2016: The Reptilian (Draconian) Invasion Agenda

About five thousand five hundred years ago our cosmic memory (blueprint core of creation) was erased by the Reptilian species. Thankfully that memory, frequency and energy is starting to come back now and they cannot stop it. These Reptilian beings believe they have every right to be here. They feel they have every right to enslave the rest of us because we can’t govern ourselves. They too have forgotten they are a part of the god consciousness. When the invasion happened, it was a 5th dimensional invasion, meaning from the 5th dimension the Reptilian energies created a particular wormhole and invaded. And when they did this, they scrambled our cellular alphabet. What this meant is that it unplugged our DNA, it unplugged the core source […] Read More

2015: Major New Survey Finds 1 in 5 Americans Now Believes in Ancient Astronauts

Chapman University conducted a survey that asked nearly 1,500 Americans about 88 different fears, and it included their beliefs in the paranormal, the supernatural, and the pseudoscientific. The results were about what you would expect in terms of the 40% of Americans who believe in ghosts and the 18% who feel aliens are currently visiting the earth. I was a bit surprised that only 11% of Americans believe Bigfoot is a real creature, but for our purposes the most depressing finding is that 20.3% of Americans—1 in 5!—professed a belief in ancient astronauts. According to sociologist Christopher Bader of Chapman University, who designed the survey, belief in ancient astronauts and other paranormal phenomena is positively correlated with an overall higher level of fear. Bader added […] Read More

2015: Surprising Discoveries On Ancient Hindu Texts Describes 7,000-Year-Old Planes That Could Travel To Other Planets; NASA Tries To Stop The Revelations?!

Mahabharata manuscript illustration of the Battle of Kurukshetra (Image from Wikipedia.org) January 5, 2015 –  INDIA – Ancient knives so sharp they could slit a hair in two, 24-carat gold extracted from cow dung and even 7,000-year-old planes that could travel to other planets. Those are just a couple of the startling claims made at this week’s Indian Science Congress. The surprising discoveries based on ancient Hindu texts, such as the Vedas and the Puranas, were presented at a session on “Ancient Indian Sciences through Sanskrit,” held for the first time in the history of the Indian Science Congress, which took place for the 102nd time in Mumbai on Sunday. One of the more controversial lectures, presented by Captain Anand Bodas, a retired principal of a pilot training […] Read More

1998: Gods or Greys?

Editorial on the subject of Ancient Astronauts… I do not subscribe to the view, as many do, that in order to prove that extraterrestrials visited Earth thousands of years ago, one need only look at ancient structures such as the statues on Easter Island or the pyramids of Egypt. It is my opinion that the ancient people of earth were, in fact, capable of building such structures solely on their own. However, I do firmly believe that the human race has been visited on an almost continual basis since the dawn of civilization. If one looks at early cave paintings and the art of ancient civilizations all over the world, as well as historical record, reoccurring themes of spaceships and “aliens” in spacesuits can clearly […] Read More

2006: Human-like ufonauts reported in many countries

Scott Corrales Some early UFO cases involving occupants, such as those in the ’50s and ’60s, involved more often than not creatures that resembled human beings in most respects. The more notorious “contactee” experiences provided a wealth of god-like, fair-haired saucernauts claiming to be our kindly elder brothers from outer space, visiting Earth to show us the error of our ways. In the Grey-and-Reptoid-haunted 1980’s, 1990’s, and today, it is almost heretical to suggest that any other possible form of occupant can emerge from a UFO. But human ufonauts remain an intriguing part of the picture, and their very existence has suggested very disturbing possibilities to certain investigators. In 1967, South American UFO researcher Luis Anglada Font, an ex-WW II fighter pilot and former intelligence […] Read More