This is the Simon Parkes video interview from October 2014 where he talks about Ebola, 2017 Shift and many things. These items are bulleted below and then a commentary on the video by a colleague.

This is the link to the interview:

  • Hard times ahead, next two years. Shift to begin/happen in 2017
  • The battle to come is an energetic one involving DNA of many ET soul families
  • Evil groups on earth wanting to kill those who have or will manifest the full 12-13 strands of DNA
  • Lyran ET genetics involved with humanity for thousands of years
  • The 12 Strands of DNA and the 13th “activation metagene DNA strand” which activates the 12
  • Simon’s own soul combination of 1/3 human, 1/3 mantid and 1/3 reptilian
  • Shapeshifting is not necessarily a demonic thing but rather an energetic manifestation of inner soul qualities or combinations of various types of ET genetics
  • Do not take the Ebola vaccine

Comments by a colleague:

“He says that if you live through 2017, then things will get more positive after that time. (NOPE)  The next few years are going to be very painful.  He says if certain things unfold, that many will go underground, off-planet, or commit suicide.

He says that by 2019 the governments will collapse and when this happens, a hijack will take place if we do not establish leadership quickly.  He says the military will want leadership and will try to set up one.  He says if you live through all this, you will be part of a massive turnaround that has something to do with 12 soul families from the multiverse.

See also  2010: David Icke & Credo Mutwa -- The Reptilian Agenda

He says that many here now are originally from Lyra, and had to endure the Reptilians taking their planet and forcing then out.  These Lyran souls need to be here at the end   He talks about 12 types of inter-dimensional beings and how they have created a 12 strand DNA, in the human.

He says there is a forthcoming battle revolving around these strands and something he calls the metagene, which is the 13th strand of DNA that will be activated in some humans.  He says if the organic brain and soul are communicating, then the 13th strand will be activated.  He says that these are energetic strands, not physical strands and that the battle will happen on an energetic level.   He said that the evil elite will try to kill these people with the 13th activated strand. He says the 13th strand binds all the strands in one bundle and that those who can bundle these are the ones in ascension.”

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