2015: The NSA’s message from the Extraterrestrials, on their website!

Not a lot of people realize this but the NSA have on their website proof of Extraterrestrial contact under the title “Key to the Extraterrestrial messages” (found under www.nsa.gov). This is a hugely important step towards Disclosure and something which is far too overlooked by the UFO community.  The original document was cleared for public release back in October 2004, but strangely not ‘officially’ released into the Public Domain until April 2011!  Such an important document needs to be seen by the world as this is on the NSA’s actual website, sat there waiting for all to see.  We want Disclosure of Alien contact, then here you go! This one small step, yet ‘Giant Leap For Mankind’, is best described as a ‘treasure trove’. Of […] Read More

1999: Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series 1

Ted Rice Sub Fugura 1 archived 10-07-99 Archive file# e100799e donated by James Vandale Subject: IUFO: ::: Reptoid Rape ::: Reptoid Rape: A Multi-Part Series [from a hypnotic regression session on “alien abductee” Ted Rice] Soon he began to get new images, also from his childhood but this time involving his other grandmother, and himself at a slightly older age. Ted struggled to regain a clear sense of vision, but something — an induced block, perhaps, or his own reluctance — held him back. And then, as if bubbling up from somewhere deep within him, information began to trickle into his mind. His recollections started in the midst of a bizarre scene unlike anything Ted had ever consciously remembered. “Grandy is standing on something,” he […] Read More

The Coming of the Cassiopaeans 2

The year passed. It was now 1993 and we had been engaged in our “experiment” for some time. Meanwhile, a local 12-year-old girl was reported missing. I was very shaken by it because, when her photo was displayed on the television, she looked so much like my number two daughter that I almost began to cry! I was surprised by my emotional reaction! And, even more, surprised when I “saw” in my mind’s eye that the girl was dead, naked, wrapped in what looked like saran wrap, lying in a stand of pine trees. I even had a “sensation” of the general location. Of course, every psychic in the area jumped on the bandwagon and were leading the cops around here and there and saying […] Read More


This article was taken from the Arts&Leisure section of the North Shore Sunday newspaper published in Salem, MA dated September 12, 1993: by Alexander Stevens Anthony Constantino’s hypnosis sessions helped four men relive their alleged UFO abductions When you chat with Anthony Constantino, there’s always one inevitable question: “Do you believe them?” “Them” is a group of four friends who went camping on the Allagash Waterway in northern Maine in the summer of 1976. Maybe you saw them recently on the Joan Rivers Show, where they detailed an ordeal in which they claimed they had a close encounter with a UFO. They are receiving national attention with the release this summer of “The Allagash Abductions” written by Raymond Fowler of Wenham who is a director […] Read More

1992: Star Warriors The Hopis & the Greys

I found this interesting series of information that had been reposted on the Newsgroup relating a knowledge that the Hopis have of ETs and the Greys. It seemed to fit perfectly into this section of our Web considering we discuss the Hopi Prophecy in our New Age Section. These series of papers seem to link together many aspects of Prophecy and information shared of what is going on behind the scenes involving contacts with Extraterrestrials and the official agencies holding this information. See what you think …. Illinois From: lpb@florida.swdc.stratus.com (Len Bucuvalas) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Hopi Indians and ETs Keywords: cia, mj12, bush, rockefeller, rothschild Date: 8 Jan 93 23:59:28 GMT =============================================================== From: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy Subject: FILE: Star Warriors – Part 1 […] Read More

1998: Men In Black: Menace Or Mirage?

Ominous entities visit UFO witnesses to threaten and coerce them to silence. Men in black are unknown entities who threaten and menace UFO witnesses. They claim to be from obscure government agencies that don’t exist and they drive brand new vintage cars with license plates that subsequently prove to be unissued numbers. Men in black ultimately prove to be harmless, despite all their threats of beatings and kidnapping. But who are they and who sends them to the homes of UFO witnesses? An encounter with the mysterious figures can be one of the most disturbing experiences a UFO witness can have. Visits from MIBs follow a set pattern and usually happens to a male UFO witness who reports his sighting or encounter. Immediately after (and […] Read More

2002: Is There An Alien Strategy?

Sat 30, Nov 2002 @ 22:22 by: an anonymous coward. After 55 years of continued UFO reports indicating a wide range of UFO/alien behavior, the question must arise as to whether or not the UFO occupants, or aliens, are carrying out some sort of strategy directed at us. And if so, what kind of strategy? According to Elaine Douglass, for example, it is evident they are participating in maintaining the UFO cover-up. That this is the case follows from the fact that never, in hundreds of thousands of sightings and large numbers of abductions, have they stayed around long enough for the news media of the developed world to converge upon the scene, and never have they left sufficient the evidence behind to satisfy scientists […] Read More


by Alison Davidson From Borderlands 1993-vol 49, No.2 A fiction no matter how bizarre, if repeated often enough becomes accepted as fact especially if it’s reinforced by the voice of some Authority or other. This goes on all the time, especially in the media and their propaganda bulletins passed as network news, to take an obvious example. But the frightening thing is that once a fabricated belief is established in the mass mind, anyone who tries to expose the original fiction is almost certain to be set up as a liar, a lunatic, or worse… Fortunately for us there are still lunatics in the world who pan for truth in the polluted rivers of disinformation. Borderlands has long been one of those rare places where […] Read More

Common Sense II – Rebuttal to a Reptile in Human Clothing

This Treatise is called “More Common Sense” in memory of Thomas Paine when he tried to explain the facts of life to the colonists prior to the Revolutionary War. This letter is in rebuttal to the one Dr. Richard Boylan gave to a female abductee in a recent Contact Forum letter. Boylan’s letter was a classic example of a reptilian propagandist and apologist’s lame efforts to justify evil perpetrated upon an innocent person. My name is James Bartley and I am a close associate and colleague of Barbara Bartholic of Tulsa Oklahoma. Barbara is the most knowledgeable Reptilian researcher on this planet. There is no one on this planet who knows more about the Alien Abduction phenomena than Ms. Bartholic. She has worked with over […] Read More


ABOUT THE INFORMATION ON ALIENS THAT FOLLOWS May 12, 1990 Question: This information on the alien presence, that has not yet been published: Does Awareness suggest that this take priority over the other more spiritual information, because of the possibility that `window’ could close sooner than expected, or does Awareness see this `window’ remaining open and the alien information being sent out over a period of six months or a year and be balanced with other, less negative, information? COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness suggests that the most poignant, most precise, most important information be released first; that the other information may be seen as likened unto the flesh that fills out the skeleton. This Awareness indicates there could come a time wherein this information would […] Read More