at that time since their existence was a continual struggle for survival. They were always on the run, hiding on planets, on moons, within asteroids… anywhere they could find respite. Eventually some of these refugees colonized two star systems in the Andromeda constellation [not the Andromeda galaxy… i.e. the stars Andromeda 42 – Zenetae, and Andromeda 44 – Tishtae]. Other refugees were scattered to other star systems.

Orion was also apparently colonized by Lyrans, but it too was conquered by Dracos and Greys, and the refugees from Rigel Orion were scattered… some escaped back to the Jovian moons of Sol, others to Procyon, and others to Sirius-A, from where they continued their warfare with the Orion-based Dracos and Greys.

Eventually the Sirian-A’s colonized a world in Sirius-B, and another world in Sirius-B was colonized by the Dracos… a situation that would eventually lead to devastating civil wars in the Sirius-B system between Draco-backed Interventionists and Andro or Andromedan backed Non-Interventionists.

Another interesting thing is that, according to Alex Collier, the Lyran and Pleiadean alphabets ORIGINATED on earth, in the form of the pre- Sumerian language-script called TAMIL, the ‘parent’ language of most of our alphabets on planet earth, and apparently many throughout the galaxy.

Let us consider the possibility that ancient Terrans developed space travel and eventually colonized the Lyra systems, and then later the Pleiades systems — which comprise over 200 stars, not just the visible ‘seven sisters’ [Incidentally, Alex Collier says that the Sirians, Arcturians, Antarians, Pleiadeans, Andromedans, Cignus Alphans, Sagittarians, and Cassiopians were all human-based races who had their ORIGINS in the LYRA systems, before the war with the Draconian reptiloids and Orionite greys broke out].

Eventually, as Billy Meier claims, they figured out a way to break-in to our “twin” antimatter or “DAL” universe, and began colonizing the antimatter counterparts of the Pleiadean, Solarian and other star systems.

Suppose that within these other time-space dimensions the flow of ‘time’ was different than on earth, let us say 3 hours on earth is equivalent to 3 days or three weeks in another space-time dimension. So you could not say that 3 thousand years is not enough time for earth-men to colonize the whole galaxy, for 3 thousand years in our dimension could be equivalent to 30 thousand years in another dimension of time-space.

So, the ‘Dal’ universe residents might travel back to the proto-matter universe, but instead they emerge into a time-frame where planet earth is the ONLY third dimensionally inhabited world in the proto-matter universe — having not yet sent out colonists to other worlds — because the flow of time in the Dal universe is on the opposite side of the ‘circle of time’ you might say.

Sound strange? This is EXACTLY what contactee Carl Van Vlierden claims, in his book THE TWELVE PLANETS, detailing contacts with the ‘Koldasians’, who claim to hail essentially from the antimatter equivalent of the SOL system and nearby systems.

As for THIS universe, however, much has apparently happened during the 6000-or-so years which make up THIS third dimensional time-loop, if we are to believe the reports of numerous sources whose collective claims and statements can be linked together into a scenario of interstellar migrations and forgotten histories, involving many of the earthborn races now resident among the stars.

Aside from physical humanoid and reptiloid beings, we must however remember that there are OTHER ‘beings’ that are out there in force… i.e. the standing angels and the fallen angels. Some of the fallen angels have apparently acquired physical bodies-suits-containers which they can ‘wear’ in order to interact with the material universe.

This is in line with what Whitley Streiber says about the subspace aliens he encountered, astral beings that have acquired or developed physical ‘suits’ that they can wear so that they can interact with the third dimensional environment much as a human diver might ‘put on’ a diving suit in order to interact with an aquatic environment.

This is a step above mere ‘human possession’, since with these physical ‘suits’ they do not have the element of human will to fight against. However they DO require a steady supply of life- force or manna FROM humans and other living beings, in order to keep these ‘bodies-containers’ animated and third dimensionally intact.

Many contactees have seen these ‘poltergeists’ or ‘astral parasites’ in semi-transparent form or shape-shifting in order to appear in human-like form by drawing ectoplasmic emotional energy from the society surrounding them, enabling them to ‘phase in’ to our dimension. Also some of the [possessed?] reptilian beings have been observed shape-shifting or creating an illusion — of being a ‘Nordic’ for instance — in order to deceive.

So ANY one who attempts to ‘connect’ with or study ‘humans’ from other ‘worlds’ are BOUND to encounter some HEAVY deception from these fallen angelic impostors, or from the reptilians/insectoids, and even from some of the mind-controlled or deceived humanoids themselves, mostly those suffering from accute “collectivitis” [i.e. “group mentality” type ET collectives].

The key is, do NOT take the claims of ANY so- called alien at face value, especially those who would put themselves ABOVE you as some kind of demigod or spiritual ‘master’. ALWAYS ‘test the spirits’. Interaction with ANY alien being which would lead you astray from the fact that all mankind is created EQUAL is dangerous! However if you insist on interacting with such high-minded beings, EXPECT to be treated as their INFERIORS, if not their slaves.

You have been warned.

Note: The following link contains my latest “synopsis” on a potential “key” to the history of the galaxy. Since there are apparently millions of different scenarios taking place in the galaxy at any moment it might seem rather difficult to create a root synopsis connecting them all. But I’ve attempted to do this. If this synopsis sounds too far out to you then consider it “science fict-ion”, however if it seems to tie in with the above revelations then consider it “science fact-ion”. Could this synopsis help explain some of the unexplained scenarios taking place on our planet in these times?


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