2014: Scientific Proof that Humans can Contact Other Beings Directly in Real Time Anywhere in the Universe

Combining science and spirituality big time! Drunvalo Melchizidek attended a scientific meeting in Albuquerque with about 40 other scientists and physicists in April of 2014 to discuss the above-mentioned topic. I found this interview here to be fascinating listening when I heard it about 6-9 months ago. I recently recalled it and looked it up to share with you here. The bonus now was that I discovered that Milou had also done an extra video call with about 7 minutes for an important question that she forgot to take up in this first 50 minute part. The information that Drunvalo is discussing here gels with me strongly as being the truth. What he is saying basically is that we can have direct communication in real-time […] Read More

Albert Coe’s UFO Contact in 1920!!

Albert Coe was a teenager on a trip to the mountains of Canada. It was in June 1920. They were to drift down the river in a canoe. Sometimes they had to carry the canoe by falls. One late evening Albert heard a far cry for help, while his friend was further down looking up the coming way. In a narrow cleft/gap, was a young, man fallen, fatally hurt, and not able to come out by himself. But Albert was then able to bring him out. He was clothed in a peculiar, silver gray, tight jumper type garment – almost like silk. A small instrument panel was under the chest. He said he was not canoeing, but had a plane nearby, and was fishing, but […] Read More