2015: Whistleblower Found Dead After Revealing Alien Agenda

Phil Schneider, a government geologist and engineer with over 17 years of experience working on “black projects,” is undoubtedly one of the most important whistleblowers in modern history. In September 1995, Mr. Schneider gave a presentation at the Preparedness Expo in which he exposed the New World Order Agenda and how it connects with extraterrestrials. During this speech, he presented physical evidence of alien metals and artifacts along with additional photographs to validate his claims Less than six months after giving this presentation he was found dead in his apartment with a piano wire wrapped around his neck in what most would classify a military-style execution. According to some close to the investigation, Mr. Schneider had been repeatedly and brutally tortured before being killed. Regardless, […] Read More


Dear Steve: A couple months ago I sent you the Area 51 GIF showing the LOCATION of the Visitor facility. Of late, I have been reading your FIDONET posts and have just explored the web page. Under MARS ANOMALIES re: the “crater with tube running out” you did not notice the two funny objects (covered with dirt) that the tube connects ? That is THE base on Mars utilized as a Earth signals monitoring and research facility. You have put the photo of the base on the WWW ! The tyrannical ATLZAN civilization had advanced much more than this one and even established some colonies. This was the FIRST “New World Order” which the SAME types are now trying to re-establish. The colonies rebelled – […] Read More

1989: The Alien Interview / Area 51

Area 51: The Alien Interview video is color video footage claimed to have been obtained by a man who identifies himself only as “Victor,” who purports it to be of an extraterrestrial being interrogated at a government facility. Victor maintains the footage was copied from a top-secret video originally recorded at Area 51. For fear of having his identity pinpointed, he never specifies whether he was an employee at the facility, but vaguely states that he “had reason to be present at Area 51… more than once.” Though the Alien Interview documentary states the copy was smuggled out of Area 51, Victor once again strays from details by never specifically saying where the copying took place. He merely insists that an instance of “data leaking” […] Read More