2016: Homo Sapiens is Part Alien

My theory is that alien visitors have helped with the development of humans. We humans and the world’s ancient monuments are evidence of this theory. Genetic evidence indicates when humans left Africa all known people on Earth had dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. Michael Holick, a professor at Boston University School of Medicine who indicates when our ancestors left Africa they adjusted their skin tone to allow in more sunlight to get more Vitamin D. Essentially, from two million years ago to less than 100,000 years ago, the ancestors of all people alive were from Africa. Genetic evidence indicates that light-skin-related mutations arose recently, and spread fast through Europe and Asia. The theory suggests that the reduction of game meat, fish, and some […] Read More

1999: Alien Races Here On Earth

Alien Evolving into the Human Race? 35 Million Years Ago Etheric intelligent civilization created and are designated the guardians of Earth, but they were to find physical guardians also. 26 Million Years Ago Dinoid (from Bellatrix system in the constellation of Orion) and Reptoid colonies (from one of the lesser known stars in the constellation of Sagittarius) arrive and inhabit Earth Spiritual Hierarchies of Earth send much love to these colonies Reptoid and Dinoids allow a mammalian species to evolve to sentiency. These mammals were called the pre-cataceans Pre-cataceans provide ample food for all 3 colonies in exchange for technology (which would in turn improve their production rate further) 3 civilizations coexist in harmony trading among one another for 8 million years, all 3 civilizations […] Read More

2008: They Are Already Here.

Jan. 16, 2008. Here is a person who thinks the space people are already here. Mr. Brooks and the Alien Invasion from Underground History teaches us everything but we always fail to learn. When Lawrence of Arabia attacked Akkaba with his Arab ‘army’ it was only possible, as he well knew, because the big guns the Turkish a-my had had all been fixed into place to only fire in one direction, out to sea, and not to be able to turn and face the burning ‘uncrossable’ desert that stretched for hundreds of miles behind them. There’s an invasion going on, and our ‘big guns’ are all fixed in place facing in one direction outwards while the invasion quietly goes on from behind us. This is […] Read More


Name: Arian AKA: Location  – Home System:  Arian allegedly is the name of a planet that circles Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), and that’s inhabited by a humanoid civilization. Arian would be the 4th planet circling Aldebaran. Older estimates situate it approx. 60 LY away, which is in line with the 59 LY Martin Wiesengrün mentions. Note that there are – thus far unconfirmed reports – of a possible brown dwarf companion, in which case Aldebaran would be a binary system. Allegedly the natives call their sun Raula. Arian’s orbit around it would take approx. 20.2 earth years to complete. Distance from Earth: 65.1 Light Years away. Attitude: Motives: Physical Appearance: Average Height: 2 – 3 meter tall Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Life Expectancy: Hair: brown, red, and even blue Skin: Eyes: slanted eyes Life Expectancy: 4742 […] Read More