Name: Bellatrax (Bellatrix) Greys – Short

AKA: Bellatrix Greys

Location  – Home System:  near the Orion constellation, near the shoulder of the figure in a star system called Bellatrix.

Distance from Earth: 112.5 Light Years.

Attitude: They are more indirect but just as vicious towards humans as the Zetas.


Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height1 1/2 feet tall
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair: Small bony crest runs up the middle of the back and is connected to larger crest found on top of the head.
  • Skin: scaly like a crocodile, and green, yellow, brown or red in color
  • Sex:
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information: Very scaly and bony. The upper head is surrounded by a large bony crest. Large red or dull yellow eyes (that resemble those of Earth’s reptiles) are set forward just above and to either side of, very small nose. The mouth has thin lips that run from one side of the head to the other.

Ears are non-existent: the only sign of them is extra-smooth, 3-inch (7.62 cm) circle on either side of head and just behind eyes. Skin is scaly like a crocodile, and green, yellow, brown or red in color. A small bony crest runs up the middle of the back and is connected to larger crest found on top of the head. Being is bi-pedal. Thin hand has six long, clawed fingers. Feet have five toes ending in small, very sharp, claws. Very small tail, thick like a crocodile’s, extends only to the feet. Male is shorter than female. 


Special Traits and Abilities: Noted for great diplomatic and leadership skills. In charge, for the past six million years, of all the former Alliance’s forces for this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Communication Type: Very coarse and guttural; filled with deep growling and hissing noises.

Origin: Migrated from Constellation of Sagittarius about 25 million years ago.

Life Form Type: Major species is a Dino-Reptilian hybrid. 

Sub Species:

Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type: Scout craft look like dew drops and like beetles; they vary from 100 to 400 feet ( 30.5 to 122 meters) in length. Mother ships range from 1 to 400 miles (1.6 to 640 Kilometers) long and look like large tadpoles.

Witnesses Reports:


bellatrax grey alien 1

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