
Alien Interference and interdimensional interference patterns are experiences like “the alien love bite” and Dark Side of Cupid love relationships.( )The latter is when one partner is linked to some inter dimensional being like a reptilian and acts as an organic portal enabling psychic vampirism. Other times it is not so defined, where there is a third party entity interfering with the couple, increasing the sexual energy, emotional highs and lows, excessive drama and triggering. The alien love bite is more of the situation where known alien handlers who have visited one or both partners throughout life, is responsible for orchestrating the relationship, via several bonding stages, often from childhood or many months leading up to meeting that partner. Once the connection is made, an emotional roller coaster tends to follow, with an increase in alien visitations for one or both partners during the drama, as if these alien beings are “feeding” off the emotional and sexual energy. (

Interdimensional interference can take place in other kinds of situations and when the interference is present, it may feel as if a highly charged agitating energy is seeking an opening for “chaos” to erupt into dramas that may be out of proportion for the reality that is unfolding. It has a “feel” to it. Edgy, sometimes anxiety and fear producing or a prodromal sense that “something bad is about to happen”. Oftentimes alien abductees get a prodromal sense before their “alien handlers” came to get them later that night.

It’s window of ability to “get into your field” is any unhealed emotional wounds or even physical weakness. This can also happen if your energy field is wide open or has cracks from unresolved traumas. Alien implants, or other entities already attached can leave a person open for more ID’s as well. (ID is Interdimensional being)

The interference happens in such a way that if others are involved in the “interference cluster of attack” it will seek to destroy relationships that are mutually supportive, loving or those that create awareness that enhances life and wholeness. The “interference factor” is usually discovered later to be some type of inter dimensional being who is linked in to one or more persons, depending on their connection and “agreements” or contracts on a more subtle level of reality. It may be unconscious on the experiencer’s part, but if they do deep self inquiry or quantum clearing modalities like Holographic Kinetics,( or even hypnotherapy, their own Spirit will reveal the original cause and condition of this “agreement”  to enter the “game” of this particular inter dimensional being. Or the experiencer of interference somehow “enters the game” of an “infected individual or group”, and thereafter is under vulnerability to being interfered with. Until they “break that contract” and origin of this agreement.

The Emotional Triggering Factor

In order to fully identify and understand when interdimensional interference is happening, one needs to understand what emotional triggering is, how and why it happens. This is key, because emotional reactivity is the “fuel” which feeds and enables the unseen interference to continue.

Unhealed and “trapped” traumas of old emotional wounds, can create unconscious patterns of “triggering behaviors and reactions”. This is essentially the “glue” which keeps interdimensional beings, entities and running “programs” to lock into your body and energy field. Other factors which lock them in are contracts, agreements and even rituals, vows etc., to specific beings and/or groups.

Triggering old wounds and “sensitive issues” can cause a person to unleash exaggerated reactions to events, which wouldn’t cause such triggering in a person who has healed their emotional wounds.(Or does not have this “issue”) If I wanted to give an example of triggering, it could be a highly reactive response of anger, blame, jealousy, rage, fear, etc. to something that would not ordinarily cause such a reaction in someone who didn’t have this “deep wound” bleeding away inside of them. Let’s say you get an email or call from someone who is very needy and has severe abandonment issues. If you don’t respond back within 24 hours they go into a blaming rage or make numerous accusations of your character based on the deep sense of hurt or abandonment they feel “all over again” that reminds them of an earlier incident or series of experiences related to abandonment. This often happens in Borderline Personality Disorder,( where any triggering of the least amount of emotional pain can cause them to react in unnaturally reactive ways, usually blaming the other person they perceived to have “hurt” them. The more deeply hurt and unresolved the trauma,( ie. narcissistic wounding, the more triggering is likely to happen when they encounter the least “reminder” of similarity of that feeling around anyone. And the more they “defend” against their true core feelings and issues, the more likely they will twist reality to a false perception of others and the world around them. But they don’t even know they are doing this, because their defense and avoidance of their feelings is so great, they literally twist reality to an entirely different perception. This serves to sabotage any real healing, integration and wholeness and is often part of a running program. Oftentimes they are such expert manipulators they can cause you to question your own sense of “reality”. Usually after encountering such a person, you are left feeling shocked, insulted and violated unfairly, and may even start to doubt yourself, unless you are very grounded in your own core well being.

Our unhealed wounds and traumas cause us to have “blind spots” which usually take forms of habitual behaviors, beliefs or exaggerated “triggering” reactions. Blind spots of unawareness can cause us to be vulnerable to bad relationships, or be more likely to attract a psychopathic or “hosted” love bite partner,( ie a “narcississtic reptilian types”) so it’s essential for ones own safety to clear out as many unhealed wounds and traumas as one can.

We cannot help “hurting others” when triggering occurs, if we have not learned how to tend to our own emotional needs, or have done our healing work.

Some popular healing modality groups refer to “zero point” awareness, where a non attached emotional zone is reached, and one can maintain a non reactive stance even in the face of “interdimensional attack”. I caution many who jump to assumptions that they are at “zero point” when in fact they just repress their own emotions and shadow self. This “false zero point” stance will actually cause the person to lose their heart centered empathy and compassion and tend toward nihilistic approaches to life and reality. These people may eventually become corrupted and end up with some sort of inter dimensional running them. Who—by the way—can give them psychic abilities. But that is a subject for another article!

When emotional triggering happens, the first reaction is to blame someone else for their own “faults”, and believe that you are the only one who is right.”. But this position of self righteousness, judgement and blaming is the doorway for the “inter dimensional interference” to continue in your own life. Having to be “right” all the time, avoiding your own unresolved emotional pain, and not being willing to see your part in this, is the doorway for this to continue in your life. Even if the interference is due to someone else’s “interdimensional” like a draco, reptilian, winged serpent, etc., there is always some reason it entered your field, even if it’s something seemingly inconsequential, like feeling sorry for the person, or sleeping in their house, or getting “drunk” in their presence.

Interdimensional interference is personal and can be collective, like in a family system. Or it can be something linked to a group you are part of. There are many types of inter-dimensional beings and there are also extra-dimensional beings, ET’s, human spirits, animal spirits, etc. Some “internal running programs” may have the feel of “entities” inside someone or even a group but these are actually fueled “mind patterns, beliefs and programs” that take on a sort of life of their own.

See also  1998: ET Facts

Inter dimensional interference can move through a person, group or collective almost like a virus. Someone can be a carrier, or “host” for an ID, while others can be sleepers that are only “activated” at a certain time, after making a certain connection with a person or group. If something is happening to you, there is always some reason, and it’s best not to “blame others” until you have done your own self inquiry, established your own healing process, and made a connection with your Spirit.

Oftentimes the “trigger” for an inter-dimensional to become active in your life is through a “love bite” kind of relationship, where its interference “effects” linger in your life long after the relationship ended. Usually we find there was some kind of karmic connection or cause for the ID, but it may not be what you think it is. Even before the “love bite drama” where perhaps the kundalini got activated with concomitant psychic abilities and new awareness, we find out later (via Holographic Kinetics and communication with Spirit of the person) that the person already had some sort of hidden trauma or inter dimensional being like a reptilian in their field that prepped and engineered this connection with a “hosted partner”. Once involved, this connection activated more types of interference or existing inline and outline implants and “astral” energy siphoning operation. I  have had a number of reports of a “dark Cupid/ love bite relationship where several months or a few years before they met, they had a sudden “kundalini activation”. One wonders if the heightened kundalini energy can serve as an invisible “beacon” of highly charged energy, wherein a “reptilian hosted person” and inter dimensional parasitic beings zoom in to feed on the kundalini activated person– like moths to a flame. Kind of like an enzyme-substrate complex that works together in a system of inter dimensional engineering. So in some people, the “love bite partner” who is hosted i.e., possessed by a reptilian for example, acted as a part of a multi-phase process of something that was “set up” in the first place through a variety of causes. Trauma, trapped IDs in their energy body, alien abduction and other possible karmic or ancestral origins and so on.

It’s very common for people who have had narcissistic parents or siblings to have a “dark Cupid/love bite” relationship(s) later in life or a series that shows a pattern has been set up. It’s not as simple as we think, however. These inter dimensional beings can hide in many dimensions and layers, so that if we want to be free of them we must be willing to clear ourselves on all levels and dimensions. This means other lifetimes, timelines, and clearing out ancestral causes as well. Sometimes interdimensionals only become active in your life after a deeper connection to someone was made or “astral tagging” and implanting after joining a particular group or guru’s circle. Interdimensional beings can be linked to hierarchies and clusters of beings linking hundreds, thousands, or millions of people. Like Octopus Head clusters feeding on thousands of people.(

Every time we connect deeply to another person, like in some form of sexual relationship, or even astral connections,(i.e.., astral sex) this alone can link you in with “all of their interdimensionals” even if you just did your healing work or clearings. So you have to be mindful who you connect with, how, and also develop your own energetic and spiritual immune system. This can be a lonely path, but the more we educate each other of this reality, the more we can be supportive of how we all can help heal one another.

The Cure: Taking Personal Responsibility

Releasing the emotions associated with a trauma/experience are necessary, feeling them fully in the moment of therapeutic release. This can be done in modalities like hypnotic regression, trauma resolution, EMDR, Rapid Release Trauma therapy, Inner Child work, and good old fashioned grieving. Quantum healing methods like Holograhpic Kinetics can also be useful for trapped trauma release work.

If we still have “triggering” that is exaggerated and causes unnecessary hurt and rejection of others, then we have not done enough healing and recovery.

Compassionate communication skills and inner reflective empathy are a good foundational place to start in ones healing process.  A necessary step to healing is taking responsibility for communicating in a mature way so that your own reactions to someones “perceived faults” do not become weapons of relationship destruction. As we become more aware of what we are feeling inside, we will know what our personal triggers are, so as to circumvent problems down the road. Our awareness in feeling is our strategy of protection. Oh, by the way, this is also a big part of what emotional intelligence is.

We all hold some blind spots, or unconscious behaviors we may do that are part of our own upbringing, culture, personal beliefs and unhealed emotional wounding. So working alone in ones healing process is not always beneficial for long periods of time. It’s ideal to have a group of supportive friends or people in ones “therapy group” to check in with. A buddy, check and balance system so that we help others be aware of their own blind spots and vice versa. This is true also for “light workers, healers, therapists, teachers etc, so that their own ego and self righteous, know-it-all superiority programs don’t get the best of them.

Practices and Healing Modalities

Practices like vippassana meditation (ā), shamatha ( and calming the mind help one to become more aware and sensitive to the energy body as well as the spiritual realm. Body-Mind cultivation techniques like Chi Gong, Tai Chi and Yoga are also good. Intention to heal and be clear helps along with practices like this. Breath coordinated with movement in the proper ways can help reduce the overactive stress response and help manage PTSD for example.

Holographic Kinetics is a healing and comprehensive healing modality that is based on Aboriginal Dreamtime Healing and the Laws of Lore.( Certain universal and spiritual metaphysical laws are understood in this system, that explain the “rules of the game”. This is helpful when trying to understand inter dimensional interference. Our own assumptions of the casualty of why things are happening and to whom may not be accurate in our belief systems which we may have assimilated from corrupted, incomplete yet well meaning sources. Or our own perceptions can be altered due to unhealed wounding, lack of integration and incomplete understanding of the “rules of the game”. How and why certain things happen. Limiting beliefs like “I am right” can create blind spots that prevent us from being clear of interferences.

Other Forms of Interferences

Some interferences seem to be happening in “waves”. Many sensitive healers and psychically perceptive individuals have stated something unusual is manifesting, as if darkness that is in people is being brought up to the surface. More reports of “possession” for example, especially in methamphetamine addicts. There is a question to be considered, “Is there an unnatural form of “dark matter” or dark energy forces being unleashed at this time in our dimensional reality, so that the shadow and “unhealed wounds and blind spots” in others becomes triggered to exaggeration, creating chaos and misunderstanding? Some have postulated that CERN is opening up pockets of “dark matter” in various locations and dimensional spaces, and in these spaces unusual demonic and dark energy manifestations are taking place. Other healers (private communications) have reported people being hit violently with psychic attacks by certain types of beings such as draconians, causing severe bodily reactions like purging, violent nausea and vomiting for hours on end. A new kind of virus? Who knows…

See also  1993: CLOSE ENCOUNTER

Our best weapon of defense against this darkness attacks, is to become lucid enough to know that at any moment something could happen to trigger your old and unhealed emotional wounds. It’s most likely to be done by a close friend, family or person you work with. So make your best efforts to not overreact, blame, judge or lash out at someone. Allow the situation to de-fuse by not engaging in the drama in a way where you are likely to react in a triggered fashion. Learn compassionate communication and stay in touch with your own Spirit and heart. Having a lifestyle of healing, clearing and healthy maintenance of body, mind and spirit is the best approach to defense against these types of “interferences”.

Sometimes it’s best to just lay low until the “dark cloud passes”. If you have difficulty with communication with others, and are likely to hurt someone, then just take a time out until you find the tools to deal with this the next time a wave of darkness passes into your circle and your life. Sometimes we need to quarantine ourselves until we discover the causes of these unusual types of inter dimensional interference attacks. Shield our own energy body  and spiritual immune system from invasive people or groups.

Setting Boundaries and Mutuality in Relationships

Of course there are benefits of taking time to heal in solitude or meditation retreats in silence. If you can be aware of what your own energies are, then you are ahead of the game. Sometimes if we are living with one or more people for an extended period of time, we mistake their own energy or even their emotions as our own. Energetic boundaries help us to be able to discern what is ours and what is not.

Isolation can be a thorn on our side also if we use it excessively as a psychological defense so much so that we lose our social and interpersonal connection needs. When we have multiple unhealed emotional wounds, we tend to have intimacy problems of deep authentic heart connection with others and our own self.

A good way to self connect is through safe, reflective empathy in partnership with another person (s) who can “relate” by the same rules of heart centered communication and empathy. If you find yourself giving and not receiving back in a mutual way in your friendships and relationships, or vice versa, then it’s a sign that you need to find a way to express reflective empathy for others, or to set boundaries with those who take from you but cannot return the same kind of support and friendship.

Relationships are better if they are mutual, where all parties can be honest and play by the same rules of engagement with empathetic awareness and compassion. If they are not mutual, perhaps they are not true friendships and you are either being a parent for someone or taking the role of child in the relationship.

 Trauma and Addictions

Trauma and addictions tend to go together. Traumas can remain locked into the body and emotions stay stuck in time. When locked in, they still will be a source of hidden anxiety or any form of psychological defense, inter dimensional interference or stress related health issues. The addictions serve to self medicate and help numb the emotions associated with the trauma. Self medication and numbing create a false persona “defense”, that will not connect authentically to the heart of their own “feelings” or those of others while in a numbed out, defense mode. When we repress our authentic selves, we not only hurt ourselves, but we hurt others by our own neglect of the value of their presence in our lives. When we are numb and avoid true feelings that lay hidden within us, we can neglect and reject others when they are in need, and we don’t even know how we have hurt them. This happens alot in families of alcoholics and substance abusers, workaholics, etc.

So if someone claims to have done all their healing work but is still in an active addiction, the probability is that they have not gone deep enough into their feeling being to reach the hidden “issues” that are often buried through the self numbing that goes with the addictive personality. In order to even reach the trauma and really clear it, the person has to stop the addictions because addictions in and of themselves generally sabotage the healing process.

If a person is still in an active addiction and not willing to stop this,(or cannot on their own) a true therapeutic process of deeper healing cannot fully take place. This is because as long as the numbing is still going on, the person will not be able to access deeper feelings and insights that would ordinarily be available if they were not numbing all the time. So doing therapy with an active addict is often a waste of time. It is very common that alcoholics and substance abusers keep these aspects of their lives secret, even to their doctors and “therapists” if they have one. They often normalize these behaviors such as drinking, since socially it is so acceptable that they don’t even realize that daily drinking of alcohol has become a dependence or addiction, depending on how often they drink and why.

Our Responsibility to Each Other

The more we can mutually practice compassionate presence and space for each other, the more we all can heal and be authentically present from the heart. We can be at home in the true nature of our being, when we have the love and safety of compassionate reflective presence in our lives. Safety must come first, then compassion and openness of sharing in a therapeutic manner. This also means constructive criticism, as well as support. Then healing will occur, and exaggerated triggering will lesson over time. Then the “interference factors” which are very real—will not hold as much power over you.

It also must be mentioned that healers and therapists may have blind spots and needs of their own to tend to. No one is perfect. When healers do not share with other professionals in their field for check and balance clearings, then they can become limited by their own blind spots. This, in my view, is necessary when you work with many clients. Sometimes we need a professional opinion or check and balance system to keep our own skills up to date.

Part of our journey to wholeness is to be calm in moments of uncertainty and to increase our resiliency to stress and “triggering”. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. And it’s not always “your fault”. Know that there are still things we do not fully understand in our current human state of affairs. If we have loving kindness, hold compassionate space and communication for others, we can enjoy a way of being that is present and stronger in the face of adversity. If we don’t have love, we won’t have the power to overcome.

All in balance and in wisdom.


If we could bring all wounds of trauma to their ultimate end in healing, we will come to the point of grieving losses of one sort or another. This is something that is largely marginalized in many popular and quick fix “spiritual healing modalities”. Grief is a natural process that actually leads to greater compassion for self and others, and allows the space for joy and love to live in our hearts. It connects you to your heart and spirit, and when all stages are complete, then acceptance comes with a greater spaciousness of compassion, joy, and humility is the result.

See also  1999: The 21 Trillion Year Old Hologram

Grief has many stages, five of which are known and popularized by the work of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (übler-Ross_model). It may not go through each stage in the exact order, but move in two or more phases at the same time. Or go back and forth from one stage to another, one step forward, two steps backward, two steps forward, one step backward, until resolution and acceptance occurs. One can get stuck in grief or have “complicated grief” when it’s combined with PTSD. I discuss grieving at length in my Dark Side of Cupid book,( because I believe it is very important and usually overlooked in many therapeutic circles, especially New Age “clearings” where they neglect the obvious fundamental work that really needs to be addressed. Grief is not a bad thing but people run from grief like the plague. Or they confuse it with depression and take an anti depressant when really all they may need is support in bereavement therapy. If you don’t do your grieving work, whether it’s the loss of a loved one, your own childhood or your illusions of love, you will never be free from unhappiness and constant setbacks in your life.

 Foundational Healing Work

It is my experience that the greatest benefit to “advanced healing modalities” like Holographic Kinetics or even Dr. Corrado Malangas Liberation techniques (, is when the person has  already engaged in foundational counseling therapies along the way. This actually needs to be done so that the person is open to change to allow a deeper internal connection to Heart and Spirit.(Or integrated mind, spirit soul, body etc) The most effective healing can come when the heart-spirit connection has initially been made. This kind of spiritual connection can only be made when the usual psychological defenses, ego, “programming” and  inter dimensional entities are set aside long enough for the real work to be done. This means setting aside “false beliefs”, unhealed wounds, ego defenses and doing some grieving work, so that the quantum healing methods will “stick”. Otherwise what can happen and what does happen, is a return to alien and inter dimensional interference, or it can worsen where bigger demons come in. Why does this happen? It’s simple, you have to do the foundational healing and recovery work so that you can understand the true laws of how and why these forces enter your field. If you still hold an active addiction, or sustained psychological defenses against healing ones own pent up traumas, then you are a mine field for more interdimensional “infection”. Plain and simple.

 What is Yours and What Isn’t

I’m telling you now you cannot escape your own “stuff”. But some people run from their issues and have a tendency to blame others. Others tend to take too much responsibility and try too hard to do it for others. The key is a humbleness to relax into your own Spirit and the Source of All That Is for the truth of a given situation, person etc. to arise. To let go enough of your own defenses of being right, to allow truth to emerge for positive change. The defenses are not just about “ego” and “being right” but oftentimes a subconscious avoidance of emotional pain, memories of our own repressed traumatic experience and ungrieved losses. Sometimes we need to be gently nudged by others to let us know what we are not wiling to see or change on our own. But it is best if these “nudges to self aware-ness” can be done by someone compassionate, and not someone wanting to punish you or take their frustrations out on you due to their own unhealed wounds and reactive triggering. Unfortunately the latter happens a lot, when we are not actively doing our healing work. If we have a therapist, counselor or friend to practice things like Inner Empathy ( and Compassionate Communication (, we leave the doorway open to positive change, integration and wholeness. If we do not take responsibility for our own healing work, we are likely to get hurt and get hurt bad, by others.

We have to have patience to not get triggered and at least understand what our own triggers are. This means we have to have an awareness of what our own wounds are, our vulnerabilities and blind spots, where we are stuck. This is taking personal responsibility.

When you have to constantly remind someone who continues to carry on with addictions, compulsive behaviors, defenses, excessive drama, being irresponsible to commitments etc., then we are taking too much responsibility for someone in our lives. And of course how we communicate this to someone is important. If we do this in a blaming, shaming or critical way, they are most likely not going to respond positively and even get defensive and avoid you. But if you do this in a compassionate way, maybe no more than three separate times, then you have done your work and the rest is up to the other person to take responsibility for. If you cannot handle how another person behaves in your presence, or they cause you excessive pain, then you must take responsibility to set appropriate boundaries for your own safety.

Sometimes it takes time to change a particular situation like a bad marriage. It takes planning and execution of the plan as best as you can do over time. During these times it’s good to have some kind of counseling support, and if you do rely on a friend(s) for this support, make sure that you can offer the same kind of support back at some point. Don’t be an emotional vampire!

If the pattern continues with others despite setting “boundaries” then you may want to question whether the issue is really what you think it is. Go to counseling, talk to someone, but do so with a professional who can be a neutral observer. Someone who can call you on your “stuff” in a way where it’s safe for you to receive their observations. But if you try to hide or present “only a good side” eventually you will be found out.

Many people complain that they cannot afford “therapy”. But more often than not, it is a defense that keeps them from dealing with things they really need to clear out of their lives. If you are willing to heal and ask your higher Spirit/Source of wisdom, things will open up for you in a way where this can happen. But you have to be willing to let go of your excuses, ego, false beliefs, addictions etc., and have faith that you CAN do this. You are the only one who can start the ball rolling when it comes to your own healing and personal growth journey. No one can do the work for you. People can help guide you, but ultimately it’s up to you to want to heal and change for the better. You have to WANT to do it. And the good news is, once you connect with the power of your Spirit your intentions can be executed and healing can be done on many levels in a shorter period of time you ever thought possible.

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