By: Robert M. Collins

This memo below published originally in 1990 as an appendix to Bill Moore & Jamie Shandera’s Mj-12 Documents Report has been checked with a couple of sources in “a need to know.” Here are some points they made:

1) The memo(s) are not legitimately classified CIA documents.

2) Since they appear to be interoffice memos there was no care taken to properly classify them since they were to be shredded right after they were read.

3) The details in the memo(s) ie, movements and conversations appear to be correct from what they knew.

Notes on “blacked out” areas starting with the first “blacked” area:

Was ___ Should read—-DCDR2…..R2 being ??

Was ___/Mj-12 Should read—-NSA/Mj-12

Was ___ Should read—-EBE-2

Where it says T-2R: This was reported to be an office or person at FTD, WPAFB OH at the time.


See also  1998: “The energy bolts give the necessary conditions for these other dimensional civilizations to be able to start experimenting with our universe and/or planet.”

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