
Small neo-sauroid race, very prolific and intelligent. May be the ‘brains’ or ‘intellect’ of the serpent race, whereas the larger ‘Reptoids’ allegedly act as the PHYSICAL overlords and thus are of a higher ‘ranking’ than the Greys. The Greys are reportedly very predatory and insensitive to humans, and like other reptilian entities they allegedly ‘feed’ off of human fluids by rubbing the ‘protein formula‘ on their bodies, which is then absorbed into the skin, and like snakes the ‘waste’ is excreted back through the skin.

The Greys range from 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 ft. tall on the average, with skin colors ranging from grayish white to grayish blue to grayish green. Aside from feeding off of human proteins and fluids, they also allegedly feed off the ‘life energy’, ‘vital essence’ or ‘soul energy’ of human as do other reptilian species. This is why those humans seen working with the Greys (implanted drones, whether willingly or unwillingly) have appeared ‘lifeless’ and emotionless to the witnesses who observed them. The

Greys are allegedly EXTREMELY deceitful and although they act on ‘logic’, to them it is ‘logical’ to use extremely complex forms of deception to bring about their goals. They are the most commonly observed ‘alien’ entity during UFO encounters


  • The approximate height is 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall. Some approximately 5 feet. Their weight is approximately 40 pounds.
  • Two semi-rounded black eyes, without pupils. They are large, almond-shaped, elongated, sunken of deep set, far apart, slightly slanted, appearing ‘Oriental’ or “Mongoloid“.
  • The head, by human standards, is large when compared with the size of torso and limbs.
  • No ear lobes or protrusive flesh extending beyond apertures on each side of the head.
  • Nose is long and vague. Two nasal openings are indicated with only slight protuberances.
  • Mouth is indicated as a small “slit” without lips, opening into a small cavity-mouth, which appears not to function as means of communication or an orifice for food ingestion.
  • Neck described as being thin; and in some instances, not being visible because of garment on that section of the body.
  • The head is hairless.
  • The torso is small and thin.
  • Normally they wear a metallic but flexible garment
  • Arms are long and thin and reaching down to the knee section of the body.
  • The hands have four fingers each, but no thumb. Two fingers appear longer than the others on each hand. They have some kind of long fingernails. A slight webbing effect between each finger exists.
  • Legs are short and thin. Their feet are like an orangutans feet
  • They have no teeth.
  • Their skin description is some kind of beige, tan brown, or tannish or pinkish grey color. The texture as scaly or reptilian, and as stretchable, elastic or mobile over smooth muscle or skeletal tissue. No striated muscle. Light perspiration and very particular body odor. Under magnification the tissue of skin structure appears to be a mesh, or like a grid network of horizontal perpendicular lines. They suggest that the texture may be similar to that of the granular-skinned lizards, such as the Iguana and/or Chameleon, and may be similar to at least on other type of alien humanoid.


    Type A

  • No apparent reproductive organs. Perhaps atrophied by evolutionary degeneration. No Genitalia The absence of sexual organs suggests a system of cloning reproduction may be prevalent.
  • The Aliens appear to be formed out of some sort of mold”, or sharing identical facial characteristics.
  • Colorless liquid prevalent in body, without red cells. No Lymphocytes. Not a carrier of oxygen. No food or water intake is evident or known at this time. It is believed at present that no food may ever be required. No digestive system or Gl tract. No intestinal or elementary canal or Rectal area described.
  • Many variations of anatomy exist.
  • Their life span is unknown at this time.
See also  1992: Star Warriors The Hopis & the Greys

One distinct species is mentioned again and again in stories about encounters with aliens. The descriptions of these beings are always strikingly similar: they have a grey skin, are usually about 4 foot tall (though smaller and taller versions have been encountered, too); they have huge black wraparound eyes, hardly any nose or mouth, and their sex is indistinguishable. Because of their grey skin, people started calling them “Greys.”

Research has indicated that most of these Greys come from either the Orion Constellation, or from the zeta stars of the Reticulum Rhomboidalis constellation. The Greys coming from Zeta Reticuli are usually referred to as the Zetas. Erroneously, in part of the UFO literature, ‘Zetas’ has been used as a synonym for ‘Greys,’ even though they are only one of several known species of Greys. (For more information on Zetas, see Zetas.)

Some believe that the US Government has a secret agreement with the Greys. According to the agreement, the US Government would allow people to be abducted on the condition that they would not be harmed, that they would be returned and that they would not remember the incident. In exchange, the US Government would get highly evolved technology. It is not clear whether this agreement was reached in 1954 (on Feb. 20, at Edwards AFB) or in 1964 (on April 24 or 25, at Holloman AFB).

Types of greys

The UFO literature usually distinguishes three kinds of greys:

  1. Type A: Common Greys – approximately 4 feet tall,
  2. Type B: Tall Greys – anywhere between 6 to 9 feet tall,
  3. Type C: Smaller Greys – approximately 3 to 3.5 feet tall.
See also  1999: The Greys: UFOs From The Hollow Earth

Recently, on the Internet, reports have appeared that describe Greys that are identical in appearance to the common Greys (Type A), but who are only 2 to 2.5 feet tall. Thus far, however, I have not come across any reports by researchers or abductees / contactees to confirm this.

The Grey Alien - Alien challenge
The Grey Alien – Alien challenge (Photo credit: Cowgirl111)


This is the most common type. They are about four to four and a half foot tall, with large heads and wraparound eyes, a slit mouth and no visible nose.

In spite of the apparent physical similarities, the group of Type A Greys actually consists of several different species of Greys, that aren’t necessarily related, and that come from different parts of our Galaxy. The Zetas, e.g., come from the Reticulum constellation, and are believed to be of a humanoid descent, whereas other races, e.g. those coming from Draco, Orion and Ursa Maior, are believed to be reptilian species.


Quite often the greys of Type A and Type C are accompanied by one or more greys of Type B: the Tall Greys. The Type B greys look very similar to the Type A greys, but they are a lot taller. Often abductees refer to these Tall Greys as ‘the doctor,’ because they seems to be in charge of the medical procedures taking place during the abduction event.

Two separate types of Tall Greys are known:

B1) the ‘large nosed’ tall greys, or the “Eban.” They are 6 to 9 feet tall and are believed to come from the Betelgeuse system in the Orion Constellation.

B2) the common tall greys: They are 6-7 feet tall, and are basically taller versions of type A or C, even though sometimes they are said to have reproductive organs. They also seem to have something that resembles a (small) nose. They are believed to come from the same constellations as the Type A and C greys.

See also  2016: David Icke Explaining the Reptilian ET Theory


Sometimes people also mention greys of Type C. The Type C greys are the shortest, about three and a half foot tall. They are believed to be the most dangerous of all grey species. They come from Rigel (per J.D. Stone, V. Valerian) and Bellatrix in the Orion constellation, and are saurian / reptilian in nature.


This classification in 3 types is a simplification of the actual situation. V. Valerian has done extensive research in these matters and distinguishes up to 22 different types of greys. Other Grey species that have been encountered too are, e.g.:
– The Orange (see: ‘Orange, The‘)
– The Bellatrix mercenaries: a genetic hybrid race between reptilian greys and insectoids, engineered solely for war-faring purposes.

Several sources also mention all kind of hybrid humanoid/Grey races. 

It should be noted that not all authors are convinced that all Greys are extraterrestrials. John Mack, Jacques Vallee, Withley Strieber and Graham Hancock, e.g., point at the similarities between the abduction realm and the realms of the fairies and the spirit world that shamans visit. They suggest that greys may be part of a parallel realm or another dimension that has always existed and that always had interaction with our reality.
It should also be noted that it is perfectly possible that if such realm exists, that extraterrestrials might use it to travel to Earth. This indeed is what Shamans all over the world claim. Shamans in Latin America and sangomas in Africa even make a clear distinction between the inhabitants of the other realm, and the aliens that use that realm to come and visit us.

Last but not least: a) remote viewers who tried to discover where the greys are coming from mention that they are coming from three different time eras, i.e. that most of them are coming from different times in the future.
b) some authors believe Greys are not aliens but future humans or future humanoids.
c) some sources mention a “cyborg” type of grey: a small grey that seems to be partly biological (and presumably cloned) and partly mechanical. The remains of some of these would have been found at crash sites.

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