Name: Santinians


Location  – Home System: The term Santinians is used to refer to the (humanoid) inhabitants of the Centauri System. The Centauri system is the nearest star system. The home planet of the Santinians is called Metharia. It is one of several planets that revolve around Centauri A. The Centauri System consists of three stars, Centauri A, B and C. Centauri A and B form a double-sun. At this moment, Centauri C is the Sun’s nearest neighbor, though usually, people refer to Alpha Centauri (or Centauri A), which is the brightest of the three stars, as being the nearest star, hence the name Alpha Proxima.

Distance from Earth: four and a half light-years away.



Physical Appearance:

  • Average Height:
  • Average Weight:
  • Body Temperature:
  • Pulse/Respiration:
  • Blood Pressure:
  • Life Expectancy:
  • Hair:
  • Skin:
  • Sex:
  • Life Expectancy:

Other Physical Information:

Special Traits and Abilities:

Communication Type: 

Origin: They are of Vegan descent.

Life Form Type: Humanoid


Most Common Species:

Level of Species: The Santinians are one of the spiritually and technologically most advanced humanities in our neighborhood. There is a close connection to the Sirians, Pleiadians, and Venusians. They are members of the Ashtar Command, and /or the Federation of Planets.


Transportation Type:

Witnesses Reports:

Special Features/Characteristics: 

Summary/Description: The name comes from the Italian, Santini, which means little saints.  On Metharia there are no differences in the living conditions. The standard of living – to use a term common on Earth – is the same on the whole planet. There is no separation by terms like poor and rich, educated and uneducated, and there is no disagreement in religious questions, for the spiritual laws, are evident to everyone.


All people have the same conditions to spend a life in harmony and without compulsion. Everything is available for everyone, and nobody would like to keep something from his brother or his sister, or even to take away consciously. For everybody knows who is the only true proprietor: God, the Creator. The creation in its endless richness is only a gift on loan, a tool for spiritual development.

Technical perfection is not wanted for itself, but for the good and the benefit of all living beings. Technical installations as we have on Earth-like power stations or oil platforms – are unacceptable to the Santinians, for they disturb the nature kingdoms.

Like all-star people, the Santinians represent (or approach to) some specific spiritual qualities. These are the following:

  • Devotion to the Highest: which means being connected to the Source and serving the Divine Will.
  • Authority: which means guiding, teaching and helping others.
  • Harmony: which expresses in harmonic relationships and a constant consciousness to live in the presence of the Highest.

Harmony can be said to be the most important basic condition for the life and development of the Santinians. It manifests in a certain balance of relationships. For instance, a family community ideally consists of two members of each generation: 2 grandparents, 2 parents, 2 children…The particular importance of harmony can be understood from the presence of the double sun, which represents a perfect relationship on a higher level.

Social events and common spiritual devotion are accompanied by ceremonies like on Earth. When a man and a woman believe being destined for each other, they marry. The bride and the bridegroom are both wearing a golden robe with a blue star on the chest. In addition to it, the bridegroom is wearing a snow-white belt. The ceremony is held in the open air in a circular place – similar to an arena. Divorce is possible and it happens at the same place where the marriage was held. Mostly, however, both feel ashamed of being divorced in front of the same people who witnessed their marriage.


The technical capabilities of the Santinians are far beyond our imagination. The construction of the huge space ships – which may extend up to several kilometers – and interstellar travel beyond the light barrier are only possible by materialization and dematerialization. On Earth, such abilities are mastered by only a few people.

The Santinians are here to help the people on Earth. However, they have to respect our free will, and they won’t force us to believe in them.

Source: [Source of information: article on the now-defunct spirit web ] Galen

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