Name: EL’s or EL Hybrids (EI’S)

AKA: Elder Race, Anakim, Akim, the Giants

Location  – Home System: maybe from the Orion group with an outpost base inside the Planet Mars.  Mintaka is a doorway to other Universes. It is the home for higher dimensional entities, both physical and nonphysical. ‘EL’ also refers to the ‘inhabitants’ of Mintaka. Most of the EL’s ascended a very long time ago. Some of them have remained in the physical realms to merge with other species, thus forming hybrid EL’s. Hybrid ELs are mainly found on Mintaka itself, on Arcturus, AN (Alnilam) and RA (Alnitak). There are some on Earth too.

Distance from Earth:

Attitude: The “ELs” — or Elder Race — is, in fact, not a single race but more a “collective” (not meaning a group consciousness, no indeed) of races that are a good billion years older (maybe more) than the bulk of us, including even the Pleiadians and the Alpha-Draconians.


Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height8-11 feet tall
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Hair: red and blonde
  • Skin:
  • Eyes:
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information: Though inherently bodiless, they are able to assume any physical form they wish, at will, and frequently do. Where the matter to “create a body on the fly” comes from is a matter of much debate.

We do not really know a great deal about the Elders, including exactly how old they are. It isn’t that they are unwilling to discuss it, it’s that their answers do not make sense. Their understanding of time appears to be as different from our own, as our own is from the typical Human’s. They have a model or understanding of time that, apparently, there simply is no comprehensible analogy for. Even if one acknowledges that time isn’t, in fact, “time” at all but is just another aspect of geometry, the ELs look at this the way an adult might view a child’s sudden ability to color within the lines. (Some think this indicates that even geometry might be an illusion — that is, an aspect of incomplete perception, and not an underlying aspect of Reality.)


(There was the famous incident, though, where a particular theorist — a Pleiadian physicist with an overriding passion on “higher orders of time and their effect on lower-order perception (3/4D perception), demonstrated a model of his own to a particularly friendly Elder. Apparently this Elder and Pleiadian had been friends for quite some time.

The physicist had just completed a new presentation, an analogy for what he was groping after, and wished his friend to see it. On examining the work the Elder was heard to say “You are so close, my friend. So very close…” and — as the story goes — after “thinking it over” (whatever that means for an Elder) asked his friend if he truly wished to know the answer. Naturally, the physicist answer, “Yes!” What followed next is unknown, as they retired to a private space-time node. When next the physicist was seen, he had dismantled all his models, erased his work and announced that he was changing careers. He even traded in his personal spacecraft, which was one of those with a mathematically perfect spherical hull, a very valuable and high-end machine. When asked why he did that, his answer was “I find I can no longer tolerate spherical shapes.”

Little more is known of this incident, as the good theorist will say no more about it. He works as a musical artist now.

Is this a warning against too close a relationship with members of the Elder Races? No, but one does have to remember that the ELs are incredibly advanced over the whole rest of us. Their exact nature may be as difficult for us to comprehend as an Earthly butterfly might find the concept of light speed, or an Altairian smog beetle (pretty smart as beetles go [no insult intended to our Insectoid brethren] might have in understanding differential equations.


The Elder races do seem to like us, all of us. They are friendly as times, even helpful. But is this a kinship they feel for us? Or is it the feeling one gets for a beloved and clever pet? It might take a billion years to answer that question satisfactorily.

Special Traits and Abilities: Shape-Shifter

Communication Type: 


Life Form Type: Humanoid


Most Common Species:

Level of Species: Spirit Independent, Self-Aware / Individual


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports: “Al Mintaka (…) is directly aligned with the star system of Arcturus. The EL essence gave birth to the ELder lineage which has long served upon Earth although no pure ELs remain here today.

However, there are many hybrid ELs incarnate who keep the EL energy anchored at all times. Hybrid ELs are those who have merged the EL essence with other star lineages in order to step down and soften the energy emanation. In times past, pure ELs have served upon this planet as great masters.
The EL energy alignment is empowered knowledge, the Higher Mind, the Dreamer, and the Will. Interestingly enough, Al Mintaka is the star from which J.J. Hurtak received ‘the keys of Enoch.’
One signification of the ELs is their ability to perceive with one mind. Their symbol is the All-Seeing Eye, for indeed, they have the ability to draw their energies together into the collective unconscious or group mind in order to see as One.
The ELs have long been the knowers of the Great Mysteries. They have tremendous intelligence as well as full access to the Akashic Chronicles. The ELs were extremely active in the time of Atlantis. They have often served on this Earth in positions of leadership and power. The Cyclops were early forerunners of the ELs. The color of the EL emanation is blue. It is aligned with the energy of Isis.” (Solara, The Star Borne, p. 243-244. This information is channeled).


Summary/Description: These are godlike beings of superhuman strength intelligence and abilities often thought to be the first peoples or akin to the mating of sky gods and mankind. It’s possible that these are what many ancient mythologies are based upon. There are several descriptions that would fit early Greek accounts of humans with superhuman powers such as Cronus ( the father of the universe) and Rhea who are the parents of Zeus.

The El’s are said to be related to the Phoenician and Canaanite gods called the Elohim which is found in conjunction with Ezekiel’s Wheel, and the pillars of fire that many claims is proof of extraterrestrial visitation. The word EL translates into meaning, powerful — “The Strong (or Powerful) One.Giants are defined as ‘Els’, El Anakim , based on the mythed ‘EL-der Race, tied-in with the ancient Hebrew traditions, Evadamic heritage, having a very tall stature.

There also is group or mass consciousness from the Orion System, which is called the EL-consciousness. In fact, this EL consciousness could very well be what Lyssa Royal describes as “the Orion Mass Consciousness – the non-physical aspect of Orion that operates from a sense of unity and integration.”

Note that there actually are several extraterrestrial races that are referred to as the ‘ELs’ or ‘Elohim‘:

  • there are the real founders / the original Elohim or ELs,
  • then there is the Orion Mass consciousness (which originated from the founders),
  • there are the hybrid ELs (which also originated from the founders)…
  • Then there are their allies that were given the same name.
  • And last but not least, there are the Frauds: the self declared founders, of reptilian origin.


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