2016: What Psychology Says About Extraterrestrial Belief

NASA has discovered a mysterious satellite they call the ‘Black Knight’ in orbit around Earth. Theorists believe it is a UFO from another civilized planet. Skeptics dismiss it as space junk. Extraterrestrial enthusiasts argue heatedly with cynics. How could the ancient Egyptians Have assembled pyramids that were architecturally advanced for their time if not for help from space? Even Albert Einstein said that time travel is possible if we can beat the speed of light. The theorists view the unbelievers as narrow-minded and dull. In contrast, the skeptics think of them as delusional to trust outrageous claims with little scientific credibility. Stereotypes vs Psychology Theorists and skeptics are put to the test in a study done by Viren Swami University of Westminster and Malaysia University, […] Read More

2015: Thoughts On ETs By Albert Einstein In A Newly Released Digital Papers

Early in December 2014, Albert Einstein’s digital papers were released and many were excited to know about any mention of space travel from the great man’s work. While Einstein died two years earlier than the launch of Sputnik 1 in 1957, the theory about rocket flight had existed for many decades by that time. Many people were theorizing about it, including Hermann Oberth, a physicist from Germany. The first digital release, however, only covers the life of Einstein up to 1923, when Oberth only started to write about spaceflight. So, while searching for the terms space travel or rocket, nothing can be found in the digital papers. Perhaps, in the later volumes, these terms would come out. However, there is still an interesting item from […] Read More


PRELIMINARY NOTE FROM VINCENT — Dear Friends, Sometimes the spirit moves in strange ways, and you have to be quick to catch her, as one of my teachers once said. Last fall, I was instructed by the Ophanic angels, who had been quiescent since their invocation almost a year before, that I should offer to teach what I knew of the Ophanic system. I put the word out, by way of Dan Winter’s website, and received quite a few enquiries. I was told that I needed a certain number to reply by the fall equinox, and then more would continue to appear. That happened fine, and by early December, as I struggled with Dan’s book, my new book, starting a Geomancy college and preparing an […] Read More

2013: Invasion From The Fifth Dimension

NEW YORK-A prominent international think tank has released the first official report exposing the long suspected existence of the fifth dimension. The report, sponsored by NASA and released this month states that “The theories from turn of the twentieth century scientists were correct; the world of the fifth dimension is a reality”. The report goes on to reveal that by the early summer of 1922 German physicists, under the leadership of Albert Einstein and Max Planck had shown that the then twenty-year-old Werner Heisenberg, had discovered the mathematical model for the relative relationship between our four-dimensional world and the invisible world of the fifth dimension. This led Heisenberg to the publication in 1927 of his renowned concept of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in […] Read More

1999: Final Incarnation

The “Final Incarnation” wrote in Matrix V based on the information and personal experiences he made in the Library: “Higher Self Choices – Earth and Non-Earth Incarnations Higher Selves who choose to accept the Earth Game challenge have a much more complicated incarnational path than those who choose not to go the Earth human route. The Earth Game is one with memory blocked and with many hundreds of incarnations going on simultaneously in many different bodies, time periods, etc. Higher Selves who do not want Earth Game experience, but do want 3rd density experience can choose incarnations one at a time, sequentially in NON-Earth physicals. For example Andromedan incarnations. When the Andromedan body has served its purpose and dies, and the Higher Self chooses to […] Read More

2010: Extraterrestrials may not need UFOs to visit Earth

Steve Hammons May 13, 2010 (This article originally appeared on the Joint Recon Study Group site.) People who wonder about or even actively research the topics of UFOs and visitors from elsewhere sometimes begin with certain assumptions that may only be partially correct. We might assume that if we are being visited, these intelligent beings are all biological life forms, though they might be quite different from humans. We could also conclude that they are from another planet and they travel here aboard advanced spacecraft, possibly warping or surfing space-time in some way. However, there are also theories and indications that, although those basic concepts might generally be accurate in some cases, there could be other developments going on as well. For example, it might […] Read More

2008: The Basic Plasma Metaphysics Theory in 3+1 Dimensions

According to plasma metaphysics (Jay Alfred, Our Invisible Bodies, 2006), the physical-dense Earth is gravitationally coupled to a counterpart dark matter Earth composed of low density plasma. This “sister” Earth was co-accreted with the physical-dense Earth about 4.6 billion years ago from dark matter components in the embryonic Solar System. Plasma Life Forms evolved on this counterpart Earth, just like it did on the visible planet. These life forms were as varied in scale, structure and intelligence as carbon-based life forms – as different as a microbe from a whale; a mosquito from a tiger; a giraffe from a crocodile; an ant from a human being. Their degrees of intelligence and awareness were as different as a centipede’s awareness to the awareness and intelligence of […] Read More