Name: Ciakar. They are considered the royal caste among the reptilian races.

AKA: Cyakars

Location  – Home System: Draco constellation

Distance from Earth: 11.5 to several hundred light years from Earth.

Attitude: Malevolent


Physical Appearance: Draconian Reptilians physically resemble other reptilians and may have horned skulls. They are also believed to be larger , stronger and more athletic than their lesser cousins. 

  • Average Height: 14 to 30 feet tall 
  • Average Weight: up to 1,800 pounds. 
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair:
  • Skin:
  • Sex:
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information: They do have winged appendages and they are awesome beings. 

Special Traits and Abilities: They’re extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also be extremely sinister.Their advanced skills in genetics and cybernetics give them the ability to control the minds of others, and create hybrid life forms to serve the Reptilian cause, which is the domination of other races,

Communication Type: They are feared for their unparalleled technology, extreme intelligence, and highly developed communication skills, all of which are usually applied to the detriment of other races. They have allegedly colonized many planets through violence and infiltration activities. Some believe they are responsible for infiltrating Earth’s governments, in order to use its institutions against itself, and aim to eventually dominate Earth completely. They view humans as a vastly inferior race as slaves, and as prey.


Life Form Type: Reptilian 


Most Common Species: Ciakar Draconian Reptilians, or simply “Ciakars” are reputedly one of the most powerful, respected and ancient Reptilian races, and are supposedly descended from royalty. Other, lesser Reptilians are believed in turn to be descended from Ciakars. Ciakars are much larger and more powerful than their cousins. They supposedly have wings on their backs, a skeletal structure comprising multiple spinal columns, yellowish reptilian eyes, dark green or brown, thick, impenetrable and scaly skin. They may allegedly also have two hearts.


Through human eyes, these creatures are truly monsters, ranging up to thirty feet in height and several thousand pounds in weight. They may live for thousands of years too. Could Ciakars have been the mythical dragons in ancient human lore? Ciakars are ruled through a monarchy and have great reverence for their Queens. They are thought to have first come to Earth hundreds o thousands of years ago.

Ciakars allegedly eat their prey — sometimes humans — live, and get a rush from the dying throes of their victims. They supposedly have a powerful military and control many other races throughout the galaxy, such as the Zeta Grey Reticulans, who do much of the dirty work for the Ciakars, such as human abductions Throughout galactic history, Ciakars and the Lyrans (and other human races) have been mortal enemies. As with most Reptilians, Ciakars allegedly continue to this day to seek the enslavement of the human race, and may even be operating from bases deep within Earth,s underground. Their fearsome physical attributes and extreme telepathic capabilities make them a formidable enemy.

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:

Summary/Description: The Ciakar and the ‘Giant Snakes’ are the only two who haven’t been encountered on Earth.

Source: Alex Collier, “Let’s Do Some Questions,”


The Draco (constellation) constellation from U...
The Draco (constellation) constellation from Uranographia by Johannes Hevelius. The view is mirrored following the tradition of celestial globes, showing the celestial sphere in a view from “ouside” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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