From The AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS – Fall 1996 Edition © 21 March 1996


  • ASD staff has suggested a follow-up paper on the unusual dowse reported in our Fall 1995 issue. Contained in this follow-up article are:

    1. A more detailed report commenting as to how this unusual dowse was accomplished.
    2. A review of the astronomical literature indicates that planets have been found orbiting the star systems previously dowsed as having solar systems hosting sentient life.
    3. Some previously unpublished descriptions of unusual alien beings believed to originate from one of these star systems. These beings are designated “clams” or “birds” for want of a better description.

    This follow-up effort has lead to three significant conclusions. These are:

    1. A new planet formation algorithm seems to have been verified, both for the orbital radius, and to a lesser degree, for the mass of the predicted planet. Two of the three multiple star systems dowsed as supporting intelligent life forms (extra-terrestrials), 61 Cygni and UV Ceti, have astronomical data indicating the presence of planets in the predicted orbits. The planet orbiting the largest star of the 61 Cygni system has been confirmed by both United States and Russian (then Soviet) astronomers. It is interesting that research on these star’s planetary systems seems to have ceased in the mid 70’s and that they have not been mentioned in recent media releases.

    2. Solar systems in a third dowsed star system, the Alpha Centauri trinary system, are modeled and likely valid. Proxima Centauri (the well known small star in this system) is predicted to be the outermost planet of this system’s largest star. Solar systems about the two large stars have been modeled as having planets with large satellites in the liquid water zone (thus they could host life). Optical detection of induced wobbling of the parent stars by associated big planets is likely difficult.

    3. The planet orbiting UV Ceti’s largest star may be too cold to support life (the other star’s planetary system has not been modeled). Should life evolve on a (unpredicted) planet 2 (or more likely 4) times closer to the parent star, that life would have to exist in a medium protecting it from UV Ceti’s prominent flares. Concatenating the dowsed results with the predicted solar systems, evidence seems to be mounting that the “clams'” home star is Alpha Centauri’s second largest star rather than UV Ceti.


    Following are the salient details of this unusual dowsing experiment. As you know, map dowsing is an accomplished art. Our dowser, Al Beishline (Born in 1917), has been practicing it from times before many of us were born. The ASD Scientific Adviser has suggested that we report the procedures used in this unusual dowse.

    The actual dowsing was accomplished during three separate sessions. The first attempt focused only on the aliens described as the “Greys”. Two three foot square maps of the celestial sphere were provided to the dowser depicting noticeable stars and various aspects of celestial geometry. He attempted to construct extra long L rods, but found that these did not function well. They were soon abandoned in favor of his standard set of L rods.

    The first four initial attempts made during this session were deemed unsuccessful by Al, who came to this conclusion through the use of a “yes/no” answer test. He did not (overtly) apply the “may I, can I, should I, am I ready to” questions previous to the dowsing session. But then, perhaps he’s picked up the knack of dowsing in the last 50 years. One of the authors, who accompanied Al, asked if his mere presence was interfering with the dowsing. Al tested this suggestion with a “yes/no” test and this was proven not true. Al asked directly if the author had “permission” or a given right to know the information that he was imparting. The answer was affirmative. Dowsers sometimes speak of their “higher self”, and it is presumed that this is what was being asked by the dowser. The fifth attempt produced an answer which was deemed viable by the dowser. The author then suggested checking a point directly opposite (180o) from the fifth answer (mirror image symmetry was suspected). Although this sixth attempt produced a somewhat weaker response, it was logged and used in the analysis presented in the previous paper on this subject.

    It should also be noted that the declinations recorded were taken directly off the latitude lines found on the celestial sphere (maps), whereas the right ascensions (positions along the celestial equator) were deduced from the Sun’s position on the map as noted by months and the corresponding days of the month. The author converted these values into right ascensions by simply determining the first point of Aries for the year of the dowsing.

    When Right Ascension and declination were determined, the author asked the dowser to determine the range of the star system in question. He suggested that Al ask the range in increments of (less than) 10, 100 or 1000 light years. Al decided to start with 1, 2, 3 etc. light years instead. The author was somewhat frustrated by this approach because he was aware that the nearest star system was about 4 light years away, and that even most nearby stars are around 10 light years distant. He watched, in amazement, as Al zeroed in on 4.9 light years. There is only one star system, Alpha Centauri, within this range! Note that during the third dowsing session, the range was asked in trillions of miles.

    Al Beishline and the other two authors were aware that they were looking downward onto a “map” of the heavens. See Figure 1. One of the authors expected that a mirror image symmetry would occur because it was as if the dowser was looking at the stars reflected in a pool of water. Al was extremely aware of the location of the stars on the star map and took pains to point out the celestial equator to this author. In fact, Al seemed so aware of the overlap between the southern and northern hemisphere star on the “maps”, that this author thought Al had studied them extensively before he had arrived.

    Dowsing during the second dowsing session was accomplished while Al was in transit between Travis AFB and Peterson AFB. He was planning to attend his 50th high school reunion in the Denver area in the spring of 1995. During layovers, he worked on this problem alone.

    More than the three extra-terrestrial species reported herein were investigated. But, for various reasons, the authors have chosen only to report the most viable product of this effort. Specifically, the results reported in the first dowsing paper had to be supported by some cross-correlated data (e.g. SETI information, etc.). Moreover, the previous paper on this subject was quite long and additional lengthening was not advisable. Other star systems were located during this period, but this data has not been reduced and analyzed.

    During the third dowsing session, Al was in Denver and was accompanied by the two authors. Additional details were explored on other alien species, but most focused on the ones dubbed “clams” or “birds”. Again, using his favorite L rods, Al was asked (as well as posed) several questions relating to these unusual beings.

    Most of Al’s results concerning these beings were a surprise to the other two authors, including the conclusion that they originated on UV Ceti. In fact, UV Ceti was not even accurately recorded on the original list of nearby stars that came along with the maps of the celestial sphere. It wasn’t until another subject was being checked at the library that we noticed that UV Ceti was missing. Up until that time, Al’s results could not be defended. Much to our amazement, the data that Al derived from dowsing indicated that the UV Ceti binary star system could be the origin of these unusual alien beings. Supporting this conclusion was that UV Ceti was on Danjo’s version of the Hill map and was identified as a place the Greys frequently visit. It is also noteworthy that the dowsed results only slightly favor UV Ceti as the “clams” origin, with the Alpha Centauri system a close second.


    Figure 1. Unwrapped Northern And Southern Celestial Hemispheres.


    As our readers may be aware, the popular press is reporting planets about various stars.1 But what is generally not known is that the stars dowsed have also been reported to have planets. Alpha Centauri, UV Ceti and 61 Cygni (all nearby star systems) were dowsed to be the home stellar systems of three separate space mobile alien species reported to have visited Earth. Of these three systems, Martin indicates that two may possess planets.2 Gatewood claims that the 61 Cygni double star system has adequate star mass and co-orbital separation so that astrometric (movement) oscillations of the stars, caused by large planets, can be measured by using telescopes.3 The planet’s period is inferred from the wobble of the star caused by the gravitational tug of the unseen planet as it orbits the star.

    61 Cygni A (the largest star in this binary system with an A and B star) was first reported to have an unseen planet as early as 1943.4 Light from the planet is too faint to be seen. Strand analyzed photographic plates of this star and computed a period of 4.8 years.5 Danjo predicted the structure of 61 Cygni A star’s solar system in terms of its planetary masses and orbits in astronomical units.6 See Table 1. The corresponding values for the B star’s system lie generally between the designated values for those of the A star. A Jovian sized planet orbits both stars. The orbital period of the largest planet (269 Earth masses) in his predicted solar system for the A star sustains a 4.9 year* period.

    Martin also analyzed astrometric data of 15 stars and found that only four of them offered good evidence that they were accompanied by an unseen companion.7 Of these, three were likely degenerate stars or stellar white dwarf companions. He concluded that only the A star of the 61 Cygni binary is likely to possess a planet-like companion. He examined both the 6 and 4.8 – 4.9 year wobble of the A star and favored the latter.8 See Table 2.

    TABLE 1
    Planet Orbit(AU***) 0.15 0.53 0.6 2.1** 2.4 8.2 9.6 399 1595
    Planet Mass (Earth
    0.155 Asteroids 0.03 24.4 269 2.6 3.8 62 103

    * Period = orbital radius3/2/star mass1/2 = 2.4 AU 3/2/(0.58 Solar mass)1/2 = 4.9 years
    ** May Host Sentient Life.
    *** Note: AU = Astronomical Unit, The Distance From The Sun To The Earth.

    TABLE 2
    Star System Detection Index Suspected Companion Type Orbit/Period
    Not Calculated
    unless ignited
    Proxima Centauri (ignited)
    Danjo Predicts Proxima
    13,000 AU/-
    12,620 AU Predicted
    UV Ceti Not Calculated Small planet possible 3.0 AU/16 years
    2.6 AU Predicted
    61 Cygni unless ignited 0.4;0.5 unless ignited Largest Planet orbiting
    The A Star
    Largest Planet orbiting
    The B Star
    2.4 AU/4.9 years
    2.4 AU Predicted
    2.8 AU/7.0 years
    2.1-2.4 AU Predicted

    Deich and Orlova likewise employed astrometric data to deduce the periods and masses of these unseen planets.9 They arrived at either a 5 or 6 year period for a planet orbiting the A star, and a 7 year period for a second planet orbiting the B star.

    Danjo also estimated the structure for the secondary star’s solar system, and predicted a Jovian size planet orbiting between 2.1 and 2.4 AU from this star. The estimated mass of this planet would be dependent on the spin of the B star, but it would likely be similar to (but slightly less than) the 269 Earth masses predicted for the Jovian planet in the A star’s system. Its predicted period ranges from 4.5 to 5.5 years vs. the reported 7 year period.

    The orbital radius R (in AU) of the planet found about UV Ceti (a famous flare star) likewise can be estimated from the observed period of its orbit. See Tables 2 and 3. Danjo calculates the orbital radius for the planet nearest the principal A star of this binary system. Thus, the orbital position of the last planet seeded.A (e.g. the one closest to the parent star like Mercury is to our Sun) is found to be 2.6 AU. Two items are worth noting. First, these astrometric measurements are preliminary and are considered marginal. Second, Danjo’s theory of planet formation yields the poorest orbital radius for the last planet seeded.10 See Table 4. Also noteworthy is that other planets could form 2 and 4 times farther away, but these would be scattered by the gravitational interactions with the B star in this binary system. This planet is far from the small, cool, reddish orange colored (M class) star that it orbits, thus it may be too cold to support the evolution of biological life.

    Figure 2. Danjo’s Version Of The 3 – D Hill Star Map. (Note, the Procyon system may be the Sirius star system hosting the Nommos).

    Figure 2 illustrates Danjo’s analysis of the famous Betty Hill star map (she reconstructed it after the first reported abduction case occurred in 1961).11 The two circles represent planets with habitable satellites orbiting Alpha Centauri’s A and B stars respectively. Hill reports that the solid lines between the circles represent trade routes, the solid lines to dots represent places they often visit and the broken lines were expeditions. The stars involved are set on “pedestals”, solid ones for stars above the galactic plane and broken lines for stars below it. The map indicates that the aliens (Greys) are involved with ten star systems (including ours). The three dowsed planets (among others) are found on this map.

    TABLE 3
    Star System Detection Index Suspected Companion Type Orbit/Period
    Not Calculated
    unless ignited
    Proxima Centauri (ignited)
    Danjo Predicts Proxima
    13,000 AU/-
    12,620 AU Predicted
    Procyon Not Calculated None known to date
    UV Ceti Not Calculated Small planet possible 3.0 AU/16 years
    2.6 AU Predicted
    Grb 34 0.6;1.0 None known to date
    61 Cygni 0.4;0.5 Largest Planet orbiting
    The A Star
    Largest Planet orbiting The B Star
    2.4 AU/4.9 years
    2.4 AU Predicted
    2.8 AU/7.0 years
    2.1-2.4 AU Predicted
    Sigma 2398 0.7;0.8 None known to date
    Kruger 60 0.7;1.0 1 possible, large errors 4.1 AU/16 years
    4.5 AU Predicted
    26 Draconis Not Calculated
    unless ignited
    26 Draconis C (ignited)
    Danjo Predicts 26 Drac. C
    10,000 AU/-
    9270 AU Predicted

    Anomalies still remain in the predicted mass of these planets. Danjo’s model assumes that the spin of the 61 Cygni stars is similar to that of our Sun. Larson et. al., in 1993, reports that the 61 Cygni A star has a solar cycle of 7.22 years and a 36.21 day rotational period compared to a 11 year cycle and a 24 to 31 day (latitude dependent) rotational period for that of our Sun.12 As Danjo’s mass estimates depend on the square of the spin, this could reduce his mass estimates to 70% of the indicated values. However, since this planet is considered to be a “transition planet”, this small reduction is obscured by the general uncertainties acquired in estimating the masses of the transition planetsB.

    Both these massive planets would affect the unexplained residuals found in the A – B co-orbit pattern of the A and B stars respectively, and this is the data from which the presence of these planetary bodies is derived. Figure 3 shows 1949 to 1953 data taken from the Sproul Observatory illustrating the 5 year period. Figure 4 illustrates 1955 to 1975 data taken from both United States and Soviet (Pulkovo) telescopes showing the x and y residuals. The author speculates that the dip in the y residuals illustrates a period when the two Jovian planets were somewhat in opposite phase while pulling their respective A and B stars apart.

    Assuming both the planetary masses and orbits for these largest planets to be about equal, each would have a mass of about 2.3 times Danjo’s predicted value. As there is about a 40% error in the residuals, these masses could range as low as 1.2 Jovian masses, or 1.4 times Danjo’s predicted value. The corresponding error bounds on Danjo’s predicted values are not known, but some of the verification data cited indicates that his values may be too small by a factor of two.

    Both Tables 2 and 3 list Martin’s evaluation of some of these star systems as to the possibility of their possessing unseen companions (planets). Included is Gatewood’s detection index (the smaller, the better). When the detection index is not calculated, the masses of the binary stars and their co-orbital separation can inhibit astrometric detection of unseen planets. Examples of such star systems include Alpha Centauri and Procyon. Incidently, it should be mentioned that Danjo’s model predicts Proxima Centauri’s orbit and mass and that it astrometric data exists supporting that it has a large unseen planet. Danjo has not modeled Proxima’s solar system, but it is expected to possess one.


    Figure 3. Mean B – Residuals In The (x,y) Coordinate Plane Shows A 5 Year Orbit.


    Figure 4. Residuals (B – A Differences) separating Components Of The 61 Cygni Binary Star As Determined From The Washington (•), Sproul (o) And Pulkovo (x) Telescopes As Well As The Pulkovo Astrograph (+), A Specialized Telescope.

    TABLE 4
    Star System Measured
    R = (T2 times M)>sup>1/3
    Predicted By Danjo
    R = B. C. times 2
    UV Ceti 3.04 AU 2.6 AU
    Kruger 60 4.10 AU 4.5 AU
    Sun 0.39 AU 0.3 AU

    Notice that the orbital separation of the binary stars found in Grb 34 and Sigma 2398 is large (140 – 160 AU) and the separation found in UV Ceti and Kruger 60 is small (7.5 – 9.2 AU). The masses of these stars are small (0.1 – 0.3 Solar Masses). Danjo’s planetary mass scaling factor varies as the cube of the mass of the parent star and the inverse of the separation of the binary pair. Thus, much smaller planets may be expected for Sigma 2398 and Grb 34 than for Kruger 60 and UV Ceti. Planets about Procyon should exist, but like those around Alpha Centauri, they may be hard to detect from Earth.


    The description of the “clams or birds” offer the most intriguing result of this dowse because it gives us some unique insight into this unusual alien life form. While some of these results were reported in the original paper, the following unreported data was collected at the same time and it makes sense to form an integrated aggregate.

    The flying “clams” are an enigma. They fly about Earth in formations resembling flocks of birds, often riding on air currents. They are also associated with cigar shaped (rocket?) ships. See Table 5. The only collateral data that the authors have about these unusual beings is that they sometimes travel in the company of the “Greys” and that their cigar-shaped ships have portholes. Moreover, there is even no direct evidence that these beings have eyess, much less are able to peer through these portholes.

    Dowsed data pertaining to the “clams” included the following information. The “clam shell” like mechanism is only a vehicle, and not a part of their biological structure. It opens and closes to permit observations. Their food supply is contained within their “clam shell” and this food supply limits their travel (flight?) time. They can fly for about 18 hours at a time. This flight time gives the appearance of their being a “creature of the air” but they really are not. They cannot breath our atmosphere, but the atmosphere on their home planet is composed of 74% Oxygen. Their native environment is not liquid (like oceans) but rather gaseous. They “fly” in their native environment (but only for a small percentage of the time). They have an occasional base location on Earth, but it is underwater.

    The accompanying foul smell is part of their metabolism, possibly relating to recycled excrement. The odor is a partial failure of a recycling process. They are animal like (13.4% Sulfur and 22% Carbon), with four appendages supported by cartilage (no hard bones). There may be more than one being per clam shell. However, this may be due to a reproductive condition such as pregnancy. Their normal life span is about 180 years, although the principle one illustrated in the original paper was 59 years old. They physically rejoin, perhaps in their cylindrical, or rocket shaped space ships. They do fight with one another, and have done so over France (presumably bleeding “angel hair”). See Table 3, Case C. This bleeding does not necessarily prove fatal (e.g. they heal). This “bleeding” is really part of their stomach contents and is similar to our excrement.


    This effort yields three conclusions. The first is that two of the three star systems dowsed as supporting intelligent life forms (extra-terrestrials), 61 Cygni and UV Ceti, have astronomical data indicating the presence of planets. It is interesting that research on these star’s planetary systems seems to have ceased in the mid 70’s and that they have not been mentioned in recent media releases. The second conclusion is the planet orbiting UV Ceti’s A star may be too cold to support life (the B star’s planetary system has not been modeled). Should life evolve on a (unpredicted) planet 2 (or more likely 4) times closer to the parent A star, that life would have to exist in a medium protecting it from UV Ceti’s prominent flares. The third conclusion is that Danjo’s planet formation model seems to have been verified, both for planet orbital radius, and to a lesser degree, for planet mass. Consequently, his projected planetary systems for Alpha Centauri’s A and B stars is likely valid (even though optical detection of the effects of planets wobbling their parent stars may be difficult). Both Alpha Centauri’s stars have been modeled as having planets (or large satellites) in the liquid water zone (thus host life). Concatenating the dowsed results and Danjo’s models, evidence seems to be mounting that the “clams'” home star system is Alpha Centauri B, not UV Ceti.

    TABLE 5
    Date Place Description
    CASE A
    Clam/01 Jul. 48 Rapid City, ID 12 oval discs maneuver over AFB.
    Clam/17 Jul. 48 San Acacia, NM 7 UFOs fly in J, L & O formation.
    Ship/15 Jun. 48 Miles City, MO Reddish glow with jet exhaust.
    Ship/20 Jul. 48 Netherlands Wingless V-2 like rocket, 2 decks.
    Ship/21 Jul. 48 Hague, Netherlands Rocket like UFO, 2 window rows.
    Ship/24 Jul. 48 Seen by DC-3 crew? B-29 fuselage with rocket flames.
    Ship/25 Jul. 48 Seen 4X by pilots Wingless V-2 like rocket, 2 decks.
    Ship/03 Aug. 48 Moscow, USSR Wingless V-2 like rocket, 2 decks.
    CASE B
    Clam/25 Aug. 51 Lubbock, TX 15 – 30 UFOs fly in V formation. Non UFO explanation possible.
    Ship/31 Aug. 51 Texas B-29 fuselage with porthole drifts near the ground, then rapidly rises and disappears.
    CASE C
    Ship/17 Oct. 5214 Orlon, France Cylindrical UFO, cocked at 45o moved southwest (SW) with 40 discs. Many in Orlon, France saw a narrow cylinder with about 30 small red spheres (clams?) each with a yellow ring leading it. They moved in pairs in short zigzag paths. When they separated, a white “arc” formed between them. Angel hair rained down, turned into a gelatin and disappeared.


    1. Lance Morrow; IS THERE LIFE IN OUTER SPACE; Time (magazine); 5 February 1996; pg. 50.
    2. A. R. Martin; THE DETECTION OF EXTRASOLAR PLANETARY SYSTEMS; British Interplanetary Society, Vol. 27, December 1974, pp. 881 – 906.
    3. G. Gatewood; ON THE ASTROMETRIC DETECTION OF NEIGHBORING PLANETARY SYSTEMS; Icarus, Vol. 27, January 1976; pp. 7 – 8.
    4. K. A. Strand; Title?; Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc.; Vol. 86, 1943; pg. 364.
    5. K. A. Strand; SKY AND TELESCOPE; Dearborn Observatory; December 1956, and;
      K. A. Strand; THE ORBITAL MOTION OF 61 CYGNI; The Astronomical Journal; Vol. 62, February 1957; pg. 35.
    6. Yari Danjo; ASTRO-METRICS Of Undiscovered Planets And Intelligent Life Forms; D & L Associates, P. O. Box 2581, Sunnyvale, CA 94087; 1994; pp. 75, 248 – 258.
    7. A. R. Martin; THE DETECTION OF EXTRASOLAR PLANETARY SYSTEMS; Op. Cit.; pp. 881 – 906.
    9. A. N. Deich and O. N. Orlova; INVISIBLE COMPANIONS OF THE BINARY STAR 61 CYGNI; Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 54, Mar. – Apr. 1977; pp. 327 – 339 and
      A. N Deich; NEW DATA ON UNSEEN COMPANIONS OF 61 CYGNI; Pis’ma Astron. Zhurnal, Vol. 4, February 1978; pp. 95 -98.
    10. Yari Danjo; ASTRO-METRICS Of Undiscovered Planets And Intelligent Life Forms; Op. Cit.; pg. 49.
    11. This is not the appearance of the Hill star map. Rather, it is an attempt at a three dimensional logarithmic projection of the Hill map. Danjo explains the actual Hill map in detail. Yari Danjo; ASTRO-METRICS Of Undiscovered Planets And Intelligent Life Forms; Op. Cit.; pp. 86 – 96.
    12. ANA M. Larson, Alan W. Irwin, Stephenson L. Yang, Cherie Goodenough, Gordon A. H. Walker, R. Andrew, and
      David A. Bohlender; A Ca II LAMBDA 8662 INDEX OF CHROMOSPHERIC ACTIVITY – THE CASE OF 61 CYGNI A; Astronomical Journal Of The Pacific, Vol. 105, No. 686; pp. 332 – 336.
    13. Yari Danjo; ASTRO-METRICS Of Undiscovered Planets And Intelligent Life Forms; Op. Cit.; pg. 85.
    14. Jerome Clark; UFO ENCOUNTERS & BEYOND; Publications International Ltd., 7373 North Cicero Avenue, Lincolnwood, Illinois 60646; 1993; pp. 81 – 82.

    • A Danjo postulates that stars, planets and satellites were seeded by atomic nuclear sized primordial black holes. These seeds were as massive as a mountain and were formed just after the “Big Bang“.
    • B. The mass of this Jovian planet is dependent on the shape of a hand-drawn under-damped sine curve derived from the masses of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Danjo’s error estimates indicate this planet could be 316 Earth masses. If the sine curve is more violent than imagined, even two Jovian masses could be possible. One Jovian (Jupiter) mass equals 318 Earth masses.

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