2016: Are you able to decipher this “alien” code?

An astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research based in Goettingen, Germany, has developed a binary code to see if anyone might be able to decipher an alien message. “Suppose a telescope on Earth receives a series of pulses of a still unidentified beyond the solar system font. The source is a star about 50 light-years from Earth. The pulses are in the form of short and long signals and received in a very narrow band in an electromagnetic frequency of 452.12919 MHz A computer algorithm identifies the artificial nature of the pulses.; It is to carry message pulses and these pulses represent binary digits. Suppose further that you-for some reason was put in charge of decoding the message, “says this curious […] Read More

2015: At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years

by Arjun Walia I am well aware that just because somebody (no matter what their ‘position’) says something to be true, does not mean it’s true. Exceptions, however, can be made if there is evidence that goes beyond their words and correlates with what they say. At the end of the day, you have to listen to what your heart tells you. Paul Hellyer was the Canadian Minister of National Defense in the 1960s during the cold war. He was responsible for combining the Canadian Air Force, Navy, and Army into what is known today as the Canadian Forces. He was the highest-ranking person (on paper) inside of the Department of Defence for Canada. The Honorable Paul Hellyer is the highest-ranking person among all g8 […] Read More