2016: Homo Sapiens is Part Alien

My theory is that alien visitors have helped with the development of humans. We humans and the world’s ancient monuments are evidence of this theory. Genetic evidence indicates when humans left Africa all known people on Earth had dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. Michael Holick, a professor at Boston University School of Medicine who indicates when our ancestors left Africa they adjusted their skin tone to allow in more sunlight to get more Vitamin D. Essentially, from two million years ago to less than 100,000 years ago, the ancestors of all people alive were from Africa. Genetic evidence indicates that light-skin-related mutations arose recently, and spread fast through Europe and Asia. The theory suggests that the reduction of game meat, fish, and some […] Read More

2009: Discerning Alien Information

OTE: Our members include many contactees and others who are in direct contact with interdimensional beings, sometimes without actually realizing it.   At this time the Aliens Beings who are being threatened by the rising energies are seeking dos seduce unwary humans to help them with their agenda, which is to remain in control of Earth. For this reason, they will be seductive and appear to be “turning to the light”, something that very few humans can discern, and an intentionally deceptive ploy.  This is an interesting read and gives us a lot to think doubt whether we agree with everything in it or not. » Download the PDF: Fully formatted, 690kB. Good for printing in landscape mode with two pages per sheet. Also available […] Read More

1998: Mantis Type Aliens?

by Robert M. Collins 10-13-98 Derrel Sims of  F.I.R.S.T (address & phone number below) just recently sent me an artist sketch of a recent abduction case in Houston Texas of a  “Mantis type creature” looking over a female lying unconscious and apparently nude on a table: Because of artist copyright considerations, only a modified sketch is shown here with the above “Insect Mantis” picture: I think it pretty obvious that both the modified Mantis picture from Derrel Sims and the other “Insect Mantis” picture look remarkably alike?   This case in Houston Texas according to Derrel Sims was collaborated by other abductees” in Dallas Texas. And, this same “Mantis” type creature was also mentioned in  Whitley Strieber‘s new book “Confirmation” on page 197: Under the title of  “Jesse’s Story” […] Read More

The Krill Report 4

A SITUATION REPORT ON OUR ACQUISITION OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND INTERACTION WITH ALIEN CULTURES by O.H. KRILL Well, as if this weren’t enough, let’s examine the basic allegations that were raised by Gary Stollman when he held an empty BB gun to David Horowitz on KNBC Channel 4, Los Angeles, in October, 1987. Gary clearly though that he was alone in his knowledge, and evidently turned to desperation to have the public become aware of what he knew. For the sake of brevity, I will simply summarize the allegations, and make comments where I wish to do so: His physical father is in fact a clone created by the CIA and alien forces. Cloning is a part of a plot to overthrow the U.S government. The CIA maintains […] Read More

1980’s: Alien Encounter

I had an experience with these aliens when I was about 6 or 7. I always thought aliens were just from outer space but now I realize a group of them took me underground through a cave entrance and my memory of the whole thing pretty much ends right there. I’m 37 now and that one particular what I thought dream has been with me ever since. Derek Mon 3/28/2011 4:17 PM

2002: Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan

This article addresses some important questions regarding the alien agenda. It merely skims the surface and should therefore supplement your own research, not replace it. If you want a thorough grasp of what’s going on, I recommend analyzing with discernment the following books: Gods of Eden – William Bramley The Threat – Dr David Jacobs Taken – Karla Turner The Love Bite – Eve Lorgen Into the Fringe – Dr Karla Turner God’s Gladiators – Stuart Wilde Tales from the Timeloop – David Icke UFOs and the National Security State – Richard Dolan The Allies of Humanity – Marshall Summers Bringers of the Dawn – Barbara Marciniak The Ra Material, Books I,II,III – Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert Cassiopaean Transcripts – Cassiopaeans, LKJ Each of these […] Read More

1996: Demons in Alien’s Clothing

By Ron Patton As we enter the 21st century and a new Millenium, Satan has devised the delusion that mankind is entering into an important evolutionary phase – a New Age. The push for “global enlightenment” has now extended to the vast reaches of the universe, into what could be deemed as a “space” religion. However, once this nebulous veil is lifted, a definite correlation emerges between the UFO/Alien phenomenon and occultic/satanic activity. The ancient civilizations of the Egyptians, Babylonians, Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas shared several intriguing characteristics: They were extremely advanced scientifically and technologically. Animal and human sacrifices were performed at an alarming rate, preceding their demise. They believed they had acquired metaphysical knowledge from the “gods“, whom they perceived as coming from the […] Read More

The MIB, Reptilians and You

Formerly titled “The Pasturing and Use of Homo Sapiens” by “TAL” My late friend, Richard Shaver, told me that asking “officialdom” for action about UFO data is like a Jew asking Hitler for mercy on the grounds that you have a family to care for. The storm troopers reaction is to go out and pick up the rest of the family. Most UFO buffs think that their efforts will lead to some sensible attention by the powers that be, attention to the broad problem that UFOs present … the problem of “Are they invaders?” and “What do they want here on Earth?” and all those other nagging questions. They come to Earth for things surface people don’t know about. Earth is on the ancient space […] Read More


Name: Very Tall Race AKA: Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: 7-8 feet tall Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Look like us Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Sub Species: Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: United with the Swedes Source:


Name: Yukonadious Greys AKA: Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: There is not much that we know about them as they are very secretive about their plans and try to conceal all that they do. Nonetheless, they are as active as the Zetas on our planet, and maybe even more dangerous and a bigger threat to humanity. Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: The Yukonadious are physical beings that look much like a hybrid between the Zetas and Humans (but they are not), and have a more threatening appearance. From our standards of beauty, they are ugly as you can imagine. If you add to their looks (they look much like the ET that […] Read More