The “Final Incarnation” wrote in Matrix V based on the information and personal experiences he made in the Library:

“Higher Self Choices – Earth and Non-Earth Incarnations

Higher Selves who choose to accept the Earth Game challenge have a much more complicated incarnational path than those who choose not to go the Earth human route. The Earth Game is one with memory blocked and with many hundreds of incarnations going on simultaneously in many different bodies, time periods, etc.

Higher Selves who do not want Earth Game experience, but do want 3rd density experience can choose incarnations one at a time, sequentially in NON-Earth physicals. For example Andromedan incarnations.

When the Andromedan body has served its purpose and dies, and the Higher Self chooses to continue that experience, the shim is born into a new Andromedan body with memory intact. It’s like changing clothes. While this is a valid 3rd density experience, you should be able to see how slowly the Higher Selves, who choose only this path, evolve. These incarnations are ‘safe‘ but will eventually get them to higher levels.

Earth Game incarnations make for far more rapid development, as Robert Monroe said. When the Higher Self chooses the Earth path, the spirit has HUGE amounts of obstacles to overcome to rediscover shimself. That they DO make it to Final Incarnations shows it is possible for ALL who choose the Earth path to succeed. Nevertheless, many Higher Selves will decline this opportunity to play it safe. This is OK. No judgment here. Each is free to choose their own path.

If you have an incarnation in the sequential, alien incarnations, you can choose to go to the Earth’s rapid advancement path at any time. Once this choice is made, that Higher Self must complete it – no backing out. They realize this before accepting the challenge. The amount of emotions and sensory experiences in the Earth path are unparalleled and therefore attractive to the more daring Higher Selves.

See also  2009: Another Interview With Bob Dean [on ETs]

Our concern here on the Earth path is not what others are doing in other alien incarnational paths, but to discover who we really are and connect to our Higher Self which is the repository of ALL our incarnational experiences. Once this is done, then you will know the direction YOUR Higher Self, the REAL YOU, will be going. This is why looking inward is far more valuable than outward.

Multiple Personalities – A New Perspective

As I wrote in earlier material, Earth incarnations, for those with Higher Selves, are simultaneous, not sequential, since ALL

incarnations occur at the same time. If the physical brain is damaged in a certain way either in birth or through trauma, the body can be damaged and other incarnations can bleed through into the physical of the damaged incarnation.

The only incarnation able and intended to handle input from other incarnations (your nnminantc) is your Final Incarnation. When the damaged incarnation switches to another ‘personality‘, the incarnation’s energy stream from the person’s Higher Self allows unprocessed/uncontrolled free-flowing input from incarnations close in frequency (time line) to manifest their energy through the damaged incarnations’ body. This could not happen if Earther incarnations were sequential since then there’d be only one energy stream from the Higher Self. The physical body is also very electric. Short circuits to certain areas of the brain can affect the energy stream from the Higher Self as the energy stream is filtered through the physical body.

Multiple personalities is NOT a normal situation by any means, yet it is also not the dreaded situation most people cringe from. This would be considered an experiential choice by the individual Higher Self.


Why? Who can say why a Higher Self would choose this situation except for that person’s Higher Self. More could be accessed in the Library on Monroe level 27, for those interested in this topic.

The multiple personalities syndrome is more serious to incarnations with less experience/ maturity. Those of low through mid-range incarnational levels really can become quite unbalanced by this disorder and require hospitalization. Remember, society and the Empire will do almost anything to keep you from realizing who you REALLY are.

If people understood multiple personalities from this perspective AND people were taught who they are without the religious/’scientific’ bullshit, we wouldn’t have all the problems we have today on Earth.

Some of you will find this information helpful in verifying simultaneous incarnations as well as assisting you in understanding more about this type of experience.

A Different Look At The Orion Queen & Aliens

The Orion queen FEARS the death of the body. As such, she’s been cloned and preserved by life-extending drugs. Without death, you cannot gain the varied experiences the Higher Self needs to progress. Each Higher Self MUST incarnate in 3rd density genders, sexual orientations and gain a WIDE gamut of diverse experiences. The Higher Self, who became the Onion queen, is experiencing a very limited amount of experiences, only one gender and a huge dose of absolute power.

The Onion queen is, beyond a doubt, a low-level incarnation. Remember, alien incarnations are sequential, so there is NO input from other incarnations into that particular Higher Self as there is in simultaneous, short-lived Earthen incarnations.


If Ancient Earthers were not tampered with by the aliens, the ideal lives they were leading would have kept experiences to a minimum and those Higher Selves would have progressed as slowly as other sequential incarnations. Simultaneous incarnations did not begin until the aliens altered the Earthen humans and created chaos on the planet.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the phoenix-like Higher Selves who accepted the challenge of Earthen incarnational paths are progressing as no others. The alien created chaos turned out to be the best matrix for the Higher Self to rapidly develop! Earthers seem to marvel at the huge incarnational period’s aliens seem to go through.

They’ll tell their contactees of living for hundreds of years, or, as with reptilian royalty it can be tens of thousands of years or more!

You should be able to see how slowly these Higher Selves, not participating in the Earthen fast track, will progress. They live on homogenous planets in pretty uniform societies. There are few challenges, it seems, unless they clash with other aliens, like the Onion Empire. So, if things are pretty ho-hum, is it any surprise that they proceed at a snail’s pace when compared to Earthen incarnations?

Earthers who long for life spans as long as the aliens are body controlled, for it’s the body that fears death since the Higher Self is immortal. With the shorter lifetimes on Earth, we are able to gain FAR more varieties of experiences. Your Higher Self loves all these inputs from shim’s incarnations as there is NO FEAR in those who chose the Earthen challenge despite the individual incarnational fears of the various stages of growth, the Higher Self WILL overcome.”

End Excerpt

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