Name: Biaviians

AKA: Related to the Agharians

Location  – Home System: Biave

Distance from Earth:  450 light-years from Earth in the Taurus constellation. Together with six other races, they would have a mothership around Saturn.

Attitude: They are a peaceful race of beings


Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height3 to 4 feet tall
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Hair:
  • Skin: The female’s skin tone was a gray-white, and the male’s complexion was yellowish-brown or golden. The skin colors also changed at times, not in basic color but in subtle tones. 
  • Eyes: The eyes were large, unblinking ovals. The male’s eyes were alight to deep gold color, while the female’s eyes were blue. The shades of their eyes tended to change depths, depending upon the light and perhaps the emotion.
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information: The male was about four feet tall, and the female was a few inches shorter. In actual appearance, males and females differed just slightly in features. The heads were noticeably larger than normal in proportion to the body.  Their arms were long, the fingertips reaching almost to their knees. Their feet looked flat and kind of splayed.

Their hands were long and delicate and had only three fingers and a thumb. The forefinger was longer than the middle finger. They had no outward ear flaps, but tiny holes where the ears should be. The nose had no cartilage and was almost flat against the profile. The mouth was thin-lipped and looked like a slit on the face. The teeth were tiny and uniform, like baby teeth. The chins were sharp and receding and gave the face an egg-like shape. They did not look like dangerous monsters, but I could not call them cute either. They did not articulate with their mouths but communicated via telepathy.

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 


Life Form Type:

Sub Species:

Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:

Summary/Description: The Biaviians have been in our solar system watching the human race since Biblical times. The Biaviians have advanced technology which allows them to travel 100 times the speed of light.


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