Dear Steve:

A couple months ago I sent you the Area 51 GIF showing the LOCATION of the Visitor facility.

Of late, I have been reading your FIDONET posts and have just explored the web page. Under MARS ANOMALIES re: the “crater with tube running out” you did not notice the two funny objects (covered with dirt) that the tube connects ? That is THE base on Mars utilized as a Earth signals monitoring and research facility. You have put the photo of the base on the WWW !

The tyrannical ATLZAN civilization had advanced much more than this one and even established some colonies. This was the FIRST “New World Order” which the SAME types are now trying to re-establish.

The colonies rebelled – and with the aid of ALIEN FORCES destroyed the evil ATLZANS with a space weapon that NASA has recently “discovered” namely: Asteroids and kinetic energy weapons (KEWS).

The so-called “Venusians“, “Lyrans” and such are really the HUMAN descendants of these early colonists. The Greys are genetically engineered bio-robots.

The further away from the nearer stars you travel – the more utterly NONHUMAN are the organic ( or cyborg) forms and mentalities of any ETIS that you will encounter. Many are hostile, but MOST are friendly and much more spiritual (though not necessarily sharing all “spiritual” values humans associate with the word) than humans.

Humans in this age represent a uniqueness – that of totally organic forms (unenhanced via implants or attached symbiotic systems) as well as having uncontrolled emotionality and limited 3 D consciousness.

See also  THINK ABOUTIT'S ALIEN TYPE SUMMARY - Mammalian Humanoid

Your writings and activities interest me. Who knows ? Someday, you may be “heard of” all around the galaxy ! 🙂

Later: ED

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