Name: Korendian


Location  – Home System: Their home planet, Korendor (sometimes erroneously spelled Korender), is said to be the third planet in a solar system consisting of 12 planets circling the star Korena, which would be a star in the Bootes constellation, quite close to Arcturus. Korena would be 400 light-years away from us.

Distance from Earth:


Motives: The Korendians claim alliance with the Arcturians and are part of a massive collective Alliance of worlds that lean more to non-Interventionism than to direct Interventionism.

Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height: 4 to 5 feet tall
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair: There were no discernible eyebrows (or in fact any hair at all).
  • Skin: The skin was very smooth. It was what we would call “white” in color, but with a “tanned” appearance not unlike what one would see on any California beach.
  • Eyes: The eyes were about the same size ratio to the head as ours, and placed at about the same location on the face. They were deep blue, almost indigo, with smaller pupils because of Korena’s light being about 1/6 brighter at the Korendian surface than our sun’s on Earth.
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information:  [The body] was unexpectedly short, (…) and solidly constructed for their gravity, which is 3.2 times that of Earth.   The skull structure over the eyes protruded more than a Terran’s, perhaps to shade the eyes from overhead sunlight. The ears were smaller in relation to the head than ours, lobeless and distinctly peaked at the top. They were pressed almost flat against the head. The nose was small, with slit nostrils. The mouth was slit-like, with lips that were less pronounced than ours, and slightly narrower in proportion to the jaw. It was curled upward in what on Korendor must pass for a smile.


The head was rounded, with a larger cranial cavity (comparatively) than a Terran’s, and with a concavity in the cheeks that started at the lower jaw and ended in front of the ears. The neck was thick and sinewy, again an effect of higher gravity. The torso was compact and powerfully muscular. The arms and legs were at about the same ratio of length to body height as ours but were heavier and very well developed. The hands were proportionate to ours, but with slightly longer fingers and a discernible webbing between the thumb and the rest of the hand. As with the rest of the body, it appeared to be quite strong. 

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 


Life Form Type: Humanoid


Most Common Species:

Level of Species:


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:  At least two more radio amateurs have subsequently come forward claiming that they, too, had been contacted by Korendrians. Renaud, however, does not believe them. Bob’s main contact was called Lin-Erri, and he eventually got to meet her as well as other Korendrians.

Special Features/Characteristics: 

Summary/Description: Humans allegedly living on a colonized planet known as ‘Korender‘. Perfectly ‘human’ in proportion yet 4-5 ft. tall on the average. Gabriel Green described alleged contacts with this group in publications during the late 1950’s – early ’60’s. The accounts published by Gabriel Green were rather fantastic, although perhaps no less so than some other accounts.

Robert Renaud is one of the major contactees of “Korendian” and he claims they have a large underground facility somewhere in Massachusetts. The combination of claim Korendians with Arcturians and are part of a collective alliance massive worlds that look more to non-Interventionism than to direct Interventionism. Many of the contactees who have allegedly encountered the ‘Korendians‘–such as John W. Dean who wrote a ‘catalog‘ of life on other planets which contained reams of inaccurate astronomical data, and Colin Boyd Cameron–have obviously been the subjects of apparent ‘propaganda’ or ‘disinformation’ operations. This suggests that if the Korendians do exist they MAY be a MIB-like society similar to the ‘Lanolus‘ people or the ‘MIB’ society described by John A. Keel in some of his works


Gabriel Green, the editor of UFO International Magazine, published the story of ‘Bob‘, an American radio amateur who in 1961 was contacted on his radio by a race of ‘Korendrians,’ inhabitants of the planet Korendor. Bob was later identified as Bob Renaud. His story was published in the book “UFO contact from Korendor.” Several researchers, including Wendelle Stevens, have investigated his claims, and are convinced he is sincere about them.

Source:  Bob Renaud’s case was investigated by a number of people, including Gabriel Green and Wendelle Stevens, who all found him a credible first-hand witness.  The Terrakor Files (B.Renaud)

Symbol of the Terran Federation

Symbol of the Terran Federation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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