The Yellow Book 2

What follows is the original Text concerning Yellow Book from “The Aviary” by Richard Boylan, a great researcher willing to have his reports published and stand up to public scrutiny! The Yellow Book is reported to actually be a sort of holographic compact disk, which can project images of the information it contains. It is alleged to contain references to Biblical events, even including a holographic depiction of the crucifixion of Christ. The red Book is a human compendium of information derived from the extraterrestrials. One of the predictions is that there will be a very large rift in human society as a result of ET contact becoming publicly known. This is supposed to happen in 1997. Another reported prediction is that the ETS will […] Read More


BY Richard Boylan Ph.D. The following are extracts from an interview I did on the topic of division within the government about UFO disclosure. It is shared in the public interest. PI-40 is the name which UFO/ET researcher Steven Greer, MD was informed was the code name for the governmental unit in charge of UFO/ET matters. This group has been in operation since 1947 when it was called MJ-12. It was originally organized by President Harry Truman to deal with the recovery of two discs and their extraterrestrial occupants in the New Mexico desert around July 1947. Information I have received from Dr. Michael Wolf, a scientific consultant to this group, has provided further detail. This group operates as an unacknowledged subcommittee of the National […] Read More