Name: Ellina AKA: Elves  Location  – Home System:  Distance from Earth: Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type:  Origin: Life Form Type: Humanoid Subspecies: Most Common Species: Level of Species: Habits: Transportation Type: Witnesses Reports: Special Features/Characteristics:  Summary/Description: Small Elf like aliens – “Supposedly this is the race that started the myth of Elves (Elf). They are sighted often in the Germanic countries, deep in the forest. They are not known to be lethal to humans, however, they are known as being “pranksters”… it seems that they enjoy scaring Humans when these get too close. It has been reported that they have lured Humans away from their cars in order to […] Read More

2005: The Dolphins of Heaven

The Dolphins of Heaven by: Richard D. Butler There has always been speculation that at least some of the extraterrestrial visitors to our planet are not humanoid in nature, that in fact they are or were, water-based creatures akin to our own whales and dolphins. The classification and identification of observed alien beings is one of the greatest challenges facing ufology today. If we accept that indeed there are intelligently guided extraterrestrial craft operating in our atmosphere, then the next logical question must be who and what, are they? In a previously published article, Classifications of Observed UFO Occupants, I discussed two primary species of UFO occupants. These are A) Homo Sapiens, and B) Cetaceans. The first group is comprised of seven human subgroups, both […] Read More