2015: 5 Alien Species Constantly Visiting Earth

While it is often believed that most aliens are an unfriendly bunch, there are a few species that have been on Earth for centuries who serve to disprove this claim. Some of the more friendly alien species are listed below. by Locklip THE LYRANS It’s a widely held belief that the Lyrans are our oldest ancestors. In fact, there are those that believe that the Lyrans were actually the first “humans” to form a civilization in the Milky Way galaxy. The world famous Billy Meier was one of the first people to talk about Lyrans. He claims that they revealed to him their origins and story. He was extremely gracious to share this story with mankind. Mr. Meier reports that: “They have described their ancient […] Read More

2015: NASA Confirms Extraterrestrial Life DOES Exist On Other Planets

by Dave Snelling Aliens really do exist! That’s the amazing news that space boffins at NASA have confirmed this week. The US space agency has spoken for the first time about life on other planets and they are certain it DOES exist. Having made the astonishing claims during a conference in Washington, NASA now hopes to scour the universe in hope of finding these alien life-forms. And they are planning to use some of the world’s most advanced technology to produce a road map of space. NASA has already discovered more than 5,000 planets that could sustain life and many more are likely to be found. Sara Seager – Professor of Planetary Science and Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts – […] Read More


Author of this document to remain anonymous. Author wishes reader to know that this is only a 1st draft, as yet unfinished work in progress. The Editor of Informant News convinced author of importance of this information to the public and need for timely distribution. You are encouraged to share and distribute for non-commercial purposes as far and wide as possible as long as this entire document, including this header are included. http://www.informantnews.com FULL BRIEFING DOCUMENT “THREATS TO HUMAN FREEDOM” PREPARED FOR ALL TERRESTRIAL EARTH HUMANITY January 29,2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Ancient History 1.2 Recent History 1.3 Alien Messages 1.3.1 The Response 1.3.2 The Alien With Disk 2. THREAT ASSESSMENT 2.1 Foreign Threats 2.1.1 Human Looking Andromedians Pleiadians Procyonians […] Read More


According to a video tape made by a former C.I.A. agent, John Lear, based upon what he said he witnessed from military agents with top secret security clearances, there are about 70 different extraterrestrial civilizations that have been monitoring the Earth. Based on interviews by civilian UFO researchers from civilian professional UFO research organizations there have been people reporting abductions by beings from at least 40 other planets, although the negative experiences seem to be confined to about 6 prominent planets in both studies. The other reported beamed-up or taken-up experiences and land encounters have involved entities either friendly or neutral who are studying us much like our own scientists study primitive natives in jungles. There have been reported contacts with beings from 4 other […] Read More


Name: Alabram AKA: Location  – Home System: on a planet that lies beyond the Andromeda galaxy. Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy:Hair: Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: The beings on this particular planet have a similar physical appearance to us, but with great enlarged diaphragms and lungs. This is because the oxygen on this planet is so weak that an Earth person could not exist. “This planet has millions of people on it like ourselves. Their birthing process is different than us in that they carry the fetus for a shorter gestation period in their stomachs, and regurgitate it when the time for giving birth. At that moment the new baby is extremely […] Read More


Name: Axthadans AKA: Location  – Home System:  come from a planet called ‘Axthada‘ in the ‘Andromeda Galaxy. Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: is said to be rather tall Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: Skin: Sex: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Sub Species: Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: Michael Cohen claims this alien civilization has been watching humans and even discreetly guiding them for thousands of years. He continues “They are approximately a thousand years ahead of humanity in terms of technology. Their appearance is akin to the race we refer to as ‘Greys’. This civilization has been entrusted by other more evolved […] Read More