Name: Clarion
Location – Home System: ‘Clarion‘ which would be in the Aquila constellation.
Distance from Earth:
Physical Appearance: human-looking, indistinguishable from Earth Humans
- Average Height:
- Average Weight:
- Body Temperature:
- Pulse/Respiration:
- Blood Pressure:
- Life Expectancy:
- Hair:
- Skin:
- Eyes:
- Life Expectancy:
Other Physical Information:
Special Traits and Abilities:
Communication Type:
Life Form Type:
Sub Species:
Most Common Species:
Level of Species:
Transportation Type:
Witnesses Reports:
Special Features/Characteristics:
Summary/Description: In his book Oltre di Cielo (Beyond Heaven), Maurizio Cavallo tells of his encounters, since 1981, with extraterrestrials that live in Italy. They look like normal humans and allegedly come from a place called ‘Clarion‘ which would be in the Aquila constellation. Cavallo has photos of them and their craft. He claims they are part of a ‘confederation‘. The case is still under investigation by both Paola Harris and Jaime Maussan.
Source: Source of information: *