A theory on the phenomenon known as Reptoids

I have to tell you, the first time I heard of the word Reptoids, I was a little bit skeptical to say the least. Initially they seemed like something that belonged in a Star Trek tv show, not in any serious type of discussion to do with alien beings that perhaps visit this Earth. As time wore on though, I found my skeptism turning from “What ? Are you kidding?” to ” Maybe it’s me thats crazy!”. The journey was one of learning, of having my most smug beliefs about the world we live on turned inside out. So while till this day I cannot say with total conviction that I know Reptoids exist, I cannot deny that they very well may exist either. I have never seen a Reptoid, but I have never seen a dinosaur either. At least I don’t think I have….

My journey began about 3 years ago when I used to attend these seminars run locally by an organization known as the Eyes of Learning. The meetings were usually about esoteric matters, new age belief, aliens etc.. and I would attend them regularly as that stuff is right up my alley. There was one meeting in particular where I heard for the first time about Reptoids. It was by a woman who claimed to be abducted at Montauk Point, New York, and was subsequently experimented on and raped by these so – called reptillian creatures. I attended the meeting with two very close friends of mine, and needless to say we spent much of the time trying not to laugh in this womans face. None of us are mean people, and we spent some of our time by distracting ourselves with trying to guess who were the CIA agents in the audience and making sure we did not get too close to ” The Doctor”. (I am only half joking when I say this!)

The woman spoke of being taken underground there where these horrors were lived. There were two things though that struck me that night, one was that this woman was so sincere in what she said, and appeared to believe it totally. Thats not to say I believed it, but there you go. The second thing that struck me was the fact that Montauk is about an hour and a half from where I live. This is not some base in the middle of a forsaken desert on the other side of the continent, this was something I could go look at for myself. Just as I go out on some clear nights and look at the stars ever watchful for the stray ufo, this was something within my reach. So I kept all this information tucked away in the back of my mind, not realizing at all that this experience, and several other things in my life were going to bring me to a point one day where I suddenly become aware I have been looking at different pieces of the same puzzle. A sort of mini epiphany if you will…

The UnderWorld

English: Edmond Halley with a diagram showing ...
English: Edmond Halley with a diagram showing the multiple shells of his hollow Earth theory. Deutsch: Edmond Halley mit einer Darstellung der verschiedenen Schalen seiner Hohlerde-Theorie (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So life went on from that point. But I will try to show you all the pieces as they are, and why I don’t believe the idea of Reptoids to be as far fetched as it might seem. I remember reading an article on the Hollow Earth theory. Again, the idea of this seemed ridiculous to me, and it still does, however as I read this particular article I came to find that Hollow Earth theory does not necessarily mean a big hollow center of the Earth with two gigantic openings, one at each pole. This article was describing not a huge open world beneath our feet, but rather a world of caverns and underground rivers. A world wide connected system of caves running deep beneath the surface. A world with a biology as diverse as ours here on the surface.

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The idea of a subterranean biosphere is not as far fetched as you may first think. Every single place on the Earth, from the bottom of the deepest ocean to the top of the tallest mountain, from the frozen waste lands of the arctics to mines over a mile deep in South Africa, everywhere man has looked on this world, man has found life. Not life as we are used to, but life none the less.

Lets first take a look at a cryptozoological species, Nessie: The Loch Ness Monster. Now, Nessie is pretty well debunked in most scientific circles, the Loch does not have enough food in it to sustain a behemoth plesiosaur like Nessie. Its simple mathematics really. Or is it. Is it possible that a very subtle piece of the equation is missing?

This article suggested as a theory, that Nessie and others like her that are reported all over the world are not year round inhabitants of the Loch. Perhaps these creatures come to these very deep lakes to breed. Much like salmon, plesiosaur like creatures come to safe havens to breed, or perhaps to give birth, and when they are through they travel back to the ocean via deep underground rivers. Perhaps they spend there lives in the deep oceans, and like the giant squid are rarely if ever seen by man. Is this possible? You bet it is. Does it explain why very credible witnesses have reported seeing these creatures, yet these creatures remain elusive to scientists? It does indeed. Now I am not ready to go on national tv and swear before God that I know Nessie like creatures exist, but I almost am.

There are other creatures also that could possibly be using the deep Earth as their habitats. Big foot or SASQUATCH, el Chupacabra and a host of other elusive pseudo monsters. Is it possible that these “animals” live primarily underground, having adapted to that environment for one reason or another, and come to the surface at times for different reasons? Take the chupacabra for instance. Sightings of this beast occur primarily at night. Is it because it is easier to move about at night? Or is it because their eyes are not hurt at night by the suns strong glare? If they do exist and this is the correct scenario, I believe the latter is their first motivation. And while they may use their eyes, they may also make use of others senses that enable them to get around in the dark, like bats that use sonar.


Mask, Wee peoples, Côte d'Ivoire, Late 19th to...
Mask, Wee peoples, Côte d’Ivoire, Late 19th to mid-20th century, Wood, pigment, brass tacks, bells, metal, cloth, hair, teeth (Photo credit: cliff1066™)

History is rife with tales of monsters. For example, according to Irish mythology, when the Celts came to Ireland they met a race of what they called “The Wee People”. Now the Celts had an interesting way of greeting inhabitants of the new lands they were colonizing. They killed them. The Celts were a brutal and warlike race. And in turn, so the stories go, when they came to Ireland and encountered these beings, they treated them the same way that they treated everyone else. As the saying goes, all myths have their roots in facts, and perhaps tales of Leprachauns and Faeries are not as far fetched as people think. Indeed, the tales describe that these Wee People went underground to escape from the blood thirsty Celts, an intriguing detail if you ask me.

And if you look at any culture in the world, you will find equally interesting tales or fables. Is it just the result of mans superstitious nature and fear of the unknown? Or is it something alot more tangible than shadows flitting through the mind. As of right now, we just dont know. As easy as it is to dismiss these things, unless we invent a time machine, or we master underground exploration, we dont know. I did a calculation once, to see how much of the world lies beneath the surface. I dont have the exact figures with me now, but the results show that there is over 100 billion cubic miles of matter beneath our feet! I checked and rechecked my results, because it doesnt seem intuitively reasonable. But thats the fact of the matter. The results include the oceans, and also assume the Earth is a perfect sphere, which its not, but is good enough for a rough estimate. One thing is for sure, if you started counting from one and counted as fast as you could for a life time of a hundred years without ever stopping, you would not even come close to reaching a 100 billion. Not even close. To achieve that you would need to count from 1 to 100 every three seconds.

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Needless to say, that is alot of real estate. Lets suppose for a moment, and I should really say assume, that no life can exist more than 1 kilometer deep. Well, the Earth has a surface area of approx. 511 million square kilometers!! Thats a tiny bit less than 511 million cubic kilometers of space that might be habitable. In fact, not might be, but is! Who knows what might be down there? When I get a chance I will add a page of calculations showing all of these figures in a more precise manner. But the number is mind boggling to say the least…


Life will do anything to survive. Anything. While some of us may be noble enough to give our lives for a cause, or evil enough depending, the song remains the same. We may give our life to save a life, or to promote the continued existence of our species. Those are exceptions to the rule. But the truth is, life in general will do anything to continue its own existence. Thats why species that can adapt to massive changes in the environment are more likely to continue surviving. Enter the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs went extinct. Right? Well yes, but there are non dinosaur species that survive to this day. Sharks and cockroaches are examples. But didnt some dinosaurs evolve into birds? Possibly, but it cant be conclusively proven at this time. Evidence that supports the theory is scarce, and turns out to be questionable sometimes. It appears that some people will do anything to get credit for a discovery, including manufacturing evidence. But that is not why I have brought you here.

There are even places in the world where there are fossilized footprints of humans alongside dinosaurs as well as other examples of fossilized human footprints. Places where fossilized human remains have been found in strata millions of years old. But that is off topic. You see, since I was very young one of the things I had a great interest in was dinosaurs. I read books on them whenever I could, and to this day I watch almost every tv program on dinosaurs that I can. In fact, it is one of the more or less recent discoveries to do with dinosaurs that really brought this whole thing on Reptoids about for me. It has to do with Antartica. Now we all know that Antarctica is as inhospitable as any place on Earth. It is colder than cold, and the nights and days grow longer and longer at opposite times of the year, until you get what is called the long night, or the long day. But life was not always like that there. Indeed, 150 million years ago, Antartica was as hospitable as any other place on the Earth.


At that time there was only one continent and it was called Pangea. As time passed, the super continent began to break up, and the seperate continents began to drift apart from one another. But there was life on all of them, including Antartica. Dinosaur life. And at first life there was pleasant enough I suppose. But over the eons as the continent began to drift further and further south, it began experiencing climatical changes that were not making it any easier to survive. The climate slowly began to cool, the nights began to get longer as did the days on the opposite side of the year.

Now when I was a kid, we were taught that dinosaurs, apart from being big, slow and stupid, were cold blooded. They could not survive cool weather. Well so far, with the exception of their intelligence, every one of those facts has been proven wrong. A big part of the reason is paleontology taking place in Antartica today. Some of the most stunning finds show that dinosaurs were surviving there long after any cold blooded creature had a right to. Another big find made within the last couple of years involves a species of dinosaurs called Leallynasaura’s. These dinosaurs lived on the Antarctic continent long after they should have by conventional wisdom. They survived long after the nights grew to be months, as did the days. And that alone does not make them particularly special, there were many species that were alive at that time under those conditions. What made this dinosaur so special were its eyes. They were huge. These creatures were also using a large part of their brains to process visual information. This has been found by observing the size of their optic ridges.

In other words, these dinosaurs were most likely nocturnal. They adapted to hunting for food during the long nights, taking advantage of dinosaurs which were better suited to living their lives during the daylight hours. Now, the question naturally arises, what did these creatures do when the days became months long?

Your guess is as good as mine, but I am willing to bet that they sought shelter from the light in places that were dark ie. caves. And perhaps they slowly became adapted to living in caves. It is possible. And perhaps they found as the continent became too cold for any creature (almost any) to survive, that living underground was the only option. Of course these are huge leaps to make, and as far as I know there is no proof for this right now, as most of Antartica is covered in kilometer thick ice. But I think it is possible. If you go down a hundred feet into the Earth, the temperature remains about a coolish 58 degrees F.

Again, the lines of reasoning seem sound. Taken by itself it may mean nothing. And there I was, just minding my own business with all of this seemingly unrelated information scattered throughout my head when I had my epiphany. It struck me all at once and I looked at the world around me in a new light.
Is it possible that at least one species of dinosaur not only survived the cooling of Antarctica  but continues to survive to this day? Is it possible, that given the 80 million years or so that they would have had to develop intelligence, that they did. Could it be that these things are underneath us right now and perhaps piloting some of the ufo’s that we see in the sky? To me, this idea seems more likely than theories of intelligent life coming from other planets. If only because I know there was life on this planet millions of years ago. I cannot say the same with the same surety about other planets. And if this is at all true, the implications are much greater than anyone has suspected. Of course this is just theory, but I have always felt truth is stranger than fiction, and our climb up the tree of knowledge has only just begun.

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